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Americans Are Convinced That China Is The Most Powerful Economy In The Worl

Too much propaganda about Threat of China in USA, make them confused what China really is. Its still a developing country and will be at least in the next two decades.
Götterdämmerung;3991380 said:
Are you telling us that the US media and government is using similar tactics to brainwash its citizens like the former Soviet did? I mean, quite a number of Americans have a distorted perception of China just like most Soviet citizens had a distorted perception of the US.

Interesting, indeed!
Hey...Believe whatever you want, buddy. After all, you already believe you are 'better' than US.
Too much propaganda about Threat of China in USA, make them confused what China really is. Its still a developing country and will be at least in the next two decades.

More like 6 to 7 years max... america is in rapid decline hundreds of big shops like BEST BUY, RADIO SHACK, JC PENNY etc are going to be closing in 2013.
Hey...Believe whatever you want, buddy. After all, you already believe you are 'better' than US.

I'm a non-believer. I only work with facts. and fact is, despite the many options to get all kinds of information – unlike the poor Russian guy who had no other options othere than what his government told him – US citizens still have a distorted perception of reality as shown in this survey. That, indeed, is very revealing!
Hey...Believe whatever you want, buddy. After all, you already believe you are 'better' than US.
i was reading what you wrote gambit.
i remember one writer, Pamuk, who said that the end of empire , the feeling the great empire was the past, was creating in the feelings of people this sense of resentment.
anyway i can see it in some Iranians too. well about Europe maybe there is this feeling it was the center of the world.

Americans you are more "cool". you are more friendly and "free" minded: what i like is this spirit of freedom when in Europe there is a cast system in any country. especially in France.
make dream people, shake hands to the real wills of democracies and godness. china is no dream at all.

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