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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

Pakistan has taken measures to prepare for a possible attack by U.S. forces, Germany’s Bild- Zeitung reported, citing a classified document by the U.S. government’s Combined Joint Intelligence Operations Center.
Pakistan has set up defensive positions in the border region with Afghanistan in response to an attack the country’s military sees as potentially imminent, Bild cited the document as saying.
Numerous anti-aircraft radar installations are in place to track low-flying vehicles, increasing Pakistan’s capability to spot helicopters and drones, Bild said.
Afghanistan will suffer a civil war once the International Security Assistance Force leaves the country, Bild also reported, citing U.S. military intelligence.

Pakistan Prepares for U.S. Attack, Bild Reports, Citing Document - Bloomberg

Come Dec 11 , they will be kicked out .. this american offical can go **** himself
SAM (ie. FD/FT-2000) is not designed for helicopters and LD-2000 is not effectives.

Only we need the response of PAF to destroy Apache. PAF must response immediately.

What are you saying? FD-2000 can take down a helicopter from 125 Km away. Go and read the FD-2000 specifications first. As for LD-2000 which supports FD-2000, it can take down a helicopter easy. Not only that but it has C-RAM and anti-Precision Guided ammunition capability, which basically means it can shoot down rockets, missiles, artillery shells and even mortars before they hit the ground at a safe distance. Here is more: http://www.defence.pk/forums/wmd-missiles/143634-blanket-air-defense-pakistan.html
So they have best from both both of world. I don't think PAF have any chance against NATO Airforce. Miracles could happen in land war like Vietnam but in Air war air superiority is very much imported.

If a conflict ever arises all aspects will be kept in mind. Basically the purpose of the PAF is to perform CAP missions so that NATO refrains from crossing over and spilling our blood but once things escalate then who knows where they will lead too.
Threads like these invite trolls the maximum and lead to banning , so please stop posting these kind of threads.
Someone from your side has mentioned F-22. If it is the best fighter jet, then how come it was downed in Balkans by an RPG? LMAOF, they don't have the money anyways so how will they pay its maintenance costs?

wrong info ..it was F-117 not f-22
Glad to know that this act of war by American led NATO froces is being taken very seriously by military ... I've had the opertunity of reading a memo that a retired senior officer wrote to a serving commander in Pakistan Army which basically summed up as "Act now or be crushed like cockroaches"

There is not an iota of doubt who the enemies of Pakistan are and we have to be ready against them on all front
Some how I am more convinced that it was 300 meters. The border runs through the peaks in that area, and not through the valleys. In the video, the nearest peak line looked barely 200-300 yards away from the check posts, and the next link of peaks, past the valley, appeared about 5 miles away at least. But it was just a video, and I am not a dweller of that area - I may very well be at mistake.

But anyway, that does not matter to me, because whether 1 KM, or 2 KM or just 2 meters, whatever the distance was, I cannot figure out the reason for the Pakistani troops to open fire at combat helicopters. I do not know much about military tactics and firepower, but in my opinion it would be suicidal, unless you have proper air support. The Pakistani troops did not have that. So for the Pakistani troops to fire at the helicopters, when lacking any anti-ariel guns (Pakistan's stand is that they did not fire mortars at the helicopters, Americans say they did), would defeat common sense.

Having said that, the NATO forces deliberately taking on the Pakistani troops, and killing not one or two, but 2 dozen troops, and so swiftly, that was to jeopardize their position and leverage with Pakistan. And it did. So their attacking the Pakistani troops deliberately also beats common sense.

Taimi yar, you want me to drop the points of the other side, and completely believe your side. Come on, we should be checking the version of both the sides impartially, right? And the fact is, the NATO's version is not out yet. This is why in each and every of my post I am saying we are left to just speculate - unless, we buy ISPR's story wholeheartedly, and throw everything away. That won't be right man.

No one is forcing you to accept anything. I am speaking on the facts i see.

Strange thing is, ISPR came out with a version,briefed the media in detail.

Now on the US/NATO side, unnamed officials sitting thousands of miles away right in USA / Washington are giving statements to WSJ or other newspapers, but the people sitting in Kabul have no version. Doesn't that tells something. Why are unnamed persons in Washington giving their versions while NATO/ISAF can't say anything in Kabul even after this many days.

Why is it taking so long ?? They have videos of the assault, they have maps of border locations, they have communication recording, they have men/women who dealt with the situation right in Afghanistan, but unnamed officials speaking in Washington. That;s ridiculous.

Till now,all the facts & figures go against the NATO. Plus i have cleary shown above how innocents getting chopped up by 30mm fire are considered as militants when contrary to that they were innocent civilians. Even then US army hid the fcts and lied.

So with their past record how can we be sure they won't lie or be lying this time too.
well Nato/US are not that dumb to open another chapter of Full war especially with a country like Pakistan who has 6 biggest army with respectable weopons and technology, overseas presence &Civil Society/Media, Good freinds in Asia, ME & Europe, they are not even able to deal with the insurgency in afghanistan forget about them fighting with Pakistan on front line as they know that Pakistan Army & Air Force will **** them in Afghanistan & the ppls of AF & Taliban are already fed up of US/NATO so Pakistan is in better position and can take really tough decisions which is the need of time...
In technical terms Taliban are not even close to NATO & yet NATO is losing against them . IN battle best equppment does not ensure your victory , its Courage & will to fight,

My dear friend, Taliban is following Gurrila warfare, which a state army can't adopt. So please stop comparing state army with Gurilla fighters... and moreover NATO is not loosing. They came to nab OBL, they did.

Now there presence is just to avoid revival of Taliban. In technical term none of Indian subcontinent country can match NATO.

having said that, I have clearly stated that PA is no weaker than NATO in terms of courage and dedication.
Unlikely americans will attack. Americans like situations where the odds are overwhelmingly in their favour, they are not known for tolerating suffering and death. However it is possible that they may launch more skirmish type of attacks. I think that there is a rogue element in american army that would like to avenge their failure in afghanistan and are using pakistan as a scapegoat
We should kick them out exactly the way Iranians kicked the British ambassador out of Tehran. Also remember that UK showed its true face when BBC the mouth piece of UK government showed two anti Pakistan "documentaries" (Double cross and Backlash) on the day of the NATO attack.

Send a brigade with an armoured unit, they will quickly leave. The base is on Pak soil and can be leased to f ing Martians, Pak is the owner always as it is on it's soil. Let's see whether everything going on is real or a play on dec 11

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