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American Embassy School in Crisis after Khobragade Row

well what is confusing is your claim of wink and nod and making assumptions.

This is as plain speak as I can state- In the US, you have to pay US wages if the person is working under a US work visa. Plus you cannot work in the US period, without a US work visa . You may think the indian govt is winking and nodding till the cows come home.... but it does not apply so within our laws. not for India not for anyone...

Secondly, I quoted for you above where it says others indian diplomats in the past + diplomats from other countries were also criminally charged.... you may not like it, but it is a fact

Worker abuse by diplomats a problem, advocates say

slumdog--- you mention the case of a filipino maid hired by the US diplomat . there is one case I know of ....

US diplomat in Mumbai pays his Filipina maid less than $3 per hour - The Times of India
living as a asylum seeker doesnt make you white boy!!!
You retarded moron. I quoted case of Top american diplomat in Japan ....

Do you understand difference between Tokyo and Mumbai ...India and japan ?

If not then go back to elementary school . Regression of milestones is not uncommon for mentally challened .

read post no # 97 you blind fool

" so why is then top US diplomat who desisted from paying locallly prevalent wages to his philipino maid in Tokyo ..and when he was charged for abuse , visa fraud and similar offences by Japanese officials ..why the great state department of great America shielded its diplomat .
Hypocrisy right ? "

slum dog--- I told you that the only case dealing with a filipino and US diplomat I've ever heard was in India and I gave you the link to it. . show me the link to your claim of it being in Tokyo. I cant speak to something you claim happened but I don't know about. I need to research it. so show me the link

living as a asylum seeker doesnt make you white boy!!!

i guess you are playing the part of dumb and dumber part deux
slum dog--- I told you that the only case dealing with a filipino and US diplomat I've ever heard was in India and I gave you the link to it. . show me the link to your claim of it being in Tokyo. I cant speak to something you claim happened but I don't know about. I need to research it. so show me the link

i guess you are playing the part of dumb and dumber part deux

You blind fool , retarded moron .

see the same post you quoted me for the link and the detail of case .
slum dog--- I told you that the only case dealing with a filipino and US diplomat I've ever heard was in India and I gave you the link to it. . show me the link to your claim of it being in Tokyo. I cant speak to something you claim happened but I don't know about. I need to research it. so show me the link

i guess you are playing the part of dumb and dumber part deux
wat are you a nanny? go search google moron!
wat are you a nanny? go search google moron!

I have already posted link and the story .But this reatraded moron can't read.

first he admitted that he read only half post ..then he admitted that it was not about mumbai filipino case ...

He can't even read properly before replying. He making fool of himself .

and arrogant , self centred hypocrites like him will never accept their blunders .
I have already posted link and the story .But this reatraded moron can't read.

first he admitted that he read only half post ..then he admitted that it was not about mumbai filipino case ...

He can't even read properly before replying. He making fool of himself .

and arrogant , self centred hypocrites like him will never accept their blunders .
see bro... he is of few nris who live as slaves to their white masters....they are forbidden to speak against them under slave laws!!!
so chill!!
You blind fool , retarded moron .

see the same post you quoted me for the link and the detail of case .

idjit - at the time I posted your quote.. there was no information on it. You went and added the information later to your post

all I get on that 1993 case is from one blog that everyone , plus indian papers are quoting from..

firstly I dont if the guy truly had " full" US diplomatic immunity, your criminal gal did not. But regardless- he did break the law. Tokyo should have pressed on it. It is Tokyo that gave into the US and had he been arrested and jailed... no americans would cry over it like you guys did.

furthermore the two cases are different. In tokyo case US never claimed he did not commit a crime just said he had full diplomatic immunity. Tokyo agreed. . while india said the women diplomat never committed and said she had full diplomatic immunity, to which US said she did not.

see bro... he is of few nris who live as slaves to their white masters....they are forbidden to speak against them under slave laws!!!
so chill!!

says a guy who uses a white guy from the US for his avatar.. dumb A___
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slum dog--- I told you that the only case dealing with a filipino and US diplomat I've ever heard was in India and I gave you the link to it. . show me the link to your claim of it being in Tokyo. I cant speak to something you claim happened but I don't know about. I need to research it. so show me the link

i guess you are playing the part of dumb and dumber part deux
yeah you were nominated of oscars for playing the dumbest part exceptionally well...kudos :D
Way to go India. No more leniency for Yankees. Want Any favors? Provide the same to ours in US.
lol... you cannot deny that the americans gave you a free pass after they took over in afghanistan , tell me what battle did you fight to get a foot hold in afghanistan ? None! the americans thought that having you in afghanistan will be good to counter Pakistan , the yanks showed a lot of ugliness in doing this but as far as you ( india ) are concerned , then America DID let to hide under its wings , although you never reciprocated

Can you please define what is a free ride? The Americans were there only after we were present. Taliban had caused a problem in our development work in Afghanistan which the US helped to clear. India also provided vital intel data to the US and helped them in many ways. There is nothing free. Just because it doesn't come out in the news doesn't mean that we haven't helped them.

Don't talk tough, kiddo.

It is not like Indian workers there were being escorted by US marines or humvees for their safety. We were there on our own accord and this had nothing to do with their coalition of willing. The simple reason why they felt us more reliable in those terms were because we are the only stable country in South Asia with the ability to bring some sense of civilization and help Afghanistan compared to you lot.

Who had the muscle to do things? You? Pakistan has multiple centres of power and you know that. Your civilian government is a token government claiming a specific fiefdom, your ISI controls the politicians and the Army controls both these.

Now tell me, who would the US approach? Zardari? Gilani? Kayani? or Pasha?

With so many centres of power and a desire to support radical terrorists in Afghanistan through clandestine networks,. US simply had no choice.

China has a great chance to do so but it wants to do what we do; development work. Not interested in military activities. Chinese military is fully capable of crushing Taliban and Jihad under its boots within days as they wouldn't care for which terrorist group they kill.

The point is, you are only going to make it difficult on yourselves around the world for your actions in Afghanistan.

Terrorism and killing doesn't win hearts. Kindness and being helpful does.

You want to conquer Afghanistan? Then win their hearts. Show them that you have no negative interests.

Instead of sending mullahs and radicalizing their young kids, send in your teachers, scientists, engineers, architects and skilled professionals. Teach them the ways of development and help them create jobs.

But you can't do that because that is not even happening in Pakistan with some or the other gun-totting maniac forming his own islamist faction and involved in sectarian killings, bomb blasts or violence in main cities.
I think America is finally realizing that India won't allow themselves to be used as a meat shield against us.

It's not a question of being used. India shares American interests to keep China down. After all the diplomatic pleasantries are done, here is the simple reality:

- India does not mind America's global hegemony because India is not at the stage where it is butting heads with the US. In fact, US global power is helping India, since US apprehension of China is causing it to help India.

- Before India can stake out a role on the global stage, it must secure regional dominance. Its principal rival on that level is China because India has border disputes with China, or issue with China supporting other regional countries which resist Indian domination.
No. I claim that each was a quid pro quo.

There is no quid pro quo.

The US is a technological powerhouse and there is nothing India provides that the US can't get elsewhere.

When the US sells advanced technology to India, it is doing India a favor. The US is not flogging substandard merchandise that it must discount to find buyers. It provides top of the line technology, and there are a dozen countries who would gladly pay top dollar for it. It is the US who decides to whom it will sell, pursuant to its national interests.

1. Cancellation of pipeline with Iran.
2. Purchase of American equipment worth billions - yes billions - of dollars was guarenteed to US in exchange for it.

Again, US is a fifteen trillion dollar economy. It can substitute India's billions from a dozen countries around the world. The US doesn't need India. India needs US technology.

Because these are 90% of all that we have bought from them. And each is on offer to a dozen countries around the globe. Heck if Pakistan could afford it, its all open to Pakistan as well.

These technologies are NOT open to all countries; only a select few.

Yeah. Real free. Except that apart from the Pakistani narrative, India has done nothing much apart from ramp up surveillance apparatus in Afghanistan to monitor Pakistan, again in return for which we have given billions of dollars in recontruction aid to Afghanistan.

We all know the reality of what India is up to behind the diplomatic cover in Afghanistan, nor do we expect India to acknowledge it.

China, India and one more country had waiver from this. Are you telling me US was being nice to China as well?

There were several rounds of exemptions and not every country got exempted every time.

U.S. exempts India, not China, from Iran sanctions| Reuters

Are you joking here? Inclusion in talks is a freebie?

Very much so.

It was the US which elevated India into the Asia-Pacific group of countries aligned against China. In particular, it was the US sponsorship of India which propelled it to a major role with Japan and Australia. India has had relations with these countries for decades, but the recent upsurge in strategic ties just happens to coincide with the US pivot to Asia?

Are you aware that there are laws which govern outsourcing.

Again, I am very well aware of labor and visa laws around outsourcing. The issue isn't whether India provides cheaper alternatives. I don't want to get into that debate because it will burst some Indian bubbles, and also because it is irrelevant to the point I am making.

The issue is violations of the law and whether the US government goes after violators. It goes after Chinese firms, but gives a free pass to Indian companies. I know any number of labor and visa laws that are regularly broken by Indian companies and Indians in the US, but prosecuting them is not a priority for the US.
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Developer bhai, you are wasting your time. Indians will go to any length to get a US visa and get a job there.These are all fake Indians on PDF just to show us what a shame of superpower India is. I live and study with Indians, have done so with those in USA. Most don't even want to go back. The only thing credible India exports is IT and that can be sourced easily from elsewhere. If India tries to act smart, they will be smacked by USA. All of those firms begging for H1 visas will have to shut up shop.
It's not a question of being used. India shares American interests to keep China down. After all the diplomatic pleasantries are done, here is the simple reality:

- India does not mind America's global hegemony because India is not at the stage where it is butting heads with the US. In fact, US global power is helping India, since US apprehension of China is causing it to help India.

- Before India can stake out a role on the global stage, it must secure regional dominance. Its principal rival on that level is China because India has border disputes with China, or issue with China supporting other regional countries which resist Indian domination.
Well... In this world their is not Permanent friendship only some temporary certanity bring countries close together. India is Pro Russian and follow its own independent policy. Indian Voted many times against US and fight with US in WTO for the 3rd world and make US bent in front of it. India didn't sign US laws to get weapons etc like right of land in india for petrol etc , communication law etc.
India is one of power US nor China or EU can ignore now. India also said in favour of Russia in crimea So India has EU and Russia to support if US backs out.

india neighbour are too weak to do anything against india , they are happy with peace and harmony.

Developer bhai, you are wasting your time. Indians will go to any length to get a US visa and get a job there.These are all fake Indians on PDF just to show us what a shame of superpower India is. I live and study with Indians, have done so with those in USA. Most don't even want to go back. The only thing credible India exports is IT and that can be sourced easily from elsewhere. If India tries to act smart, they will be smacked by USA. All of those firms begging for H1 visas will have to shut up shop.

So why didn't it sourced from UK or PAK? as they are major allies. it only shows both UK and PAK don't know I of IT. For Software, its requires brains. Thats why Indian mars mission is going to Mars in very cheap price which UK ;). Indian have brainsthats why Indian winning competition in US, like BEE spelling competition, which nor other migrated society done that till now. ;
Well... In this world their is not Permanent friendship only some temporary certanity bring countries close together. India is Pro Russian and follow its own independent policy. Indian Voted many times against US and fight with US in WTO for the 3rd world and make US bent in front of it. India didn't sign US laws to get weapons etc like right of land in india for petrol etc , communication law etc.
India is one of power US nor China or EU can ignore now. India also said in favour of Russia in crimea So India has EU and Russia to support if US backs out.

I agree with you that India will pursue its own foreign policy.

The point I was making was that the US has been very supportive of India and it's not because the US needs a few billion dollars from India. India's billions are chump change for the US; the primary consideration is the US-India alignment of interests in the region.
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