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Ambala to station first squadron of MMRCA fighters

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You will never know officially until ISPR choses to reveal it ... Well , your first main claim in this thread was the JFT being not capable of firing BVR's ... Kanwa news report ? Kamra perhaps ? Sorry , there is no such thing ! It is foolish to think that testing hasn't been completed after 5 years and almost 3 squadrons have been inducted ... What do you mean by a half - assed missile ? SD-10 has been operational on other aircrafts as well so its capabilities are not something that can be questioned ...

It's funny how all cool James Bond style stuff applies to Pakistan only. Frankly your argument is illogical. You said that since Pakistan was considering buying BVRs in 2010, by default we should assume that they have it now.

You couldn't come up with one picture or news report, and then claimed you ISPR is "secretive". That's just bullcrap. Either get actual proof, or just accept the truth.

By the way, if the GoP doesn't tell its people what they are buying with their taxes, you guys are in big trouble.
EzioAltaïr;3544047 said:
And my question, is why can't it be inducted before the FOC is achieved? The PAF got it's first 20 JF-17s from China, which were infact, inferior to the next 40 that came. So what's the problem? FOC simply means that they won't upgrade that one further, and stop testing it.

And again, the squadron has already began to be worked on. Just wait 2 months, and see who laughs last. :lol:

Because unless the aircraft is given a Final Operating Certification , it just cant be inducted into the airforce ... Common sense ! :azn: About time , you get it into your thick skull ... You posted a statement from DRDO which came way before the fighter was delayed once again ... Pakistan got all its JFT after FOC , it is impossible for any Airforce to get it before it ... The upgrades in blocks , tranches or whatever have nothing to do with certifications ...

Sources that I posted confirmed that Tejas can only be inducted after 2015 , if it isn't delayed once again ... Are you in denial mode on this too ? :lol:

Well , we have been laughing since your aircraft had to get second IOC to be certified fully air worthy - the first of its kind in the world because no other fighter had to do that :P

EzioAltaïr;3544062 said:
You couldn't come up with one picture or news report, and then claimed you ISPR is "secretive". That's just bullcrap. Either get actual proof, or just accept the truth.

About time you check the JFT information pool , your friend just got enlightened ! :azn:
Already posted by Mafiya. That one is a fake thing, it is not a scan, nor a link. Just typed by some fanboy with a "Airforce daily" header.
Because unless the aircraft is given a Final Operating Capability , it just cant be inducted into the airforce ... Common sense ! :azn: Pakistan got all its JFT after FOC , it is impossible for any Airforce to get it before it ... The upgrades in blocks , tranches or whatever have nothing to do with certifications ...

Originally the FOC was planned for 2013, and even then they planned to re-equip the Flying Daggers by 2012. Now the FOC is pushed 2015, does not necessarily mean that they re-equpping should be pushed. It could happen before the FOC back then, but it can't happen now? Logic?

The point at which the first users begin using the capability is IOC, with FOC achieved when all intended users (by agreement between the developer and the user) have the capability. This does not preclude additional users from obtaining the capability after FOC. -Wiki

Well , we have been laughing since your aircraft had to get second IOC to be certified fully air worthy - the first of its kind in the world :P

You know the only reason PAF has the JF-17 is because they don't really have another choice right? On the other hand, India has hundreds of choices, so their point of view is, if we buy something Indian, let's make sure it's as good as can be.
Already posted by Mafiya. That one is a fake thing, it is not a scan, nor a link. Just typed by some fanboy with a "Airforce daily" header.

A fanboy who actually has access to the pilots flying the JFT ? :azn: ...

You yourself posted this from the same thread "

"- In 2011 the JF17 test fired: 1 x C802 (hit a seaborne target 90km away, max range 180km); 2 x LS-6 bombs, one is a 500kg GPS guided weapon with 60km range and CEP of 15m, the other was a 250kg laser/IIR+GPS guided weapon with a range of 65km and CEP of 5.3-7.5m; SD10 and other weapons."

EzioAltaïr;3544087 said:
Originally the FOC was planned for 2013, and even then they planned to re-equip the Flying Daggers by 2012. Now the FOC is pushed 2015, does not necessarily mean that they re-equpping should be pushed. It could happen before the FOC back then, but it can't happen now? Logic?

You know the only reason PAF has the JF-17 is because they don't really have another choice right?

Originally , the Tejas was planned to be operational somewhere in 2005 so forget that word :azn: ... If the FOC is pushed to 2015 then it only means that the induction of the aircraft will be further delayed ... I explained it in great details above , even showed you the dates of the both statements and the clear confirmation ! Nothing , was happening before the FOC back then , it is impossible , this is the logic ...

The initial operational clearance (IOC) for India's locally designed Tejas Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) has been further delayed to mid-2013 . IAF officials estimate the single-engine LCA will eventually secure IOC by mid-2013, with final operational clearance (FOC) following in 2015 , its active squadron service with the Indian Air Force (IAF) to 2015, if not beyond ...

Tejas IOC pushed back to 2013

How are you going to induct it this year then ? :lol:
That's what i said, it may be fully a make believe story. The poster could have atleast posted a scan. Hell, not even a scan, taken a snap from his mobile camera and posted the page atleast. It is just some words written by some pakistani. Who would believe that?
It is just some words written by some pakistani. Who would believe that?

Even though it was posted by the most reliable sources in PAF , confirm that by posting in the same thread ... Why would anyone bother making stories that too who talks with the persons in charge of the aircraft in question ? :azn: ... No one's asking you to believe anything ... First you wanted a picture then insider report and now a confirmed report from a person in contact with PAF pilots flying the JFT and you yourself posted that SD-10 testing report from the same thread :azn: But I guess the denial mode continues beyond that ! :D ... We aren't giving foreign military analysts access to our aircraft , forget it ...
I posted a SCAN. I didn't not post that thread. I only wanted the scan from Kanwa. What did you post? Even I can type that JF-17 has been integrated with lasers and say it's from Janes defence weekly.
What did you post? Even I can type that JF-17 has been integrated with lasers and say it's from Janes defence weekly.

Those people have access to PAF insiders and even Pilots , the report had accurate names of the pilots and squadrons number , if they wanted to make a fake story then they could have done it way before , they really wouldn't have been waiting till 2011 to confirm the integration of SD-10 to JFT :azn: ... Confirm the credibility of the person who wrote that by posting in the same thread ... That shall suffice ...
Again with the insiders and PDFers. You are hopeless buddy. :lol: Would you believe the same if someone from Indian forums claims LCA has already fully integrated LGB and the testing is fully done? It's good that you respect those insiders from your country, but ppl from other country wont take such sources as proof.
Again with the insiders and PDFers. You are hopeless buddy. :lol: It's good that you respect those insiders from your country, but ppl from other country wont take such sources as proof.

Nah , I am not :lol: ... You know the clear indications and all the other facts pointing out at the same conclusion but will not just admit it due to the denial mode :) ... I do respect those people and it doesn't seriously matter to them or me if you believe it or not ... You can wait if someday ISPR choses to reveal that capability publicly so you can believe ...

For the Indian forum part , no I wont because your army announces everything in public which isn't the case here ... I would certainly have if yours too operated under secrecy like Pakistan and China ...
Now I do not know the Chinese language nor have access to Kanwa subscriptions but the translation of the article very clearly states what I have been telling you all along ... The Block - 2 thing leaked out just a few months ago too ...



Kanwa had an interview with PAF's General Javaid Ahmed, during which he stated that:
- In 2012, they will be bring out the JF17 Blk 2. The main improvements are the addition of IRF, the development of a twin seat version, adding datalink and development of an export version JF17.
- happy with the performance of the KJL7, so no immediate plans to switch to AESA (KJL7 specs: detection range for fighter sized target 130km; can track 16 targets and engage 2 at the same time; have SAR mapping capability)
- The Chinese indigenous engine is currently undergoing flight testing and may be a while before it is fitted to a JF17
- In 2011 the JF17 test fired: 1 x C802 (hit a seaborne target 90km away, max range 180km); 2 x LS-6 bombs, one is a 500kg GPS guided weapon with 60km range and CEP of 15m, the other was a 250kg laser/IIR+GPS guided weapon with a range of 65km and CEP of 5.3-7.5m; SD10 and other weapons.
This thread should be a paid thread :enjoy: only. Replaces the 'entertainment' and 'sleeping pill" part for the night. Going strong for 43 pages. Come on boys only 7 more for 50! You can do it....:victory:

Ps : i also suggest Secur, Ping, Samantk, Ticker be paid for their long standing efforts of 3 days for entertaining everbody :cheers:
This thread should be a paid thread :enjoy: only. Replaces the 'entertainment' and 'sleeping pill" part for the night. Going strong for 43 pages. Come on boys only 7 more for 50! You can do it....:cheers:

:rofl: ... Cm'on I need to kill some time and boredom before I get back to University on Wednesday :lol:
Nah , I am not :lol: ... You know the clear indications and all the other facts pointing out at the same conclusion but will not just admit it due to the denial mode :) ... I do respect those people and it doesn't seriously matter to them or me if you believe it or not ... You can wait if someday ISPR choses to reveal that capability publicly so you can believe ...

For the Indian forum part , no I wont because your army announces everything in public which isn't the case here ... I would certainly have if yours too operated under secrecy like Pakistan and China ...
You believe some faceless characters on the forum, then good for you, but bad it's for logic and proof.

The 50 engines still not delivered news came is very new. It is a more recent news than Kanwa and it comes straight from the source, the maker of RD-93 engine. So it seems either the chinese are lying to you, or PAF is lying to the nation, or both.
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