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Analyzing Indian Air Force Capability


Oct 3, 2005
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United States
This is a thread to discuss Indian Air Force capability, which includes fighter jets, AEW&Cs, weapons sytems, etc.. This is NOT a comparison thread.

Why is this thread in PDF aviation section if it is not for comparison?

Anyway. What are the capabilites of IAF in terms of BVR avionics and armament?
IAFs primary BVR missile is the R-77RVV-AE (100km range). Not sure if India has acquired the R-77RVV-AE-PD (160km range) for MKI.

Another BVR missile used by IAF is the R-27RE1/TE1 (RE1:70km range, TE1:130km range).

I have no idea exactly how many BVR missiles India has, but considering the number of BVR capable aircraft, there should 1000s of BVR missiles in Indian inventory.

Avionics for MKI: The Su-30MKI features an all-weather, digital multi-mode, dual frequency, forward facing NIIP N-011M radar which has a 350 km search range and a 200 km tracking range. The radar can track and engage 20 targets and engage the 8 most threatening simultaneously. These targets can include cruise/ballistic missiles and even motionless helicopters. The radar is combined with a helmet mounted sight system, which allows the pilot to turn his head in a 90º field of view, lock on to a target and launch the TVC-capable R-73RDM2 missile. The radar's forward hemisphere is ±90º in azimuth and ±55º in elevation. The N-011M ensures a 20 metre resolution detection of large sea targets at a distance up to 400 km, and of small size ones - at a distance of 120 km.

In March 1998, the IAF signed a contract with the French electronics manufacturer, Sextant Avionique, to add six liquid colour displays, five MFD 55s and one MFD 66, for both the pilot and his WSO (Weapons System Officer), the Totem inertial guidance system with the GPS technology and the VEH 3000 holographic HUD. Officials from Sexatant have acknowledged that they have already validated the GPS system on Sukhoi aircraft. The six LCDs have a wide-screen and are shielded to make it readable even in bright sunlight. All the flight information is displayed on these four LCD displays which include one for piloting and navigation, a tactical situation indicator, and two for display systems information including operating modes and overall operation status. The aircraft is fitted with a satellite navigation system, which permits it to make flights in all weathers; day and night. The navigation complex comprises an inertial directional system and short- and long-range radio navigation systems. It also has a laser attitude and a heading reference system. An automatic flight control system makes all phases of its flight automatic, including the combat employment of its weapons.

Avionics for Mirage 2000: IAF's Mirage 2000s are equipped with the Thomson-CSF RDM radar which allows multi-mode functioning. It is also fitted with an Antilope terrain-following radar for automatic flight, down to 61 meters. IAF Mirage 2000s are fitted with either the Litening laser designation pod or the Thomson-CSF ATLIS LDP for use with the Paveway II laser guided bombs.

Avionics for MiG-29: Has a coherent, multimode pulse Doppler look-down/shoot-down engagement radar which has search and tracking capabilities. Has a HUD (head-up display) and helmet mounted target designation system, which is tied in with a laser range finder and an infra-red search & track. The IRST ball is mounted on a three-axis gimballed turret protruding above the nose in front of the cockpit.

The radar is supported by an optical-electronic navigation-attack system, which comprises a sighting system, a navigation system, a digital computer, a weapons control system, and a data presentation system with a HUD. The helmet mounted sight & target designator is available for use with the R-60MK and the R-73RDM2 close-combat missiles.

The navigation system includes a radio compass, a radar altimeter, a marker beacon receiver, and a short-range navigation and instrument landing system. The ground-air & air-ground data link for target indication from land-based radars, is joined by a communications radio. The aircraft also has an IFF transponder & interrogator.

Avionivs for MiG-21 Bison: Most advanced variant with further improved avionics incl MFDs, HOTAS, RWRs and BVR Capability.

Also, there's a 1.5 billion Euro deal for retrofit of its 52 frontline Mirage-2000 fighter planes to give them a fresh lease of life for 25 years.

It also plans to arm them with futuristic new 'Matra Mica' air-to-air missiles.

"The deal, which will provide for mounting a joint tactical information datalink system (JTIDS), compatability with helmet-mounted sights for off-bore-sight heat-seeking missiles and long-range sensors, is almost at the finalization stage," top IAF officials said.

The upgradation is to be undertaken in India starting next year.

It would involve complete change of radar systems, combat display systems and electronic warfare system of the French-made Mirages.
SU-30MKI is a serious threat for the PAF. the F-16 Blk-52 and the F-16MLU will be the closest adversary which can match the capabilities of this fighter. ofcourse the capability of the pilots will be the other difference.

Admin Edit: Please leave this thread out of comparison with the PAF. Thanks!
I was wondering if some Indian could get the following for each combat aircraft in the Indian inventory.

  • Radar Name
  • Radar Range
  • Aircraft Range (Fuel)
  • BVR missiles
  • BVR missiles range for each missile 56KM, 80KM, etc..
  • Future upgrades with sources.
  • Current number of the type of the aircraft.
  • Electronic counter measures system for each aircraft.

Thanks! I hope malay or su-47 can enlighten us about this.

Again, let me remind you. The purpose of this thread is not to affiliate PAF or its aircrafts anyway, in a comparison.

I was wondering if some Indian could get the following for each combat aircraft in the Indian inventory.

  • Radar Name
  • Radar Range
  • Aircraft Range (Fuel)
  • BVR missiles
  • BVR missiles range for each missile 56KM, 80KM, etc..
  • Future upgrades with sources.
  • Current number of the type of the aircraft.
  • Electronic counter measures system for each aircraft.

Thanks! I hope malay or su-47 can enlighten us about this.

Again, let me remind you. The purpose of this thread is not to affiliate PAF or its aircrafts anyway, in a comparison.


Webby you have to bear in mind however that some of the figures that will be listed will be somewhat misleading. or example the ranges of the radars and missiles will be dependant on a number of other factors. And generally there are a few other factors that need to be taken into consideration which are generally not openly available.
well one of there capabilities are shown on monday (75 yr).....when IAF
was putting up a show at hindon airbase in delhi.....all the stunning
maneuvers r shown on state run doordarshan by IAFs UAV at a height of
15000 f..........giving a idea about how its looks like to see from a UAV.
great show by IAF......Su was breath taking
ranges of the radars and missiles will be dependant on a number of other factors

Can you tell me a factor.

Of course, the whole judgement of the combat scenerio will not simply rely on figures and statistics, but i think its good to know and remember them for good.
Can you tell me a factor.

Of course, the whole judgement of the combat scenerio will not simply rely on figures and statistics, but i think its good to know and remember them for good.

Well for example the ranges for the missiles are dependent on a number of factors. some of the ranges listed for the Russian missiles are dependent on them being launched at certain altitudes and at certain speeds.
Also the NEZ of the missile is vitally important and is generally harder to find info on.

Radars also are a bit tricky. The detection ranges are dependent on things like the size of the target. I believe that Russian targets are 3m2 whereas U.S. ones are 1m2 So factors like that come into play.
Radars also are a bit tricky. The detection ranges are dependent on things like the size of the target. I believe that Russian targets are 3m2 whereas U.S. ones are 1m2 So factors like that come into play.

Oh yeah. Thanks! It would be a good addition to know the RCs of those aircrafts as well.
I was wondering if some Indian could get the following for each combat aircraft in the Indian inventory.

  • Radar Name
  • Radar Range
  • Aircraft Range (Fuel)
  • BVR missiles
  • BVR missiles range for each missile 56KM, 80KM, etc..
  • Future upgrades with sources.
  • Current number of the type of the aircraft.
  • Electronic counter measures system for each aircraft.

Thanks! I hope malay or su-47 can enlighten us about this.

Again, let me remind you. The purpose of this thread is not to affiliate PAF or its aircrafts anyway, in a comparison.


Mirage 2000
Range: 1852- 3300 km
Radar: Thomson-CSF RDM radar
Missiles:Super 530D(40km)
Numbers :49
ECM:Upgraded locally in 2003
Future Upgrades: India's Fighter Upgrades: Mirage 2000s Next? (defense procurement, military acquisition, defence purchasing)
Range:1428- 2600 km
Missiles:WVR Magic 2, AShm +110km
Radar:Agave radar
ECM: RWR system and active/passive electronic counter measures
Future Upgrades: Shamsher [Jaguar]

'To extend the operational life of Jaguars further improvement of avionics suite is now in progress under project DARIN II. Among others this involves a Sagem Ring-Laser-Gyro INS with integrated Global Positioning System (GPS) and indigenously developed twin mission computers. DARIN II upgrade is incorporated on the 17 twin-seat Jaguars being produced by HAL. In time DARIN II will first replace the NAVWASS on all direct supply strike Jaguars. Later DARIN II upgrade including the autopilot currently under development may be implemented on at least sixty remaining aircraft in service. In addition the Jaguars will acquire formidable night-attack capability in conjunction of Forward-Looking Infra-Red (FLIR) and Precision Guided Munitions (PGM). Twenty more Jaguars are to be manufactured at HAL with the evolving technology. '
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