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Ambala to station first squadron of MMRCA fighters

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Can you highlight that part where it is clearly mentioned? I saw only wills.

That " wills " was in 2010 , I think ... If one bothers to look at the dates ... But alas , but what to do of those who are in denial mode ?

Ok, forget 2009, how about 2007? It was BVR capable from 2007? PAC 2007

Make it 2007 , then :rofl: ... JFT is an old project , kid ... Weapons may have been tested on prototypes ... But at present , there are clear signs and indications of PL-12 being inducted ... So !
That " wills " was in 2010 , I think ... If one bothers to look at the dates ... But alas , but what to do of those who are in denial mode ?
Yes in 2010 they inflated thier chest and said they will buy but after that silence, why not money?

ANd then you believe an inside report :lol: and a video minus thunder that it is integrated tested and inducted.. nice!

BTW I pointed that even when the ac is not operational they show its capability, the manufacturer site says so does not mean it is acquired.. Can you answer on that aspect now? Or you wanna circumvent this too..
That " wills " was in 2010 , I think ... If one bothers to look at the dates ... But alas , but what to do of those who are in denial mode ?

What does that have to do with anything? They said, "will have" in 2010. But they haven't said "currently have", until now. So it's quite fair to assume that the will is still a will.

Make it 2007 , then :rofl: ... JFT is an old project , kid ... Weapons may have been tested on prototypes ... But at present , there are clear signs and indications of PL-12 being inducted ... So ![/QUOTE]
Make it 2007 , then :rofl: ... JFT is an old project , kid ... Weapons may have been tested on prototypes ... But at present , there are clear signs and indications of PL-12 being inducted ... So !
If in 2007, if it is still under testing according to your theory, then why can't it be under testing now as well. Why does suddenly your link means JFT is operational, while my link means testing? Your link should also mean testing right according to your own dumbass theory, you waste of oxygen?
Why would they disclose everything to the public ? :azn:

Ok , they do ... But isn't the AC operational now with almost 3 squadrons and you twits still believe it lacks the capability for what it was designed for ...

They will not say anything ... Our projects/defense procurements are secretive ... ISPR only reveal capabilities or projects when it deems necessary ...

Like I said, the last resort of trolls.
Mind your language, im not your slave here.. get lost if you do not have the decency, aholes!

Actually you Indians should get lost from here if you do not have ability to debate with decency or feeling the heat , perhaps a return to native BR would make things better for you , I never said a single abusive word !

EzioAltaïr;3541817 said:
Like I said, the last resort of trolls.

Yeah , like skipping the basic ammo part :rofl:

Why not? What will public do, steal the Sd-10s? :lol:

Public will not do anything but why reveal the capabilities to our enemies , some thing are best kept secret , dozens of projects are being worked upon in my country mostly missiles , do they say a word about it ? :no: ... Things are only revealed when the Army sees fit , not there to convince little kids like you ! :azn:
If in 2007, if it is still under testing according to your theory, then why can't it be under testing now as well.

Because almost 3 squadrons are now in service and almost 6 years have passed since then and unlike your beloved industries , the Chinese have a habit of delivering things on schedule ! ... The F22P deal should serve as an eye opener ...
It just means even after 6 years(according to you) and 3 squadrons later, Chinese can't make SD-10 work. Because there is something fundamentally wrong with Junk Fighter - 17.
Actually you Indians should get lost from here if you do not have ability to debate with decency or feeling the heat , perhaps a return to native BR would make things better for you , I never said a single abusive word !
Who used foul language? Last resort for inability eh :azn:
Public will not do anything but why reveal the capabilities to our enemies , some thing are best kept secret , dozens of projects are being worked upon in my country mostly missiles , do they say a word about it ? :no: ... Things are only revealed when the Army sees fit , not there to convince little kids like you ! :azn:
Yeah, now you will circumvent the question, from offering proofs now you have come down to secrecy of the whole affair, nice try!
It just means even after 6 years(according to you) and 3 squadrons later, Chinese can't make SD-10 work. Because there is something fundamentally wrong with Junk Fighter - 17.

Keep twisting things , wont help you though ...

Actually , we have a pretty good idea of a junk fighter which cant even enter operational service after 30+ years of development and needs IOC-2 the first of its kind in the world to be deemed fully airworthy and even after that who knows when it gets inducted ! :azn:

Who used foul language? Last resort for inability eh :azn:

now you have come down to secrecy of the whole affair, nice try!

Mind your language, im not your slave here.. get lost if you do not have the decency, aholes!

You yourself did , kid in desperation ...

Norm in Pakistani defense procurements and projects ...
Keep twisting things , wont help you though ...
Actually , we have a pretty good idea of a junk fighter which cant even enter operational service after 30+ years of development and needs IOC-2 the first of its kind in the world to be deemed fully airworthy and even after that who knows when it gets inducted ! :azn:
You are the one who is twisting things and saying crap like SD-10 is inducted without proof. Fact is Junk Fighter 17 is a failed piece of $hit which still hasn't achieved BVR capability even after 3 squadrons and 6 years of testing(according to you).
You are the one who is twisting things and saying crap like SD-10 is inducted without proof. Fact is Junk Fighter 17 is a failed piece of $hit which still hasn't achieved BVR capability even after 3 squadrons and 6 years of testing(according to you).

Continue proving it isn't , when even the manufacturers claim otherwise ... :azn: I didn't say anything about testing BVR's for 6 years , now did I ? Making things , yourselves , kid ? :P I only said responding to your claim that maybe PL-12 was tested with JFT prototype in 2007 and now there are clear indications of its integration ...

Speaking of Junk , what is the latest extended date for induction of Least Capable Aircraft ? :lol:

Again not answering the question..

Nah , debating rationally isn't for you , continue using abusive words in desperation , you may find yourself pink very soon :) ...
Nah , debating rationally isn't for you , continue using abusive words in desperation , you may find yourself pink very soon :) ...

Cool story... I know you will not and cannot answer the question..
Continue proving it isn't , when even the manufacturers claim otherwise ... :azn: I didn't say anything about testing BVR's for 6 years , now did I ? Making things , yourselves , kid ? :P I only said responding to your claim that maybe PL-12 was tested with JFT prototype in 2007 and now there are clear indications of its integration ...

What indications? Pics, official statements (saying we "currently have", not "going to have"), anything like that will do.
Speaking of Junk , what is the latest extended date for induction of Least Capable Aircraft ? :lol:

By the end of the year, No. 45 Squadron will be ready to shoot down the JFTs, if that's what you mean.
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