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Among the Non-Believers

You should get a life not all Muslims are bigots, go outside and meet a few you might be surprised at the reality.

I am not talking about all the muslims, I am talking about the majority opinion which will become a prejudice. Your previous posts are with out any proper logic.
The lives of Sikhs and Christians in Pakistan

This Amir Guy is Sikh, wonder why non muslim in Pakistan have only muslim sounding names.

My neighbor who is a Christian is named Faraz (which is also the name of the my little cousin) however his son is called Nathan i wonder too
so what is the point of this thread? who cares? only indians and their infeoriority complex. and their imaginative peaceful loving hindu culture.

Point of this thread is that -Pakistan authorities are so ashamed and scared that don't even let Indian journalist openly go around and interact with minorities in Pakistan.

World certainly cares and all these stories are bad for Pakistan's reputation.
Last time we checked it was found Pakistanis in Yank land go around describing themselves as Indians So certainly the world cares.

Our country with our so called imaginative peaceful loving Hindu culture is certainly thousand times more peaceful than yr nation. You folks should try Hinduism, probably it is the only thing left that can pull your country out of this misery.
Our country with our so called imaginative peaceful loving Hindu culture is certainly thousand times more peaceful than yr nation. You folks should try Hinduism, probably it is the only thing left that can pull your country out of this misery.

internet hindu alert. :mod:
You should get a life not all Muslims are bigots, go outside and meet a few you might be surprised at the reality.

Ofcourse not all Muslims are bigots. Pakistanis however in a large percentage are. That is what you get when you teach hate in schools against other religions.
When you support killing of anyone who opposes blasphemy laws, when you ban cold drinks because the brand is owned by an ahmadi.
Did you ask your friends why is that? what do they mean by finding it diffcult to maintain their identity? When they are free to practice their religion, when they can wear their own clothes reflecting their religious background, while they can practice their own set of civil laws. I am wondering what your friends are going to say - Are they pointing out not serving halal meats in MNC food franchises? ;)

They actually don't have an answer to that. They say they are hated simply becasue they are Muslims, and it bothers them to the core. Just yesterday my colleague was telling me how increasingly difficult it was for him to work at JP Morgan Bombay being the only Muslim in the HR department. He was constantly put down, sidelined and ridiculed just becasue he was a Muslim. Was given looks, and rated poorly becasue he took his prayer breaks.

He was hired becasue according to the mangement he didn't look like a Muslim and his name was different as well. He was mistaken for a Hindu Gujrati. He said there's no policy stating Muslims can't be hired but it was an unwritten law, and was pretty evident. He was the only Muslim among the 80 or so HR professionals from Bombay and Banglore JP Morgan combined.
Ofcourse not all Muslims are bigots. Pakistanis however in a large percentage are. That is what you get when you teach hate in schools against other religions.
When you support killing of anyone who opposes blasphemy laws, when you ban cold drinks because the brand is owned by an ahmadi.

Generalizing a whole nation is the worst act of bigotry itself. I would think twice before I take anything yuo say on face value. Show me a research proving most Pakistanis are bigots or you are just proving yourself to be one.

Now now, would I believe someone on internet or my real life muslim friends. The situation for them might not be that good in some places but overall they enjoy equal freedom and rights as anyone else. It is not the nations fault if people don't take the opportunities provided by the state.

And, btw where did you heard that KFC and others don't offer halal meat? Last i saw a board in a McD and KFC reading halal meat available and that beef and pork isn't served, though Pizzaro and Dominos do serve pork.

I will take their word over yours. All Muslims I have come across don't eat any kind of meat from any international franchise. Obviously, most Muslims areas have butcher shops serving Halal meat, but that's different. Indian Muslims are not unpatriotic and defend India infront of Pakistanis. I don't see any reason for them to cook up stories which aren't true. They are grieved, and yet patriotic.

You are free to beleive what you wish. I can care less about that.
Pakistan is fundamentally incapable of treating people of other religions as equals. They donot value diversity.

As a nation, Pakistani's have been brought up on lies and hate - against India/Hindus/Jews/US,etc

When the minorities run out of Pakistan, they will turn the guns on themselves - sects within Islam.

see who is speaking


I thought most Indian muslims try to show they are better off in India than actually they are. Good that your friends confided to you.
Any other pakistani who has similar or opposite story to tell?

They are patriotic and defend India, but at the same time as any other person would, show and voice their concerns about their lives back home. I can narrate you more stories if you like.
I know many Muslims from India here in Saudi, and they tell me exactly how they are treated in India. Muslims, as a whole still see themselves as a different 'nation' from the Hindus. The areas are segeregated on the basis of Hindu/Muslim majority and both parties are apprehensive while treading in the other's territory. Muslims find it difficult to maintain their identity, and keep to themselves. The prejudice is not so blatant in the governemnt's policies but is easily observed in society and individuals. For instance, Indian Muslims do not eat meat from any international franchise such as KFC, Pizza Hut and so on becasue it's not Halal. One wonders why aren't the MNC's don't do anything about it knowing the population of Muslims in India. My Indian friends have various explainations for it.

Btw, I know 4 gentleman from Kerala, 2 from Hyderabad, 1 from Delhi, 1 from Bombay, 1 from Bihar and 3 from Bengal. Suffice to say, they all have the same issues and views on their life in India.

Few questions sir,
Please do ask those 4 gentlemen, how many of them were ever mistreated because of their religion.
Did they enjoy every legal and constitutional right as every other Indian?
Were they given additional rights and privileges under minority reservation act?
In what way,shape or form was there any infringement on their identity? were they forced to go to hindu temple, were there burqas banned, were there right to polygamy infringed upon, Were they not allowed to pray 5 times, were they force fed haram meat or alcohol by the govt of India, Were any members of their families abducted,converted? Was the media elite on national television derogatory to them to intentionally marginalize their community?
You are totally wrong most of meat one gets in India is Halal. Only once i have come across a Zataka meat shop.
KFC in India serves Halal meat. I know this because a muslim co worker who does n't eat out because of fear of non halal meat eats regularly at KFC.
Most of butchers in India specially in North India are muslim so no question of serving non halal meat.

That's not what they tell me. Butcher shops sell Halal meat, but not the international franchises. They only order fish and veg from them.
I know many Muslims from India here in Saudi, and they tell me exactly how they are treated in India. Muslims, as a whole still see themselves as a different 'nation' from the Hindus. The areas are segeregated on the basis of Hindu/Muslim majority and both parties are apprehensive while treading in the other's territory. Muslims find it difficult to maintain their identity, and keep to themselves. The prejudice is not so blatant in the governemnt's policies but is easily observed in society and individuals. For instance, Indian Muslims do not eat meat from any international franchise such as KFC, Pizza Hut and so on becasue it's not Halal. One wonders why aren't the MNC's don't do anything about it knowing the population of Muslims in India. My Indian friends have various explainations for it.

Btw, I know 4 gentleman from Kerala, 2 from Hyderabad, 1 from Delhi, 1 from Bombay, 1 from Bihar and 3 from Bengal. Suffice to say, they all have the same issues and views on their life in India.
thats why Pak was created, and they have every right to go there. Since they are not doing it, it means they are lying to you or you are lying to us.

That's not what they tell me. Butcher shops sell Halal meat, but not the international franchises. They only order fish and veg from them.

please raise the issue with USA.
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