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America wants to sanction German Banks too

Wow, didn't know that Deutsche Bank was so powerful and influential to cause the whole US banking industry to collapse and dragging almost the whole world into the abyss. LB, GS, Giennie Mae, Fannie Mae et al were all victims of evil Deutsche Bank's conspiracy. :woot:

It was not just Deutsche Bank alone. But it was basicly started from them. But they got out of it before it collapsed.
It was not just Deutsche Bank alone. But it was basicly started from them. But they got out of it before it collapsed.

Deutsche Bank collaborated with GS, the rating agencies Moody's and S&P, Bank of Washington Mutual and US Banking Supervision OTS. Most of those main culprits were US institutions.

The US institutions were too greedy and got burnt.
Wow, didn't know that Deutsche Bank was so powerful and influential to cause the whole US banking industry to collapse and dragging almost the whole world into the abyss. LB, GS, Giennie Mae, Fannie Mae et al were all victims of evil Deutsche Bank's conspiracy. :woot:

Your sarcasm is not warranted. Deutsche Bank (specifically, Greg Lippmann) pioneered the instruments that allowed mortgages to be shorted, called collateralized debt obligations (CDOs). So yes, in a very real sense, Deutsche Bank contributed materially to the financial crisis.

It's tiresome for German institutions to keep crying about how victimized they were by the American banks after they made so much money from 2004-2007 participating in, and even aggravating, the very problem that led to the financial crisis.
Your sarcasm is not warranted. Deutsche Bank (specifically, Greg Lippmann) pioneered the instruments that allowed mortgages to be shorted, called collateralized debt obligations (CDOs). So yes, in a very real sense, Deutsche Bank contributed materially to the financial crisis.

It's tiresome for German institutions to keep crying about how victimized they were by the American banks after they made so much money from 2004-2007 participating in, and even aggravating, the very problem that led to the financial crisis.

Where were your super duper banking supervisions? Oh, they collaborated with all the other Wall St. institutions to milk the average savers and workers. All that happened in the US that later spread to the rest of the world.
Where were your super duper banking supervisions? Oh, they collaborated with all the other Wall St. institutions to milk the average savers and workers. All that happened in the US that later spread to the rest of the world.

I hope you're joking. Where were the German banking regulators that allowed their banks to engage in creating, trading, and holding risky instruments that made German banks some of the most leveraged in the world? How about the insane German banking investments in Greek bonds, leading to illegitimate ECB bailouts of Greece (to save German banks)?

Are you even aware that German banks needed a bigger bailout than American banks? How incompetent does the German banking system need to get before you blame the German banks for their own mistakes instead of laying the blame at the feet of the US?
“The central bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the Principles and form of our Constitution. I am an Enemy to all banks discounting bills or notes for anything but Coin. If the American People allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the People of all their Property until their Children will wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered. ”

Thomas Jefferson :whistle:
That quote reminds me of this video.
Königin Merkel would not be pleased with this move. She recently had the best of her time and after World Cup, this would really taste bad for her.
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