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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

Iran-Pakistan cooperation guarantees regional security, stability

Head of Iran-Pakistan Parliamentary Friendship Group, Ali-Akbar Aqaie, said on Monday that Tehran-Islamabad cooperation would guarantee security and stability of the region.

Aqaie told Pakistani Ambassador in Tehran Khalid Aziz Baber that Iranian Majlis deputies favor expansion of Tehran-Islamabad cooperation.

He said Tehran and Islamabad can guarantee security and stability of the region, fight terrorism as well as smuggle of narcotic drugs through close cooperation.

He added that the two sides should not let bullying powers divide them.

Khalid Aziz for his part appreciated Iran for its humanitarian assistance to Pakistani flood-torn people, saying the Islamic Republic of Iran has always been a pioneer in providing aid to Pakistanis and “has never left us alone.”

Calling mutual bonds “unbreakable”, he hoped that the two countries should upgrade mutual ties in all areas.

Iran MP: Iran-Pakistan cooperation guarantees regional security, stability

This does not look good for Pakistan. Probably this was what the US was wanting to happen after the strikes.

This was a complete setup. The timing is perfect for Bonn Conference. Boycotting it will fullfill the objective of US, we will have no say in future of Afghanistan. Some Military Analysts think that this operation was conducted by Special Ops task Force (which did OBL op as well), they had an air cover this time too.

Boycotting this conference only to raise our voice and protest against the un-just killing from a so called 'Friendly' isnt a good plan. Implementation is..e.g taking back Shamsi, halting the supply line for months and then decreasing it to the minimum possible level. Imposing ban on arrival of US/NATO containers at Karachi dockyard. And Finally demanding a big price to pay to these shuada(martyrs) and all 72 shuada who have lost their lives in such 'friendly fire' in past couple of years.
Why did the allied forces attack ?

The unprovoked attack by “NATO” forces has angered the nation well beyond all previous levels. At least 24 soldiers were martyred in this unprovoked attack. This attack has taken place at a time when a memo, allegedly written by a US citizen named Hussain Haqqani, is under investigation by the authorities. It is said the authorities are questioning this US citizen. It is of interest to note that the secret documents recovered from the US embassy in Teheran, and published by the Iranian authorities as Tehran Papers, mention a student leader of Karachi named Husain Haqqani who was on the payroll of the US authorities in Pakistan. It is not clear as to whether this is the same individual who became our ambassador to the US. That the ongoing questioning of this individual in connection with a memo aimed at destroying Pakistan’s military strength and independence was the immediate cause of the attack cannot be ruled out.

The NATO authorities have “regretted” the attack. Their regret, if any, might be that the attack did not have the desired effect, at least not in the short run. What is the US doing in our backyard along with the UK? Why is it in Afghanistan and why has it been continually destabilizing this country? Why is the US embarked on a suicide mission which will inevitably lead to World War III? It is because those who control the US want World War III.

It is well established by researchers that the US government, the US Congress, the US armed forces and its so called “diplomatic” staff, work, not for the people of the US, but for a hidden cabal. They are mere stooges who carry out orders that come from elsewhere. Churchill called it the “High Cabal”. This cabal of “international bankers” is a set of families tied by blood and inter-marriages and secret societies. In 1961 President Kennedy talked to the media about “secret societies, secret oaths and secret proceedings… a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations.”

For this cabal the people of Europe and USA, as well as the rest of the world, are mere cannon fodder that, through wars manipulated and controlled on all sides by it, adds to its staggering wealth and power, inexorably paving the way to a One World Government under its control. President Woodrow Wilson wrote: “Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” President Franklin D. Roosevelt wrote to an adviser: “The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centres has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson.”

Col. Prouty, briefing officer to the US President from 1955-1963 wrote of a “Secret Team” of “security-cleared individuals in and out of government who receive secret intelligence data gathered by the CIA and the National Security Agency (NSA) and who react to those data… The power of the Team derives from its vast intra-governmental undercover infrastructure and its direct relationship with great private industries, mutual funds and investment houses, universities, and the news media, including foreign and domestic publishing houses…All true members of the Team remain in the power center whether in office with the incumbent administration or out of office with the hard-core set. They simply rotate to and from official jobs and the business world or the pleasant haven of academe.”

William Engdahl wrote in his book A Century of War – Anglo American Oil Politics and the New World Order that the power of the US currency and its military were intertwined into a single commodity – petroleum. It was for petroleum that “British, American, German, French, Italian and other nations called their soldiers to war…Oil played a decisive role in the collapse of the Soviet Union. Oil defined American foreign policy in much of the world during the cold war. And oil defines American military actions since the end of the cold war as never before.”

It was in 2006 that a Ralph Peters published an article in the Armed forces Journal with the title Blood Borders – How a Better Middle East Would Look. In this article the maps of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan were redrawn. Professor Chossudovsky wrote in 2007: “The ultimate objective, combining military action, covert intelligence operations and war propaganda, is to break down the national fabric and transform sovereign countries into open economic territories, where natural resources can be plundered and confiscated under “free market” supervision. This control also extends to strategic oil and gas pipeline corridors (e.g. Afghanistan).”

What are American agents like Raymond Davis and others, including diplomats, along with Blackwater mercenaries really doing in Pakistan? What are they doing in Balochistan, in Sind, in Punjab, in KPK and in Gilgit-Baltistan? Professor Chossudovsky writes: “It is worth noting that the triggering of sectarian divisions and ‘civil wars’ is contemplated in the process of redrawing of the map of the Middle East, where countries are slated to be broken up and transformed into territories. The map of the New Middle East, although not official, has been used by the US National War Academy. It was recently published in the Armed Forces Journal (June 2006). In this map, nation states are broken up, international borders are redefined along sectarian-ethnic lines, broadly in accordance with the interests of the Anglo-American oil giants. The map has also been used in a training program at NATO’s Defense College for senior military officers.”

Pakistan may not want war but war is being imposed on Pakistan. While the task of diplomacy is to delay inevitable wars, the Pakistani leadership should sit down for two months to chalk out a long term strategy with national consensus and only then talk to the Americans. We can defend our homeland effectively provided we prepare day and night, quietly, fearlessly and with determination for the inevitable World War III.

The writer is vice-chancellor of Punjab University.

Why did the allied forces attack ? | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
Supplies are put on lorries and railways and moved across most of the Eurasian landmass before entering Afghanistan through the former Soviet republics of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.

Russia Threatens To Cut Off NATO Afghanistan Transit

Russia has threatened to cut off NATO supply routes to Afghanistan if the alliance doesn't compromise on its missile defense plans, Moscow's NATO envoy, Dmitry Rogozin, has said.

Russia Threatens To Cut Off NATO Afghanistan Transit | EurasiaNet.org

Russian Response

No excuse to violate Pakistan sovereignty: Russia | World | DAWN.COM

Chinese Response

China backs Pakistan's efforts in safeguarding independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity: FM

Its only a matter of lip sympathy and verbal threats that we are seeing and reading every other day since past ten years
Because They Knew Pakistan would not hit back the day we will show them if they will kill Soldier in reply we will make sure 10 of Nato soldiers become History I guarantee you they will never attack again
Doesnt mean we shouldn't try. I'm all for trying and not succeeding rather than not trying at all. The world should know what these tyrants did over here.

Pakistan records protest at UNSC

UNITED NATIONS: Pakistan’s permanent envoy to United Nations (UN) Abdullah Hussain Haroon in his letter to UN’s Security Council has lodged strong protest against Nato’s attack on Pakistan’s border post in Mohmand Agency, Geo News reported.

In his letter Haroon conveyed to the UNSC and the General Assembly the decisions taken by the Pakistan Cabinet’s Defence Committee.


Writing to UNSC was the first thing the ambassador to UN did after reaching New York.

Pakistan records protest at UNSC
"We can defend our homeland effectively provided we prepare day and night, quietly, fearlessly and with determination for the inevitable World War III "

Love it. :pakistan:
the whole thing needs to be viewed without the 'emotional' aspect. personally i am saddened and greived at this loss of life but in the 'fog of war' such incidents will continue to happen. having said that, one thing is a given - US/NATO/ISAF forces are 'trigger happy'. this is the 8th incident of so called 'friendly fire' against our troops. in afghanistan hundreds of civilians have been killed by 'friendly fire' incidents. secondly these western forces dont care what happens to the civilians and troops of their 'allies' - now what to do?
unfortunately we dont have many options. closing all doors to them will only 'isolate' us further. we have only ourselves to blame for this because we have bent over backwards in the past to 'accomodate' them and now they take these things for granted that we will not do anything. we cant start a war with the US/NATO/ISAF with the state of our economy. we just have to 'bite the bullet' and make the best of a very bad situation - 'situation is critical but not hopeless'.
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