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An Anonymous Group Of People In Bangalore Is Doing Something Amazing!

so you are one of those ugly Indians :cheers:

thats the problem :hitwall:

sala chillayenge per kaam nahi karenge
Forget about picking garbage,even posh areas of India dont have proper mechanisms to deal with garbage.I dont see it changing for next 20 years
@45'22' you are giving me random examples,off course some wxceptions will be there in a big country like India.I am taking in general.
These initiatives are excellent, however to have widespread and long term effects, the Indian Government really needs to boost their official programs in terms of cleaning up the cities.

Work like this can't be based on volunteers all the time, volunteers have jobs of their own and shouldn't have to be burdened with something the Government should be taking care of.

Civic responsibility should work in tandem with official programs.
These initiatives are excellent, however to have widespread and long term effects, the Indian Government really needs to boost their official programs in terms of cleaning up the cities.

Absolutely. This should be an eye opener to those incompetent politicians. If a small group of people with hardly any resource can make an impact, surely the govt can do much more. Along with physical cleaning, govt should also run mass awareness programs to educate people. But for that we need better leaders.
Forget about picking garbage,even posh areas of India dont have proper mechanisms to deal with garbage.I dont see it changing for next 20 years

Many people in my area doesn't even pay (about Rs 40) the women who pick up the rubbish and these are the same people who cruise around in expensive cars and shop for thousands of rupees in malls. I thought that it was a one off incident but found it to be a general problem as attested by the guest in 'Satyameva Jayathe'.

Brilliant..its bad that the people have to do what the government is incapable of doing .....

The govt didn't told the people to deposit garbage in the street corner or outside the garbage bin. Its not the problem of the Govt that the people lack civic sense.
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