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American life through the eyes of a Pakistani


Jun 4, 2009
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United States
American life through the eyes of a Pakistani

Today, it is common for young Pakistani men and women to go to the United States of America for higher education. My friends ans I are a part of this percentage of Pakistan.

Let me be the first to tell you that it’s not that easy to get there in the first place.

You apply to countless universities; receive lots of rejections and a few acceptances. It is then up to you to decide where you want to go. Are you a big city type of a person? Or would you prefer a more of a small-town feel?

Once you have finally decided where you want to go and you’ve paid the university you will be attending the registration deposit which is about $700 (completely pointless money making scheme) comes the issue of applying for your visa. This is an extremely tedious process; you have to deal with loads of paper work. Filling out forms that require you to disclose your family’s travel history from the year 1910 till the present day and what not, but we still answer all their pointless and absurd questions because you see, we must get out of here!

Who would want to stay in Pakistan, right?

On my way to the USA

You fill out the forms, get a date for an interview and then the next 3 weeks or so are spent in anticipation, severe stress, going over the capital cities of all the 51 states of the US, trying to learn the names of all the NBA teams; all this just so you might seem more “American” to the interviewer.

We go through all this trouble and when we show up to the US embassy at 8 o’clock in the morning in the blazing July heat all they do is make sure that you have the money to pay for four years of college and that after college you will return to Pakistan. That’s it, end of story.

All they want to do make sure of is that you will pump money into their education system for four years and after doing that you will return to your country and look for a job in Telenor or one of the many other multi-national companies that have been investing in Pakistan due to its booming economy and the highly efficient government.

So you’re set then; you’ve got the visa, you’ve got your ticket (flying economy on a Middle Eastern airline by the way, because all of your money has gone towards paying for visa fees and other deposits.) And we’re off.

You reach Abu Dhabi; you have a 15 hour layover and then fly to… let’s say Washington D.C.

In the land of opportunity

So you finally land, and of course you remember to say thank you to the air hostesses in your new found American accent.

Once you are at immigration you are asked the same questions you were asked when you got your visa.The officers asks you what kind of vegetables you are carrying with you on that particular day, which firearms you decided to bring along and how many times you personally met Osama Bin Laden.

Once you’ve answered these extremely relevant questions you move on out of the airport and hail a cab. The whole ride you think about how unbelievable it is that you are finally in the country where all your favourite movies have been made, you tell yourself you’ve seen that building in some movie and you take picture with your brand new Blackberry to upload it on Facebook.

And then, something unexpected happens.

You reach your destination and contrary to what everyone has told you, the locals are actually nice to you! It’s the Pakistani’s who try to keep their distance. They don’t seem to want to be associated with you, they don’t seem confident enough to let everyone know they are from Pakistan. But it’s okay, because you’ve already made tons of American friends. They are all really nice to you and make you feel really comfortable. They ask you plenty of questions because they seem to know that everything they’ve been shown on TV can’t mostly be true. And that’s when you realize it’s not the American people who hate us, not even the American government.

They do not have any hidden agendas against us; they do not want to harm us.

They just want to make sure that we will in no way harm them. When they see that you will not, you are welcomed as one of them. You have been accepted.

You see, it is not America or the American people who have developed this feeling towards us, they had no need to. It is the hero of many, Mr Osama Bin Laden and his countless followers who have done this to us. They have cast doubts upon us; they have made sure that we are the last ones to be looked at when there’s a job opening even though we might have a better GPA then most of our class.

My mission in America

I went to America to study, to get a degree and maybe a job after that if I’m lucky. But my mission in America has changed drastically since I got here. I want to change perceptions in whatever way I can. I want Americans to know that we are not the enemies and that we are victims of this terrorism, perhaps more than anyone else in this world.

In America, we must prove we are better than what they have been made to think of us. We must work hard, always remain ethical, never forget our values but at the same time try to assimilate ourselves into the American culture. Assimilating yourself into the American culture doesn’t mean you have to drink a beer every night but it does mean that you try to play basketball instead of cricket while you’re there.

They should want us to stay in their country. Right now we are weak and we need them. But we must change that and it is no easy process. To change the way they look at us Pakistanis we must change our behavior. We cannot go there and attempt to blow up bombs, it is not right.

Sure, they’re not treating us in the best way possible right now, but why should they?

We fostered the world’s most wanted terrorist, Pakistani’s tried to blow up Time’s Square, Pakistani’s funded terrorist organizations and Pakistani’s come from a country that is nuclear powered and is reportedly on the brink of collapse.

If we do not change ourselves, then it is only a matter of time before we are denied entry not only into the United States but into every civilized society in whole world.
author is an undergraduate student, Taimur Ahmed, at the Marietta College in Ohio.

American people always hypocrites and double faces to the welcoming new foreigners to the new land in just few years.

After you have completed your education and you have probably decided to make US your home you will still be classified as a third class citizen people will look down upon you and oh by the way (IF..you do end up getting a US passport) on port of entry they will still ask you whats your country of origin.

PS- have a good life in a country which is on the verge of bankruptcy.
Not half as much as people who do everything they can to get there & then spend pretty much all their time badmouthing the U.S. once they are safely ensconced there.

Use common sense man! At the same way Americans uses badmouthing Indians and Americans continue attacking on Pakistan and how many dies. Heck, it is freedom of speech badmouthing Americans use.

Indian friends, stop worshipping them, jeez they can't see it.
Use common sense man! At the same way Americans uses badmouthing Indians and Americans continue attacking on Pakistan and how many dies. Heck, it is freedom of speech badmouthing Americans use.

Indian friends, stop worshipping them, jeez they can't see it.

Worshipping a country is when you let your foreign policy be influenced by them, buy whatever they sell you and invite them to make bases on your soil.
author is an undergraduate student, Taimur Ahmed, at the Marietta College in Ohio.

American people always hypocrites and double faces to the welcoming new foreigners to the new land in just few years.

Its not about Americans its about human nature..........even if ......just imagine Americans or other countries nationals will start migrating to Pakistan.......how u will accept them and treat them and what will be your behavior towards them........
Americans are friendly people, especially outside of the East Coast, New England area. It bothers me that so many people get an impression of the USA based upon New York City. NY rocks, it's a hopping town, colorful, brash, but also impatient and unfriendly at times.
Americans are friendly people, especially outside of the East Coast, New England area. It bothers me that so many people get an impression of the USA based upon New York City. NY rocks, it's a hopping town, colorful, brash, but also impatient and unfriendly at times.

Very true. People can be pretty abrupt in NYC, unlike in the South. I think we are more ready with a smile and "howdy" down here. That said, I have made this one observation. I live very close to UTA and have seen both Indian and Pakistani students tend to be introverts when it comes to mingling with the locals. I don't know if it is a certain uneasiness of being in a foriegn land or not. It does take them a while to open up and realize "hey! these people are just like me".
But a genuine "howdy" DOES break the ice! :-)
Americans are friendly people, especially outside of the East Coast, New England area. It bothers me that so many people get an impression of the USA based upon New York City. NY rocks, it's a hopping town, colorful, brash, but also impatient and unfriendly at times.

East Coast has a lot of friendly people too. :-)

Its not about Americans its about human nature..........even if ......just imagine Americans or other countries nationals will start migrating to Pakistan.......how u will accept them and treat them and what will be your behavior towards them........

White-Americans have been very nice. The ones I met.
Americans are friendly people, especially outside of the East Coast, New England area. It bothers me that so many people get an impression of the USA based upon New York City. NY rocks, it's a hopping town, colorful, brash, but also impatient and unfriendly at times.

America is a huge country, people must not generalize. Everywhere you go, there will be good and bad people.
The general rule is that the more people you have in a city, the less friendly they are towards one another. Back in the days when everyone knew one another in the village the friendliness and trust levels were at its highest.
Very true. People can be pretty abrupt in NYC, unlike in the South. I think we are more ready with a smile and "howdy" down here. That said, I have made this one observation. I live very close to UTA and have seen both Indian and Pakistani students tend to be introverts when it comes to mingling with the locals. I don't know if it is a certain uneasiness of being in a foriegn land or not. It does take them a while to open up and realize "hey! these people are just like me".
But a genuine "howdy" DOES break the ice! :-)

despite being stereotyped for being racists, in my experience People from the South generally are more friendly and outgoing than elsewhere....in the South they seem to greet complete strangers very well, at least that was what I noticed driving through Tennessee and Georgia.
Americans are friendly people, especially outside of the East Coast, New England area. It bothers me that so many people get an impression of the USA based upon New York City. NY rocks, it's a hopping town, colorful, brash, but also impatient and unfriendly at times.

NYC sucks....Joisy City is where it's at.
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