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America will attack Iran, Syria in October: Gul


Feb 12, 2006
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America will attack Iran, Syria in October: Gul


Online | August 3 2006

RAWALPINDI: The former chief of ISI, Maj. Gen ® Hameed Gul has "predicted" that America would definitely attack Iran and Syria simultaneously in October.

He was talking after attending the Hamdard Majlis Shoora, Tuesday evening. He also condemned the lackluster and weak reaction of Pakistan and Islamic bloc about Israel’s attack of Lebanon.

Analyzing the current war scenario he observed that war has both political and strategic factors and despite "using" Israel, America has lost the war in Lebanon, where masses have united against the recent Israeli onslaught, and would have been more formidable if the generals of Saddam had not sold out to American dollars.

He analyzed that Israel would soon be "forced" to stop its land strikes but would continue its horrific and heinous air strikes against Lebanon, converting it to ruins.

He also "predicted" that after Iran and Syria, Saudi Arabia would also meet the same fate, followed by Pakistan.


There is alot of disscussion on anotehr forum on this prediction of Gen Gul some people believe that he has presented a factual analyses even some American commented that his views are near to truth.

Anyway i will try to post mine on Sunday.
sooner or later, it will happend. afterall its the main plan of jews to capture the terrotories of all arab nations and forms a huge zionist state with Makkah as its capital.
General Gul, who has held the centre stage for a long time, is yearning for some limelight to come his way. A relic of the Zia coterie.

Indeed, he has been too long in the cloak and dagger scenario and seems to have forgotten his military training to understand the geostrategic paradigm.

If the US can attack through a conventional war Syria and Iran by October, then it will be a miracle.

TheUS has not been able to manage Iraq and Afghanistan in the manner they set out to happen and both missions remain incomplete. Therefore, who would be foolish enough to undertake two more headaches?

He is the type of person who wishes to agitate people of the Islamic faith and confuse them. Islam maybe a great motivator for the people of the Islamic faith, but then it is rank stupidity to run a "scare" campaign for personal glory as a champion of Islam.

It is foolish of him to feel that people of the Islamic faith close down their brains and logic through an 'Islam in danger' rhetoric. The common man is getting wise to these tricks played by people like Gul. If he is such a defender of Islam, why is he not in Lebanon with the front rank? Because of his ego being a General? Has his fervour to be an Islamic warrior now dwindled to being a provocateur haranguing from the rear lines?

Both Iran and Syria cannot be sorted out before Oct. Therefore, from where are they to get the troops from? Thin air? Even for debate's sake we agree that the US can materialise troops with Merlin's wand, can the US economy undertake two more wars?

Maybe I am wrong in my surmise. I do hope someone can educate me.
Good analysis Sir, even I as a civilan understand that its too abitious to think that US would be ready or even capable to invade Iran and Syria by Oct.
You've already mentioned the manpower and weapons supply, I'm more concerned about the finances.
Iraq and Afghanistan are costing the US taxpayer approx. $1 billion a day, $365 billion per annum. Thats more than the GDP of a middle size economy!

Owais said:
sooner or later, it will happend. afterall its the main plan of jews to capture the terrotories of all arab nations and forms a huge zionist state with Makkah as its capital.

I am not a Jew, but then again this is hot air and mere delusions.

Do show these plans since you appear to have access to such plans which the world is not aware of.

What is happening in Lebanon is indeed most unfortunate; but let delusions not justify the lack of effort and will of the Arabs to take on Israel or the fact that the Arabs have roundly been defeated in every war they fought against Israel and this is happening once again.

The Arabs lose because they are lousy and there is no justification to lament their poor soldierlike quality. That is the simple fact. Lousy chaps and that is about all.

So let us not make fairy tales to justify the abject uselessness of the Arabs.

The simple fact is that the Israelis are far better in motivation and soldierlike activities.

If you wish to say that they control the world with money, the Arabs have more power - they have OIL. Shut that up and the world will wilt and die! But will they? No. They are greedy. So why blame the Jews for the Arabs being a greedy and lousy lot?
Salim said:
I am not a Jew, but then again this is hot air and mere delusions.

Do show these plans since you appear to have access to such plans which the world is not aware of.
may be you don't aware of......all muslims are!.
may be you don't know that there is a map of a zionist state out side the israeli parliment:read: which includes whole arab. what does this indicate??
may be you don't know that there is a map of a zionist state out side the israeli parliment which includes whole arab. what does this indicate??

Thank you.

I didn't know that.

I will check this out.
Owais, can you post a map or a link if its available?
I'm not aware of it either...:what1:
In the above context, Greater Israel would comprise, roughly, all of modern-day Israel (including the West Bank and Gaza Strip), Jordan, and Lebanon, much of Syria, Iraq, and Kuwait, and parts of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Turkey.

In present-day discourse, the exact definition of Greater Israel is open to interpretation. According to Daniel Pipes there are three main usages of the term[2]:
  1. According to some right-wing Israeli views, the term refers to a state of Israel (Hebrew: Medinat Yisra'el) established on the whole historical region of Palestine (known in Hebrew as Eretz Yisra'el, distinct from the political entity Medinat Yisra'el), situated between the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River, annexing both the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
  2. According to some Israeli far-right groups, such as Betar and Irgun Zvai-Leumi that ceased to exist as political movements, it refers to the pre-1922 mandatory Palestine, i.e. both the historical region of Palestine and what was later Transjordan.
  3. According to some anti-Zionist and Islamist rhetoric, Greater Israel refers to an extremist Zionist conspiracy to stretch the borders of the state of Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates. The term is not used in this sense in Israeli discourse, and no prominent Zionist or Israeli intellectual or political figure advocates pursuing such borders.
However, the term of "Greater Israel" in Israeli politics today refers to the Golan Heights, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.
Therefore, all of Arabia is not in the plans.

And anyway, they have withdrawn from Gaza which indicates that it is not in the plans. West Bank? Not too sure. Jordan? Out of the question! US ally.

Therefore, the issue of the whole of Arabia being the desired Israel is a figment of imagination. Though, that is excellent to whip up a frenzy when desired! And it also proves Goebbel right.

And anyway, if wishes were horses, then beggars would ride and hence one can always discount the radical elements of any society.
Neo said:
Owais, can you post a map or a link if its available?
I'm not aware of it either...:what1:
I read and saw it on daily "Dawn" and "The news" few yeas ago but I failed to find that map on any site.
Salim said:
Therefore, all of Arabia is not in the plans.

And anyway, they have withdrawn from Gaza which indicates that it is not in the plans. West Bank? Not too sure. Jordan? Out of the question! US ally.

Iraq was one of US allay, don't you see what US did to them?
Greater Israel will not include anything other than the Golan Hights.
Sinai is gone, so have Gaza and the West Bank.

Lebanon and Syria? Not in a Century!
Egypt and Jordan? US allies, out of question!
Saudia Arabia? World War III!

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