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America seperated Pakistan from Bangladesh in 1971, and is doing so again


Indeed, one cannot forget the massacre of pro-Pakistan elements such as stranded West Pakistanis, Biharis and loyal Bengalis that ensued after the East ceded.

Exactly why I clearly mentioned ALL the parties involved in the conflict. In many ways the aftermath was far more brutal than the lead up to the secession, as you mention.
Estimates of approx 1 million dead and perhaps 100,000-150,000 rapes from all the parties involved in the conflict are more plausible. The figures that you quote are improbable.

Bangladeshi authorities claimed that three million people were killed,while the Hamoodur Rahman Commission, an official Pakistan Government investigation, put the figure at 26,000 civilian casualties.The international media and reference books in English by authors and genocide scholars such as Samuel Totten have also published figures of up to 3,000,000 for Bangladesh as a whole, although independent researchers put the toll at 300,000 to 500,000.
Their Aryan( Turkic, Persian ancestry, the Alexandrian) ancestry made united to crush the Bengali ( Dravidian) Ethnic people. This is the major point. We are black skinned and from Dravidian ancestry. All of them were from Persian Ancestry. Shame on the Aryans!

Their Aryan( Turkic, Persian ancestry, the Alexandrian) ancestry made united to crush the Bengali ( Dravidian) Ethnic people. This is the major point. We are black skinned and from Dravidian ancestry. All of them were from Persian Ancestry. Shame on the Aryans!

Last I checked, Bangladeshis were Indo-Aryan and Burmese by descent.
Indeed, one cannot forget the massacre of pro-Pakistan elements such as stranded West Pakistanis, Biharis and loyal Bengalis that ensued after the East ceded.

What do you mean by Loyal Bengali. The Dravidian Muslim root of the Bangladeshi Race is the forefather of Muslim League. Just googled the history. Muslim League is the forefather of Pakistan. So called Race is the snatcher. Not the East , But the West ceded from the United Pakistan. East was the majority. Minorities always ceded. It is the nature. You did that. You did that violently. Because you wanted the relief from the rightful democratic political stand of the Eastern people. You were greedy. Drone is the best answer for your crime. We did nothing. But We are the worst sufferer without any valid reason. You are the killer of the United Pakistan. Those are now myth. Those are ashes. We are not a myth.None can stop us. None can destroy us. None can divide our Bangladeshi Race! We are the Seventh Largest Nation of the World. We are the Pure One!YES..I M A BANGLADESHI...n..i m..proud of it....
Their Aryan( Turkic, Persian ancestry, the Alexandrian) ancestry made united to crush the Bengali ( Dravidian) Ethnic people. This is the major point. We are black skinned and from Dravidian ancestry. All of them were from Persian Ancestry. Shame on the Aryans!

There are dark skinned people in pakistan and light skinned people in bangladesh......what are they?
I thought hitler was into this aryan stuff and how can you prove that you are 100% of Dravidian ancestry........if its just colour then can africans be Dravidian?

Ps..... Nobody believes in this aryan-Dravidian bull5hit anyway other then racist.
Pakistanis have genuine guilt over the tragedy of 71, however, one cannot help but doubt the legitimacy of the 3 million dead and 10 Million raped figure.

No sane man doubts the falsehood of this propaganda claim. But undeniably there are/were genuine grievances (from both sides). Nothing can probably make up for personal losses. Then again the time is over for singing saga or lamenting over '71. Bangladesh and Pakistan are now a reality. Majority of the people from both sides bear no longer any malice against each other.

Back to topic: That was a time when majority people were illiterate, people to people contact between the two wings of the then Pakistan was almost rare, facts were inaccessible because of mass illiteracy and rumors were in abundance.
Last I checked, Bangladeshis were Indo-Aryan and Burmese by descent.

The army of Beloch Koshai has ordered to kill the short and black Bengali People. This proves the purity of our Dravidian ancestry. Remember this is not the only proof. We are the proof. We are not a myth.None can stop us. None can destroy us. None can divide our Bangladeshi Race! We are the Seventh Largest Nation of the World. We are the Pure One!YES..I M A BANGLADESHI...n..i m..proud of it....
The army of Beloch Koshai has ordered to kill the short and black Bengali People. This proves the purity of our Dravidian ancestry. Remember this is not the only proof. We are the proof. We are not a myth.None can stop us. None can destroy us. None can divide our Bangladeshi Race! We are the Seventh Largest Nation of the World. We are the Pure One!YES..I M A BANGLADESHI...n..i m..proud of it....

Yeah I heard you the first 295 times.
BTW, I recommend you check out an ethnic profile map. You'll be surprised.

No sane man doubts the falsehood of this propaganda claim. But undeniably there are/were genuine grievances (from both sides). Nothing can probably make up for personal losses. Then again the time is over for singing saga or lamenting over '71. Bangladesh and Pakistan are now a reality. Majority of the people from both sides bear no longer any malice against each other.

Back to topic: That was a time when majority people were illiterate, people to people contact between the two wings of the then Pakistan was almost rare, facts were inaccessible because of mass illiteracy and rumors were in abundance.

Agreed, very few people from both wings had ever seen the other. There was no internet and TV broadcast was limited to 10 hours per day. There was no general feeling of nationhood between members of both wings because they did not know the other as they would have today.
Agreed, very few people from both wings had ever seen the other. There was no internet and TV broadcast was limited to 10 hours per day. There was no general feeling of nationhood between members of both wings because they did not know the other as they would have today.

Very very few people in East had a television, even Radios were rare.
Yeah I heard you the first 295 times.
BTW, I recommend you check out an ethnic profile map. You'll be surprised.

I am the Map. We are the map. We are the proof. We are not a myth.None can stop us. None can destroy us. None can divide our Bangladeshi Race! We are the Seventh Largest Nation of the World. We are the Pure One!YES..I M A BANGLADESHI...n..i m..proud of it... But We are not the betrayers.........We are the answers to the betrayers..........!
Who do you mean by Loyal Bengali. The Dravidian Muslim root of the Bangladeshi Race is the forefather of Muslim League. Just googled the history. Muslim League is the forefather of Pakistan. So called Race is the snatcher. Not the East , But the West ceded from the United Pakistan. East was the majority. Minorities always ceded. It is the nature. You did that. You did that violently. Because you wanted the relief from the rightful democratic political stand of the Eastern people. You were greedy. Drone is the best answer for your crime. We did nothing. But We are the worst sufferer without any valid reason. You are the killer of the United Pakistan. Those are now myth. Those are ashes. We are not a myth.None can stop us. None can destroy us. None can divide our Bangladeshi Race! We are the Seventh Largest Nation of the World. We are the Pure One!YES..I M A BANGLADESHI...n..i m..proud of it....

Wow, I think I got dumber by just reading your post.
It's almost at the level of an Internet Hindu.

Just a few points.
You think the murder of innocent people is your revenge for perceived injustices that were done to you?
That is a very very sick mentality and the disgusting part is that you are not the first Bengali I have heard say that on here.
While Most of our Bengali brothers are sane and rational, it still saddens me that people like you exist.

Also, there is no such thing as pure, we are all equally human. So get this Nazi mentality out of your head.

I am the Map. We are the map. We are the proof. We are not a myth.None can stop us. None can destroy us. None can divide our Bangladeshi Race! We are the Seventh Largest Nation of the World. We are the Pure One!YES..I M A BANGLADESHI...n..i m..proud of it... But We are not the betrayers.........We are the answers to the betrayers..........!

are you high or drunk?
honest question.
I am the Map. We are the map. We are the proof. We are not a myth.None can stop us. None can destroy us. None can divide our Bangladeshi Race! We are the Seventh Largest Nation of the World. We are the Pure One!YES..I M A BANGLADESHI...n..i m..proud of it... But We are not the betrayers.........We are the answers to the betrayers..........!

I wish you were a quieter one then.

Very very few people in East had a television, even Radios were rare.

Radios were relatively common, my maternal grandfather was a member of the National Football Squad and often played in the East. Even today, he can look at a photo of Dhaka/Chittagong and tell where it was taken. He blames the BBC for creating the first wave of unrest, after the floods of 1970, BBC broadcasted that the Pak Army had refused to remove Bengali corpses and there was decay all over the East. It was just sensationalism, the army was collecting the dead but that created the first feeling that Westerners don't treat the Easterners equally. He recounts that the Bengalis remained restricted with him then, the seeds of discord had been sown.
Wow, I think I got dumber by just reading your post.
It's almost at the level of an Internet Hindu.

Just a few points.
You think the murder of innocent people is your revenge for perceived injustices that were done to you?
That is a very very sick mentality and the disgusting part is that you are not the first Bengali I have heard say that on here.
While Most of our Bengali brothers are sane and rational, it still saddens me that people like you exist.

Also, there is no such thing as pure, we are all equally human. So get this Nazi mentality out of your head.

are you high or drunk?
honest question.

I think you know well what is the words of people when they are drunk. This is the example of your experience. Sorry, I don't have that. You should know that emotions triggered people to bring the words. Alcohol may bring the false emotions to bring false literature. But angers of generations triggered to bring out the crimes which caused the huge loss to the Nation and the overall humanity. We the Bengalis, maximum were unarmed. We didn't kill anyone illegally. We do that what is justice. I mentioned that earlier. We are not a myth.None can stop us. None can destroy us. None can divide our Bangladeshi Race! We are the Seventh Largest Nation of the World. We are the Pure One!YES..I M A BANGLADESHI...n..i m..proud of it....
I think you know well what is the words of people when they are drunk. This is the example of your experience. Sorry, I don't have that. You should know that emotions triggered people to bring the words. Alcohol may bring the false emotions to bring false literature. But angers of generations triggered to bring out the crimes which caused the huge loss to the Nation and the overall humanity. We the Bengalis, maximum were unarmed. We didn't kill anyone illegally. We do that what is justice. I mentioned that earlier. We are not a myth.None can stop us. None can destroy us. None can divide our Bangladeshi Race! We are the Seventh Largest Nation of the World. We are the Pure One!YES..I M A BANGLADESHI...n..i m..proud of it....

Is alcohol so cheap in Bangladesh that anyone can buy it and then write drunken tirades online?

I don't really want to argue with this guy because it's clear he is not all there in the head.
But I do want to point out the bold part.
That is not true, the Bengali formed militias that targeted any Urdu speakers and any Bengali who were with the government.

And relax man, I know you are a Bangladeshi, I didn't say you were a martian. No need to keep stating the obvious.
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