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An Anime based in Pakistan

Do you know what a mujra is? Are you denying that kind of stuff happens in Pakistan?

Also, by posting that video you are doing exactly what you wouldn't want non-muslims to think of Muslims. You are baseing the idea of Japanese as some perverted wierd people just because a small amount of them resort to stuff like that.

LOL? AN IMAM IS TAKING ON THE TERRORISTS! RASHID was about to buy that woman from those guys to set her free but he didnt have any money on him, so Yugo gave him his watch!

Is that what you call demonizing? So far all they have shown is Pakistani's helping Yugo to save Yuko's fathers life!

Again, you are judging an entire race on what a little bit of people do. It is the same thing as calling all Muslims terrorists!

And why do you think a Japanese person would be the hero? The story's name is YUGO the Negotiator. Yugo is Japanese. The show is Japanese. Of course they would be the hero, and the Pakistani's are portrayed as helpers. The next chapter of the show is based in Russia, again YUGO is the hero, not a single russian is portrayed as anything more than a helper. :hitwall:

I hope so. :)

my thoughs exactly XD.

great way to put it mate ;D.
Why are people going crazy over here. I watched the whole arc which had to do with Pakistan and I did not find anything offensive. Its just not Pakistan he goes to there are many other places in the manga. This was just the first arc there are more of them. So I think people have to calm down because its just an anime.
Oh my God, I really like watching Anime, Death Note, Ghost in the Shell. etc are one of my favourites, its nice to know there is an anime which I can relate to, I might give it a watch. Animes are so nice, they are stories which transport you to a different world of all possibilities.

Thanks for the post!
Oh my God, I really like watching Anime, Death Note, Ghost in the Shell. etc are one of my favourites, its nice to know there is an anime which I can relate to, I might give it a watch. Animes are so nice, they are stories which transport you to a different world of all possibilities.

Thanks for the post!
Better! Not to watch, Its a worst anime that I've ever seen, writer don't know anything about pakistan
Lmao at this thread.... Awesome arguments happening over a cartoon show from Japan.

Dropkix here, I'm just a Pakistani living in Canada for the past 20 years... Man our country sure changed a lot (went to the dogs) since then huh?

I actually specialized in Japanese culture and language in Uni. I lived there for a year, and incidentally met up with Pakistan's then Ambassador and one of our former nuclear physicists who studied alongside A.Q. Khan. Farooq uncle settled down in Nagoya and has spent his carreer teaching English. Figures it's a less complicated life. He's probably right. There's a surprising community out there, you would be surprised. Plenty of **** bros at the local mosques and halal food shops lol...

In regards to this Anime. I can't tell you how long I've been waiting for an animated series that addresses some of our country's problems. Anime is a weird media like that. There are shows about pet monsters that fight against one another, shows about ninjas and samurais, space robots, some of the strangest tentacled hentai you can't un-see, a perhaps equally bizarre genre called boys love, but I digress.

Among the more interesting anime genres, we find seinen (青年) a genre that targets young adults and typically deals with more serious matters. Including social problems, philosophical matters at times, matters of nationalism, warfare, even the fate of the human race.

To name a few serious Anime you need to watch:

Ghost in the Shell
Ergo Proxy
Beyond the Clouds
Welcome to the N.H.K.

Once you've done your recommended viewing, get back to me on your opinion on Japanese pop culture. Tell me if you still think it's all boobs and gunplay.

Anyway Yugo the Negotiator is mediocre. Not particularly strong voice acting, plot, character design or anything remarkable. I'd rate it a 7. But it's about Pakistan. That's important. To me anyway.

I like to compare this series to Welcome to the N.H.K. The subject matter is totally different, but both deal with serious and in fact embarrassing problems in their respective settings. NHK with the hikkikomori syndrome plaguing Japan in the Heisei era, a mental illness epidemic that continues to effect 20% of males aged 18 - 25 and is crippling Japan's economy. Yugo with the problem of terrorism and lawlessness. This is social commentary. The work isn't concerned with painting a bleak picture of reality, but of exposing it.

I personally believe cultural exports like anime, comic books and short novels are critically important to the relevance of any culture in our digital generation. If we can't consume it online, it may as well not exist. Japan has managed to attract hundreds of millions of young people to what it must be said is a profoundly disfunctional nation for the past 2 generations. They have done this not by hiding their own social problems, but by discussing them in fictional works.

Personally, I hope we see the day when Pakistan also develops a global pop culture identity. Intellectuals don't care about pop idol shows or news programs. Coke studio and qawwali is cool and all, but it's an escape from reality at best. A medium like Anime is awesome because it lets us discuss all kinds of issues without using real names, real faces and often without offending anyone (except Xtremeownage-san of course)

So if you're wondering why our teenagers worship Japanese culture, it's because they celebrate their culture hardcore. They celebrate their strengths and their weaknesses. Japan may be a rich country, but if you asked me to start discussing their problems, I could go on all night. It's a deeply troubled nation, make no mistake.

Inchallah one day Pakistan will attract foreign visitors and students will want to learn Urdu just because it sounds cool and they watched a couple of Urdu shows that inspired them to do so.

So before you go knocking visual culture, I encourage you to read up on it and watch some proper programs. You should be paying attention, because this is, after all, Asia's digital generation.

I guarantee you can't beat 'em, so might as well join 'em.


Agreed, Japanese will worship the White-man, but portray everyone else as less.

The Anime is ridiculous, a girl wearing those clothes (no Pakistani women would or could), the portrayal of the villians, the portrayal of the army, and the portrayal of the country in general. It is one big farce.

I have officially lost all respect for the Japanese (since they do not respect us).

Did you even watch the episodes?
No, of course you didn't. People like you just love to fire empty shots, just like most "mullahs" in Pakistan. I'm guessing you're one of them.
Most Pakistanis are some of the worst people in the world. Our country's condition is a prime example.
So if they decide to show the truth in the anime, why are you losing your sleep?
You just proved them right by being so intolerant and derogating towards the Japanese.
Oh the anime nerds rage.

But yeah they worship the white man. :D
Agreed, Japanese will worship the White-man, but portray everyone else as less.

The Anime is ridiculous, a girl wearing those clothes (no Pakistani women would or could), the portrayal of the villians, the portrayal of the army, and the portrayal of the country in general. It is one big farce.

I have officially lost all respect for the Japanese (since they do not respect us).
*sarcastically claps* great going! Judging a nation of more than 128 million people based on one anime..
*sarcastically claps* great going! Judging a nation of more than 128 million people based on one anime..

Lmao exactly.

And yes, The Japani absolutely worship the white man. They not only admit to this, but joke that that does make them Asian after all.

Also I happen to agree that everything evil as we know it is basically a zionist conspiracy. Though I am lacking a few citations admittedly.
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