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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

That is one of the many reasons why I keep suggesting to wait for the NATO report as well, for corroborations and/or contradictions.

The official Pakistani position has been consistent - it does not require the NATO report for corroboration.

The only issue the NATO reports can clarify is in offering their version of WHY this happened.

the posts were 200-300meters from the border.....................

You are now contradicting what you posted earlier:


Two military officials said that up to 25 Pakistani troops had been killed and 14 wounded in the attack on the Salala check post, about 2.5 km (1.5 miles) from the Afghan border.


Let us wait for the final NATO report too.
Is this imperial/colonial hubris or what? Essentially translates into "So who cares if some 20 or so darkies are dead. They will get over it." Pretty typical!

One can just imagine if 24 American or British had perished in a similar so called "friendly fire" incident, how the Western governments and media would have reacted and what they would have expected from Pakistan.

It puzzles me that if the West celebrates the deaths of each of their fallen so meticulously, how come this unnamed rascal is missing the point that our 24 were not some unnamed souls. Their deaths have angered Pakistanis immensely and this oversimplification of their deaths won't pacify Pakistanis that easily. The above comments have not a shred of bloody remorse!


Sepoy Tahir Mehmood
Sepoy Najibullah
Sepoy Kiramat Ali
Sepoy Nasir Mehmood
Sepoy Tariq Mehmood
Sepoy Naeem
Sepoy Ibrahim
Sepoy Ahmed Khurshid
Sepoy Asghar Abbas
Sepoy Hafiz Manzoor
Sepoy Abdul Razzaq
Sepoy Ghulam Abbas
Sepoy Rizwan
Sepoy Imran Yusuf
Lance Naik Tariq Mehmood
Lance Naik Raza Mohammad
Havaldar Mushtaq
Havaldar Aslam
Havaldar Mumtaz
Subedar Mannan
Captain Usman
Major Mujahid Ali Mirani

thanks for the name the Martyrs blood will not go in vain NATO and USA has to pay

Peace upon the Martyrs , just cannot imagine what the Martyrs family going through

in this difficult time everyone should support and look at the martyrs family
That is one of the many reasons why I keep suggesting to wait for the NATO report as well, for corroborations and/or contradictions.


From the TT Chairman's own post on the first page of the other thread.

what other details do you think are relevant?

AND whose side will you believe, because NATO will invariably contradict pakistan?

therefore it sounds like you are waiting for NATO's response to jump on their bandwagon.

NATO will be in possession of details, probably even recordings, i doubt they will be released.
The official Pakistani position has been consistent - it does not require the NATO report for corroboration.

The only issue the NATO reports can clarify is in offering their version of WHY this happened.

There will be backtracking from the Pakistani side, once all the facts are known.

WHY it happened is one of the many things that need to be clarified, I agree, along with the HOW, and 12-23-11 is not that far away.
what other details do you think are relevant?

AND whose side will you believe, because NATO will invariably contradict pakistan?

therefore it sounds like you are waiting for NATO's response to jump on their bandwagon.

NATO will be in possession of details, probably even recordings, i doubt they will be released.

Not at all.

I will wait for the report and compare both sides to check for corroborations and contradictions, and go from there. But not point in speculating before then.
all news papers claiming that ISPR released Nato Attack footage..can somebody post it here as i cant find the video.
By 1 a.m. all channels of communications with the other side were activated and the helicopters were pulled back. But as Pakistani troops moved from one post to the other to assess the damage and aid the injured, the helicopters reappeared and pinned them down. Some 26 artillery airbursts were fired by the Pakistani side and the engagement lasted until 0215.

this detail here is really worrisome. you can argue that first attack was a mistake, they didn't realize who they were dealing with, it was a hot pursuit and so on but for the helis to come back after an hour and start there attack again, there is no justification for that. That detail makes the killing an execution.
There will be backtracking from the Pakistani side, once all the facts are known.

WHY it happened is one of the many things that need to be clarified, I agree, along with the HOW, and 12-23-11 is not that far away.

there will only be back tracking IF pakistan are wrong.

everything you are saying implies NATO are, or will be correct.

bizarre. :what:
all news papers claiming that ISPR released Nato Attack footage..can somebody post it here as i cant find the video.
This is the pic the news is about....

If I count the number of posts that talked of 2.5 km distance as a clinching factor of why this was not a mistake but unprovoked assault, I am sure those will form a large part of the marathon thread on this.. More such gaps will emerge between now and 23rd dec in my view..

Also I don't understand how were mortars used against helis...
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