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Amar Jawan memorial vandalism

There is big difference between 20-30 odd Ram Sene Goons taking media along and vandalizing a pub and 50,000 strong mob rioting, attacking and torching police vans, private vehicles, media vans, best buses and general public
Please enlighten me sir. I heard even Mukesh Ambani's billion dollar home is on Waqf Land.

Please enlighten me sir. I heard even Mukesh Ambani's billion dollar home is on Waqf Land.

A permanent bequest assigning a piece of property, land, building or land with a building on it, to charitable purposes is known as Waqf land. It can be dedicated to general charitable purposes, when the category is defined as Mashrut-ul-Khidmat, or for the maintenance of the descendants of the Waqif, the donor, when it is known as Al-Aulad. Waqf property is available for rent like any other, at rents laid down by state Waqf Boards, all reporting to the central Waqf Council in Delhi. The rents are extremely low, and are kept low by the boards, and the rental income shared between the administrator and the Board. The administrator, the Mutawalli, is appointed by the Board. In the case of Aulad properties, it is usually a descendant of the Waqif. In the case of Khidmat properties, there seems to be nothing specified that I know of.

Rents are set at very low levels by Waqf Boards; I have come across rents which are 10% of market levels or thereabouts. This leads to an increasing gap, with all the scope for corruption that results. Since Waqf property cannot be sold, the way around is by cash transactions or by exchange. In cash transactions, a builder or developer proposes that an existing building be torn down and a new building built in its place. The Mutawalli carries this to the Board and adds his own recommendation. Usually the Board grants permission, and the builder then hands over a large sum of clandestine money to the Mutawalli, builds his flats, and then, since he is not allowed to sell those, leases them for 99 years for the notion rent that the Board permits, along with a whopping amount of cash which is again outside the IT system. Sometimes the Mutawalli gets a chunk of cash at this stage, sometimes some member of the Board has to be paid off. But there we are, with a spanking new building, occupied by long-lease tenants, living at ridiculously low rents and nobody the worse for wear. Nobody other than the Board and the original chRities.

There is big difference between 20-30 odd Ram Sene Goons taking media along and vandalizing a pub and 50,000 strong mob rioting, attacking and torching police vans, private vehicles, media vans, best buses and general public

A pub? They attacked 25 young women with placards marching along a road.

And you find a difference in these do you? What a refined sensibility! Would that be about the same difference as thrashing you with a horsewhip and giving you a tight slap across your face?
There is big difference between 20-30 odd Ram Sene Goons taking media along and vandalizing a pub and 50,000 strong mob rioting, attacking and torching police vans, private vehicles, media vans, best buses and general public

If anything the ram sene attack is definitely pre planned, whereas a mob of 50,000 youth going out of control (or made to) is totally plausible.
I would be very wary of attributing sinister motives to this riot. Unfortunately, the violence that happens with a mob is usually completely unrelated to the cause of the protest in the first place. I remember when a legendary Kannada actor Rajkumar passed away due to natural causes, the mourning took an ugly shape & everything in sight was attacked, including a Microsoft office & the German retail giant Metro which was looted. A young police officer was bludgeoned to death by the mob after cornering him. There was no purpose, no reason behind the violence. After all the state or the police were not responsible for the what was a natural death. Unfortunately we have seen a growing lumpenism of our society & I fear that this particular incident in Mumbai was no different. I might still be wrong & darker motives proved true but I would urge caution into reading something more than what we know.

Yawn, even the mumbai police says it was a preplanned attack.
Group of muslim men had came with lathis,stones and kerosene to arson and create ruckus .

Real aim was to sent a warning message to media and through the media to wider public . They wanted to show strength of theirs numbers that they can't be taken lightly whatever that means or else things will turn violent.

If you don't find anything sinister in it how will you explain targeted attacks on NE students in pune ??
Yawn, even the mumbai police says it was a preplanned attack.
Group of muslim men had came with lathis,stones and kerosene to arson and create ruckus .

Real aim was to sent a warning message to media and through the media to wider public . They wanted to show strength of theirs numbers that they can't be taken lightly whatever that means or else things will turn violent.

If you don't find anything sinister in it how will you explain targeted attacks on NE students in pune ??

You do have a point there. There was coordination and and those idiots have to be busted. I don't think anyone is questioning that.

peaceful protesters

They are worst than pig. Oh sorry I just embracing the pigs.
How shameless can that misguided Muslim youth get? This memorial commemorates the sacrifices of both Hindus and Muslims during the great Indian Mutiny of 1857.

Does he even know that more than half a million Muslims sacrificed their lives for India during the various phases of the great 1857 revolt – a fact almost buried like the mutineers themselves?

And he kicks their memorial? These buggers should be shot to rot in Hell for eternity.

You can't find them in any protest of Anna or Ramdev. They are not near to single point to any protest of Anna. Baba Ramdev and his protector are badly treat by police, And what that people do at that time nothing.

People like this bastards they are burden in our country, just increasing the population and repeating the slogan Islam is rising, when they get treatment for this then start same old Muslim propaganda again and again and they are good at relating the religion on every single thing. On media they reflecting there self to world how peaceful species they are
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Yawn, even the mumbai police says it was a preplanned attack.
Group of muslim men had came with lathis,stones and kerosene to arson and create ruckus .

Real aim was to sent a warning message to media and through the media to wider public . They wanted to show strength of theirs numbers that they can't be taken lightly whatever that means or else things will turn violent.

If you don't find anything sinister in it how will you explain targeted attacks on NE students in pune ??

These were not spontaneous. These were mischievous and sinister in intent.
I hope these idiots were given proper punishment....
They are worst than pig. Oh sorry I just embracing the pigs.

You can't find them in any protest of Anna or Ramdev. They are not near to single point to any protest of Anna. Baba Ramdev and his protector are badly treat by police, And what that people do at that time nothing.

People like this bastards they are burden in our country, just increasing the population and repeating the slogan Islam is rising, when they get treatment for this then start same old Muslim propaganda again and again and they are good at relating the religion on every single thing. On media they reflecting there self to world how peaceful species they are

How did U even did come to come conclusion that muslims weren't present in Anna's dharna
I have myself seen them

Dunno about Ramdev's Baba dharna though

peaceful protesters

Where the eff are the police? Have they just abandoned their vehicles? There are protests everywhere but it is made worse in India when certain police forces are unable to control them. It seems most Indian police forces are next to useless at crowd control. If the police were able to set up an effective cordon and contain the protests then a lot of harm could have been prevented. I really hope as Indian police forces are modernised they look to the West to emulate their riot police tactics and equipment. This is what turns a protest into a riot into a mob out of control.

+did anyone notice the guys with a rifle at the start of the vid??WTF??? Did he get arrested- this isn't Karachi or Mogadishu FFS!!
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They should leave with some land with them. We will welcome that in BD. what say?
so your idea is to get LAND, not to host the people who wish to come to your so called "Land of the Pure". Come with LAND or do not come is your moto, right?
My Indian friends refrain from generalization. In both Hindus and Muslims you can find idiots who have no respect for anyone. There are few who did this act of violence and law will take its own course. Extremists in both community are spreading false propaganda please watch out. We have heard about false news spread about Burma and Assam, images circulated which are morphed.
Let us be very clear about one thing, as secular Indians.

No Indian of any other community would have kicked the Amar Jawan monument in the wildest fit of rage.

No Indian.

No other community.

This is for all the Indians here wringing their peaceful hands and crying out for understanding and tolerance.
My Indian friends refrain from generalization. In both Hindus and Muslims you can find idiots who have no respect for anyone. There are few who did this act of violence and law will take its own course. Extremists in both community are spreading false propaganda please watch out. We have heard about false news spread about Burma and Assam, images circulated which are morphed.

Pls don't drag Hindus into this. We have nothing to do with happened in Azad Maidan. As for propaganda I would really like to know what propaganda was spread by Hindu extremists that caused this riots.

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