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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

If Pakistan closes its airspace to NATO, NATO will close its airspace to Pakistani Airlines, PIA and such.

Which will be a devastating economic loss to Pakistan.

Pakistan is not Iran.

Iran has oil revenue to counter such threats and besides Iran doesn't have a major world power as its sworn enemy sitting right across the border like we do with India.

India is the only country that gains from this riff between Pakistan and NATO.

Well, don't know about the other airlines, but PIA is already a burden on our so called economy. So won't be a big thing if PIA is not allowed in the airspace of NATO member countries.
Hey come on now! some of the containers were stolen and opened by the tribal thugs and sold the military weapons within the tribal areas...so this means the supplies of weapons are going through our land routes. Sometimes the locals attacked the containers and looted them last time they found out the military weapons and even the Cobra helicopters parts within the containers....bro we have all indepth info about everything....we not just sitting ducks here.....we keep a watch on everything that who is lying or telling the truth......Alhamdolillah!.........:smokin:

Although I don't agree with you...I love reading you replies....they sound very gagster :smokin: :)
the whole thing needs to be viewed without the 'emotional' aspect. personally i am saddened and greived at this loss of life but in the 'fog of war' such incidents will continue to happen. having said that, one thing is a given - US/NATO/ISAF forces are 'trigger happy'. this is the 8th incident of so called 'friendly fire' against our troops. in afghanistan hundreds of civilians have been killed by 'friendly fire' incidents. secondly these western forces dont care what happens to the civilians and troops of their 'allies' - now what to do?
unfortunately we dont have many options. closing all doors to them will only 'isolate' us further. we have only ourselves to blame for this because we have bent over backwards in the past to 'accomodate' them and now they take these things for granted that we will not do anything. we cant start a war with the US/NATO/ISAF with the state of our economy. we just have to 'bite the bullet' and make the best of a very bad situation - 'situation is critical but not hopeless'.

With due respect Mr. Fatman, let us not Besmirch the memory of our martyrs by regurgitating American lies as this being an Accident, Friendly fire and " Fog of War ". This violation of Pakistani Sovereignty took place for a period of over two hours of relentless attacks and despite repeated calls by Pakistani side requesting ceasefire, the shameless and cowardly attack continued unabatedly. After such horrific violation of Pakistan's sovereignty we cannot go back to " Business as Usual " and there would have to be serious consequences for this cowardly attack. The thing about yielding sovereignty is that it is a slippery, sliding slope and once you start this process of yielding then there is no going back and you keep going down.

I agree with you that we have to take deliberate and measured response and not get carried away but we must not yield on the issue of supplies transit / Shamsi Air Base. We should stop all cooperation with the US and reduce their staff to only dipolmats. All CIA/Military trainers should be given 48 hours to clear out.

Enough is Enough.
It was an accident.

NATO was conducting operations in this area when they mistook the Pakistani outposts as Taliban bases.

It was an accident when they attacked Pakistani Soldiers in uniforms sitting in marked and informed posts? Dude, how I would love to see a Pakistani accident that murders 48 of your soldiers anywhere in the world......and we would even apologise for our 'mistake'!

By the way, the attack continued for another 90 minutes after the US was informed that it was attacking a Pakistani Army post. Perhaps that, too, was an accident.
Don't get upset but i think it's because of marine deaths in helicopter.
Us is capable of doing things and saying by mistake . Remember Iran passenger jet bombing in 80s? Also Chinese embassy in Kosovo and this.
So best That pak can do is to take blood money and let it go.
Please write coherent statements. I don't respond to such poorly worded responses.

Sorry dude, but i didin't use this terminology for PAk-US relations. Famous urdu columnist Late Irshad Ahmed Haqani used this terminology of Mutta Marriage for PAk-US relations.

Pak and US are neither friends, nor foe, neither strategic partners not even well wisher for each other we are just paper marriage partners in hours of need and necessity. :argh::argh:
U know what they can do to us .....Can't cuz they have their own limitations....they can't control everything...With Pakistan the Muslim population gonna standup and we gonna fight Nuclear war...take away all this middle East and the whole Asia by force from these evil Devilz... Stop all the oils from here to them and choked these Goraz/US/NATO to death ..Don't ever undereastimate that we keeping these Nuklear weapons for Showpiece we gonna use them all against these Goraz whereever we gonna see resistance....We gonna make this world literally turned into hell for these devilz.......just wait and see......Insha-Allah.......:smokin:

Oh my God
Chill dude chill, have some thanda thanda water.
Good opportunity for the Russians to milk the deal to their advantage. Pakistan should try to use the Russian concerns as levers in its own negotiations with the ISAF.

Aside from that, I do not see the two sides working together to squeeze ISAF. Its up to both sides to take advantage individually of the situation created by ISAF.
too much fodder here for Vcheng to troll at will, you are lucky the way you are sitting as some bharati in america and operating under pakistani flag

After reading Vcheng it always looks like Nadeem F Paracha has made an account of defence.pk
Don't get upset but i think it's because of marine deaths in helicopter.
Us is capable of doing things and saying by mistake . Remember Iran passenger jet bombing in 80s? Also Chinese embassy in Kosovo and this.
So best That pak can do is to take blood money and let it go.

I agree with you, Americans don't apologize. Iran passenger get bombing was shameful act. whereas Kososvo JDAM was a purposeful act.

USA will not say sorry, Pakistan will forget this incident in few months and the marriage will continue as it is....
It was an accident.

NATO was conducting operations in this area when they mistook the Pakistani outposts as Taliban bases.

I think you just woke up and learned of the attack. There's a lot of detail that have come out and available in the thread. It's not as black and white as you just made it that hey, NATO made a mistake while conducting an opp.

The attack continued for more than two hours. On a marked and highly visible post high on top of a hill. Pak soldiers identified themselves during the course of the attack.

I suggest you go through the thread a little, and read at least few posts by professional members before coming to such a simplistic conclusion.
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