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American Losers Can't Be Choosers

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Jun 23, 2011
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It is no surprise at all that Pakistan's intelligence services would show Chinese military staff the wrecked "stealth helicopter" in Osama bin Laden's Abbottabad compound.

"Losers can't be choosers," former Pakistan ISI Chief Hamid Gul told a packed audience at last year's Al Jazeera Forum in Doha.

Gul was sharing his impression that America had essentially lost the battle with the Taliban in Afghanistan -- but that the Taliban would be 'honorable', in his words, and would allow America a graceful but loser's exit out of the country.

Bravado or not, Gul's perspective is shared by many in Afghanistan and Pakistan. A "stalemate", the current messy equilibrium between the Taliban and ISAF forces in Afghanistan, translates to those on the ground here as American failure.

And on the flip side of less faith in -- and less fear of -- an America in decline, is greater solicitation of China.

It is no surprise at all that Pakistan's intelligence services would show Chinese military staff the wrecked "stealth helicopter" in Osama bin Laden's Abbottabad compound.

On one level, if this Financial Times story is confirmed and Pakistan did show China the copter, this is absolutely outrageous behavior by a supposed ally. On another level though, the US is naive not to expect this -- and now must assume that Pakistan will smile at the US, declare that it's interests are aligned with America's, and then slip a knife into the US gut when it it helps position Pakistan with China's top tier.

Until the US -- meaning the White House, the Congress, leaders of both political parties -- get serious about resetting US strategy to reinvent American leverage in global affairs and to overcome the widespread doubt about America's ability to achieve the things it says it will, the world will chase China's affections -- and take their incumbent relations with the United States for granted.

Power is a function of future expectations, and in that department -- the US is not playing its hand well.

:pakistan: Thats why americans dont like us and their almost daily propaganda sorties & we dont care
"We have reason to suspect China was given access, but we cannot confirm it definitively. We have strong suspicions," a U.S. official told CNN.

why are people here at PDF taking blame on suspicion even though it was denied by the army personnel.the above statement is present on CNN site and its quite misleading and pure propaganda due to terminology , 'reason to suspect' ,'strong suspicion' yet they say 'cannot confirm it'.

wreckage was handed over to USA.
maybe this was decided at the intelligence chiefs gathering/lunch of UK,USA,RUSSIA,hindustan at hyderabad house :P
The US are losers?

That's new, given the way they are lording over everything!
"Losers can't be choosers," former Pakistan ISI Chief Hamid Gul told a packed audience at last year's Al Jazeera Forum in Doha.

like I say the only General ever produced by Pakistan Army... :pakistan:
you can chest thump all you want . just remember you need the us to make your most advanced fighters in your inventory to fly.
Americans are losing really badly...........just read an article that suicide rate in july was almost 32 where as in june it was 30...........Man they are dying like hell........

Army Suicide Rate Hits New High

Just when you're thinking the Army may have turned the corner on its troops' killing themselves, a new number has surfaced that dashes those hopes. On Friday, the Army said it suffered a record 32 suspected suicides in July, the most since it began releasing monthly data two years ago.
The Army is waging war on suicide just as seriously as it has been fighting for nearly a decade in Afghanistan and Iraq. Commanders are immensely frustrated by their inability to drive down the rate, which is demoralizing and depressing to the troops, their families and the nation. President Obama has even gotten involved, deciding last month that he would send condolence letters to the families of those service personnel who killed themselves in combat zones.
Last month's total — averaging more than one suicide a day — included 22 active-duty troops and 10 reservists. It eclipsed the prior record of 31 that was set in June 2010. "While the high number of potential suicides in July is discouraging," said General Peter Chiarelli, vice chief of staff of the Army, "we are confident our efforts aimed at increasing individuals' resiliency, while reducing incidence of at-risk and high-risk behavior across the force, are having a positive impact."
Chiarelli, the service's top suicide fighter, recently discussed the challenge over breakfast with reporters. "The hardest part about this is breaking down the stigma. I'm not going to kid myself. As hard as I try, and I brief every brigade combat team going out, both in the National Guard and in the active component. I brief the leadership in an hour-long VTC [video-teleconference], and I explain to them what is traumatic brain injury, what is posttraumatic stress," he said of the key contributors to suicide. "As hard as I try and as much as sometimes from about 20% of the audience I get the drinking duck, and I see the head going up and down, but I know it's exactly that. It's the drinking duck. In their mind, they really don't believe these injuries are as serious as the injuries that they can see."

Read more: Army Suicide Rate Hits New High in July: 32 Suspected Acts - Battleland - TIME.com

Army Suicide Rate Hits New High in July: 32 Suspected Acts - Battleland - TIME.com
i dnt agree my friend.........we have only limited number of F 16 while the bulk of the PAF will comprise of JF 17 and J10B..........
you can chest thump all you want . just remember you need the us to make your most advanced fighters in your inventory to fly.

Stop trying to take us off thread. How is this chest thumping. Anyway who do you indians defend your best freind america. Cos u is scared of china. u need freinds. Thats why us telling you how to behave with hazare. We did well in 90s when we had sanctions it led to self reliance. Cany wait for sanctions lol
More than half of the world is getting weapons fron US.

If US is a loser, what is the name of the countries which got arms from US?
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