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Americans Are Convinced That China Is The Most Powerful Economy In The Worl


Jan 31, 2011
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United Kingdom
Even though the U.S. economy is roughly twice the size of the Chinese economy, Americans seem to believe that China is more powerful than the U.S.
This is according to a recent survey from Gallup.
Twelve years ago, only 10 percent of Americans surveyed by Gallup believed China to be the world's leading economic power.* This compares to the 53 percent who picked China this year.
Only 32 percent of Americans believing that their home country has the most powerful economy. Japan came in third, with 8 percent of the respondents. The remaining 2 percent chose the European Union, India, or Russia.


Results based on Gallup's annual World Affairs poll, conducted Feb. 7-10.
The idea that China is the world's most powerful economy is most popular among younger Americans. Three out of five Americans below the age of 50 believed China to be the most powerful economy. In contrast, only one in five American aged 65 or older believed the same.
More Republicans and Independents view China as a more powerful economy than do Democrats.* Here's a breakdown.

So what's the cause of these distorted views of reality?* Gallup explains:
That may be due partly to the health of the U.S. economy at the time of the survey, with the 2000 poll conducted during robust economic times and later updates asked during a struggling economy. The shift may also reflect an acknowledgment of China's explosive economic growth in recent years, even though the United States still ranks as the No. 1 economy in terms of gross domestic product (GDP). However, China is poised to overtake the U.S. as the largest economy in the next several years.
Perhaps as the economy improves, this misperception will turn.



America needs a powerful enemy. The "Islamic terrorists" is a natural choice but they are not a real country. So this burden falls on China.
There is no need to have such flammable post. U.S. is still well ahead on average. BTW, China is walking a different path from U.S.
Its true, lots of people are seeing China as the new Red terror. The conflict with Japan and Israel certainly is not helping.
Even though the U.S. economy is roughly twice the size of the Chinese economy, Americans seem to believe that China is more powerful than the U.S.
This is according to a recent survey from Gallup.
Twelve years ago, only 10 percent of Americans surveyed by Gallup believed China to be the world's leading economic power.* This compares to the 53 percent who picked China this year.
Only 32 percent of Americans believing that their home country has the most powerful economy. Japan came in third, with 8 percent of the respondents. The remaining 2 percent chose the European Union, India, or Russia.


Results based on Gallup's annual World Affairs poll, conducted Feb. 7-10.
The idea that China is the world's most powerful economy is most popular among younger Americans. Three out of five Americans below the age of 50 believed China to be the most powerful economy. In contrast, only one in five American aged 65 or older believed the same.
More Republicans and Independents view China as a more powerful economy than do Democrats.* Here's a breakdown.

So what's the cause of these distorted views of reality?* Gallup explains:
That may be due partly to the health of the U.S. economy at the time of the survey, with the 2000 poll conducted during robust economic times and later updates asked during a struggling economy. The shift may also reflect an acknowledgment of China's explosive economic growth in recent years, even though the United States still ranks as the No. 1 economy in terms of gross domestic product (GDP). However, China is poised to overtake the U.S. as the largest economy in the next several years.
Perhaps as the economy improves, this misperception will turn.


Americans Believe China Is Most Powerful - Business Insider


so whats the point??republicans are dumber compared to democrats??
In the west most of the time, all those what so called Gallup poll, or whatever polls on many issues, either foreign or domestic, political, social, economical or whatever, are used to served as opinion manipulators, the government use those manipulated opinions to make decisions, policies etc., foreign or domestic, to fool it's people.
^^ I was going to say that
& the American media is responsible for this ****
Its true, lots of people are seeing China as the new Red terror. The conflict with Japan and Israel certainly is not helping.

We don't have any conflict with Israel. The Arab/Israeli dispute has nothing to do with us.
In the west most of the time, all those what so called Gallup poll, or whatever polls on many issues, either foreign or domestic, political, social, economical or whatever, are used to served as opinion manipulators, the government use those manipulated opinions to make decisions, policies etc., foreign or domestic, to fool it's people.
To fool someone is also tacit acknowledgement that the person has a high degree of independence and therefore need persuasion, which is exactly what ruses and misdirection are, whereas in China, the government simply issues opinions and the people will docilely accepts them. No need to fool anyone at all.
true ignorance on their part.

but this will turn into a reality soon.
I just read in a news: Americans are convinced that Vietnam is the Most Powerful Nation on earth!


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