What a load of bull crap. In my bedroom, I have got newpaper cut outs and articles all over the walls. One of them, after the May 2 drama, says 'No more raids - Pakistan warns for strict actions'. What happened now? Our men were fighting for 3 long hours and no air support/re-inforcement was sent from the back??
I used to be a huge fan of Kayani until I read the reports on him and his family. I have now strongly changed my views.
As long as Kayani is here, Pakistan isin't doing anything. Just to share somethings I found out, his father was a army general too, and his younger brother is a Colonol, who is leader of land-grabbing mafia. I still was in dilemma, he has done more goods than bads, but we cannot neglect any part of it.
One more thing that disturbs is the report I read claims one of our posts on Western border fired AAA and mortars on the chopper, apparantly missed them and they got killed too. The question arises how could they miss the choppers?! And that night, they fought without orders. All the SOPs were violated. They didn't need permission to fight, they had to do it. Air Marshal (Retred) Shahid Lateef says the NATO attacked as their agents were trapped. This was a rescue mission.
Even if they come next time, and the orders aren't given, our men would fight back. Sometimes self-determined decision are better than the ones you get from high command. Unless Kayani here means he would send a full scale armed force to retaliate.