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An Israeli Triumph: The Provocation of Flotilla to Gaza has been Foiled

Well it seems that Israel finally understood who can really be its true and trustful ally in the region. A democratic, western country with which shares similar interests (gas and petroleum resources) and with a powerful military, having at the same time good relations to Arab countries in the area. This relationship is starting paying off for them.
Greece just stopped i believe the 4th or 5th ship that was trying to sail to Gaza from her ports illegally.
Good for the Greek, we can make our partnership grow tenfold.
i wouldnt say it is only an israeli triumph, all the countries that made a stop for them had some sorth of triumph.

by the way, has there been any statement from israel regarding turkey stopping ihh from joining the gaza flotilla?
Everyone is entitled of their opinion and their free speech.

I did not expect this from a Saudi, so thanks for this positive suprise! I hope you get that right in your own country too and soon, honestly!

It is a small victory for Israel, yet I think it won't be the last flotilla.. There are a lot of people especially in the West who fall far the "starving Palestinians" propaganda..
i wouldnt say it is only an israeli triumph, all the countries that made a stop for them had some sorth of triumph.

by the way, has there been any statement from israel regarding turkey stopping ihh from joining the gaza flotilla?

Yah, a while back. It was how Turkey has decided her Arab adventures were going bad and they were facing internal critism for losing Turkey`s power in the region by alienating Israel.
It was a joint effort of Israel-Turkey-Greece to stop these flotillas.
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