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ANALYSIS: Hitler’s revenge

@Azadpakistan2009 - Don't bother with Indians as they have been brainwashed by the Jewish media. They are unable to see reality for what it is. Only reason why they are still not slaves of the British was Hitler's systematic destruction of Britian's wealth due to 6 long years of war. The UK only promised India independence if they helped against Hitler and I am pretty sure they would have gone back on their word if they could have defeated Hitler in a year or two.

Facts are that both Hitler and the US/French/British/Soviet Union were almost as bad as each other. Admittedly Hitler took it to the next level by trying to systematically wipe out all Jews he could lay his hands on. The Jews provoked him but his respose was disproportionate to say the least.

Well the British were cunning as ever , they actually only "Hinted" for consideration in reality they were not eager to give up vate territories but by then England was on brink of destruction so they figured might as well gamble and when they SAID no to independence that is when local movements of civil disobedience started around 1942 to put decisive pressure.

Otherwise do you really think they would have let you be a free person , I mean colonies that England controls in Argentina's island England did not give those up

But in all essence - what Nazi did or did not do , is no different then what Allied forces did , and infact did alot

I mean just when you compare , US treatment of people in concentration camps , I mean how dare they even come up with stories about anything what Nazi's did

US accepted their role after 43-44 years, when 99% of the people effected were dead , so they would not have to pay "money" to the survivors I mean by the time US acccepted their war crime guilts 99% of the people were dead , 1 % had to go thru claims period

US gave $25 dollars to ppl sent to concentration camps for 2 years !!!

US gives 0$ to ppl locked up illegally in Gutanamo , (the innocent ones) they are flown out to third party countries so they could not sue US

There is no difference between killing by NATO / Allied forces or others its same Game / same people

But because we are talking about - Nazis , its really fascinating how a nationalistic movement , was dubbed as the worse evil on planet , while the other side were "all Angels"

Treaty of Versailles


This is the treaty that laid foundations of WW2 , it was nothing to do with Hitler if this was not done to Germany and other nations there would not have been war

This was a document crafted by Allied forces (Hyenas) that laid 100% blame on Germany and made it commit to pay RANSOM money 60+ billion dollars (400 billion by our current accounts) , even when war was not even started by Germany

Because of this treaty , generation was born in Germany which had severe economic problems and which is why Nazi party came to power to help revive German economy and kicking out unwanted refugees was nothing wrong on Germany's part - France kicked out Gypsies 1-2 years ago by actual law

:P huh , ww2 was fought becasue of jews what a lie - its such a orchestrated , planned brain wash that is happening for last 10-20 years intensified rubbish being fed left and right movies , being made by Spielberg Megan fox being fired from movies

Its amazing how conveniently we are not taught about this in schools we are told in 1 line ....so the war ended , and league of nation was formed lol


Final Fact
It is stated asserted that Hitler, an antivivisectionist, had a profound concern for animals. Its just amazes me the stuff we believe about this guy

Now I ask you a guy who was vegetarian due to his concern for animals would he be the BIG BAD wolf

Reference:^ Otto Dietrich, The Hitler I Knew. Memoirs of the Third Reich's Press Chief, Skyhorse Publishing (2010), p. 172, ISBN 978-1-60239-972-3

Hitler was also a Anti Smoking campaigner

My my , the evil anti Christ , a anti smoking and animal loving person :P
What should I say, both answer and questions are lying in your post. they were equally evil for us and WW2 weakened the western powers to the extent , that they were no longer able to control their regime in Asia and Africa. As far as , specifically Hitler is concerned. He was as bad as were british. But their war provided us with an opportunity to get Freedom, which we did ..

You are the first Indian to talk logic in this thread!

I find it really amazing how non-whites can be brainwashed into hating Hitler. End of the day WW2 was a virtually all-white civil war(bar the involvement of the Japanese) but it had the unintended consequence of setting billions non-whites free(or their numbers now anyway).

White people never inteneded to live in equality with non-whites on this planet and they would have never set any country free if they did not virtually destroy each other in WW2.
You are the first Indian to talk logic in this thread!

I find it really amazing how non-whites can be brainwashed into hating Hitler. End of the day WW2 was a virtually all-white civil war(bar the involvement of the Japanese) but it had the unintended consequence of setting billions non-whites free(or their numbers now anyway).

White people never inteneded to live in equality with non-whites on this planet and they would have never set any country free if they did not virtually destroy each other in WW2.

Allies were still the lesser of the two evils. Hitler was the one who proposed the Aryan superiority theory and considered it was only the full blooded "white race" that had the right to live and reproduce. His aim was not to liberate the nonwhites from colonialists but to rule the whole world.

This twisted logic of "jews' enemy is Muslims' friend" would have been funny if not so pathetic.
Allies were still the lesser of the two evils. Hitler was the one who proposed the Aryan superiority theory and considered it was only the full blooded "white race" that had the right to live and reproduce. His aim was not to liberate the nonwhites from colonialists but to rule the whole world.

This twisted logic of "jews' enemy is Muslims' friend" would have been funny if not so pathetic.

No-one said that Hitler was the friend of non-whites.

The facts are that Hitler destroyed European colonialism, even though that may not have been his intention.

That is enough for Indians, Bangladeshis, Pakistanis etc to not have an issue with him. In fact he did all these countries a big favour as without him they probaly would still be enslaved.

Anyway that is my last response in this thread to Indians who are not smart enough to perform critical thinking for themselves and are so weak-minded that they have fallen victim to Jewish media propaganda.

And btw, it is hilarious how the Americans accused Hitler of being a racist when they themselves had laws during WW2 against inter-racial marriage.:woot:
No-one said that Hitler was the friend of non-whites.

The facts are that Hitler destroyed European colonialism, even though that may not have been his intention.

That is enough for Indians, Bangladeshis, Pakistanis etc to not have an issue with him. In fact he did all these countries a big favour as without him they probaly would still be enslaved.

Anyway that is my last response in this thread to Indians who are not smart enough to perform critical thinking for themselves and are so weak-minded that they have fallen victim to Jewish media propaganda.

And btw, it is hilarious how the Americans accused Hitler of being a racist when they themselves had laws during WW2 against inter-racial marriage.:woot:

If fascists were ruling the world by now, we may not be sitting in front of our computer screens!
If fascists were ruling the world by now, we may not be sitting in front of our computer screens!

This simple fact cant be digested by some people... They tend to forget that in Fascist society, there is no opposition.. Its either their way or, Highway...Everything would be controlled by them.
No-one said that Hitler was the friend of non-whites.

The facts are that Hitler destroyed European colonialism, even though that may not have been his intention.

That is enough for Indians, Bangladeshis, Pakistanis etc to not have an issue with him. In fact he did all these countries a big favour as without him they probaly would still be enslaved.

Anyway that is my last response in this thread to Indians who are not smart enough to perform critical thinking for themselves and are so weak-minded that they have fallen victim to Jewish media propaganda.

And btw, it is hilarious how the Americans accused Hitler of being a racist when they themselves had laws during WW2 against inter-racial marriage.:woot:

Hiter didn't fight for the end of colonialism . Did he? It was just an unintentional outcome of the war. So he cannot be called a hero as the OP has done. Hitler not only killed Jews but also Gypsies and gays ie, those who did not conform to his ideals. Would would have been a hell if he had won the war.
Hiter didn't fight for the end of colonialism . Did he? It was just an unintentional outcome of the war. So he cannot be called a hero as the OP has done. Hitler not only killed Jews but also Gypsies and gays ie, those who did not conform to his ideals. Would would have been a hell if he had won the war.

I agree. It is best that he lost in the end but he did a lot of enslaved countries a big favour in his unsuccessful quest for world domination.
Fascism (play /ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a radical, authoritarian nationalist political ideology. Fascists advocate the creation of a totalitarian single-party state that seeks the mass mobilization of a nation through indoctrination, physical education, and family policy including eugenics.Fascists seek to purge forces, ideas, and systems deemed to be the cause of decadence and degeneration and produce their nation's rebirth based on commitment to the national community based on organic unity where individuals are bound together by suprapersonal connections of ancestry, culture, and blood. Fascists believe that a nation requires strong leadership, singular collective identity, and the will and ability to commit violence and wage war in order to keep the nation strong.Fascist governments forbid and suppress opposition to the state

Lets starts by Analyzing all the elements that make a Fascist government Fascist

Opposition to State :
So which governments have implemented Patriot act for surveillance of innocent people its not Germans
So which government sponsored Egypt with billion dollar aid for support of 1 party system where the same person got elected
So which country , hands out a flag , and then asks all its citizens to pick up arms and even go and kill civilians in Vietnam or Afghanistan
Which country arms army of one nation , and then tell them to go kill civilians (France in Algeria)
Which countries in world have come together due to bond of race, ethnic culture and heritage to wage war on others (NATO organization)
Which fascist group supports killing people via drones in order to protect new world order ?
Which fascist group believe in kidnapping and murders and disappearance of people not Hitler he is dead

More definition
Fascists promote violence and war as actions that create national regeneration, spirit and vitality.Fascists view conflict as a fact of life that is responsible for all human progress. Fascists exalt militarism as providing positive transformation in society, in providing spiritual renovation, education, instilling of a will to dominate in people's character, and creating national comradeship through military service.

Which , governments believe that its OK for war to come to nation , as long as it serves purpose of majority (wars like in Iraq , Afghanistan, Libya)
Which governments believe war is must for human progress- which governments are funding Libya , by weapons , and aid for 300-400 terrorist and allowing them to dominate citizens of Libya while NATO bombards freedom form above.

Germans or Hitler is not behind none of the above

And who was the great leader who said , either you are with us or against us - again traits of a Fascist society and group of fascist societies

Remember all the ideologies are great as long as you , or your nation or group of nations have an advantage you can walk over anything and anyone

If the modern stats we see in our life times can commit fascist acts , and call it national security then may be Hitler also was just concerned about his own country's national security
The ideology of the present day Taliban can be equated to that of Hitlers during WW2.....

Its pathetic that people try to make him look like a hero.....even if politically, one may not have any ill-feelings towards him (ref. UK Bengali's post)....as a human being one cannot ignore the scale of atrocities that were committed under his direct orders...

Bloody hypocrites can cry foul about the Kashmiri human rights violations, but somehow atrocities against jews is fair game and a matter to be brushed under the carpet eh?
The ideology of the present day Taliban can be equated to that of Hitlers during WW2.....

Its pathetic that people try to make him look like a hero.....even if politically, one may not have any ill-feelings towards him (ref. UK Bengali's post)....as a human being one cannot ignore the scale of atrocities that were committed under his direct orders...

Bloody hypocrites can cry foul about the Kashmiri human rights violations, but somehow atrocities against jews is fair game and a matter to be brushed under the carpet eh?

You being hypocrite can't deny occupied Kashmir human right violations mass murder, genocide crime against humanity. Rest of your post doesn't make sense.

Blame Hitler, Churchill and his allies were fanatic as well the bombing of Germany Dresden killing instantly 200,000 innocent people and as much as 500,000 were suspected to be killed and gravy injured..Guess what churchill and raf chief blamed each other. Now imagine for a few factories killing 200,000 is a mass murder as can be equate to what you blame Hitler for. Is there any different left then? Move one stop blaming Hitler alone there were and are more evil men then Hitler. roosvelt, japanese empire, bush Sr/Jr, obama all are like minded.
USA have never won world war 1 or 2 without their allies. If Hitler had some more allies like usa did, he would have crushed usa.
USA have never won world war 1 or 2 without their allies. If Hitler had some more allies like usa did, he would have crushed usa.

Europe would have been Hitler's if he only he had listened to his generals. He should have defeated the English first but decided to fight both the Russians and the English at the same time from 1941. Overconfidence was the reason for his failure.
The soldiers of the British Indian Army fought the Axis forces in almost every WWII theater. How much credit was given to these brave men by our Imperial masters. It has always been as if British Americans single handly defeated Hitler.

In fact the real heroes of WWII were the Russians who broke the Wehrmachts back in the battles of Stalingrad and Kursk. See how the Russian struggle was depicted in the Movie Enemy at the Gates.

Only when they German were sufficiently softened did the Western allies dare to invade German held Europe (Italian invasion came before but that is a different story) on June 6, 1944. Even then the allies suffered greatly at the western front.

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