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Amad Khalid Planted press conference taped conversations b/w Amad and Geo played by Mubashir Lucman


Oct 28, 2012
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Amad Khalid press conference against Mubashir Lucman and Zaid Hamid

Only Geo news and Geo teez channel covered this press conference for 48 minutes


Zaid Hamid wanted to assassinate Gen Kyani

Wanted to instigate mutiny in Pakistan army

Zaid Hamid was Gen Musharafs friend

Zaid Hamid wanted that some other General like Musharaf should take over so that country should be destroyed

Amad Khalid accused Mubashir Lucman that Mubashir said to zaid hamid that we are like whores who ever gives us money we will go to that channel

Zaid Hamid has a hit list of people to eliminate

Zaid Hamid has links with a Corp Commander

Zaid Hamid wanted to instigate sectarian clashes between Shia Sunni and deobandi

Zaid Hamid killed Molana Jalalpuri and said to Amad Khalid that yaar its not difficult to kill a person in Karachi .Give MQM 70,000 Rs to eliminate a person

Mubashir Lucman reveals Call conversations between Geo higher ups and Amad Khalid for press conference against Mubashir Lucman and Zaid Hamid

Duration of taped Call Conversations is 55 minutes but a small portion of it was played by Mubashir Lucman

@Leader @Jazzbot @chauvunist @RangerPK @Jzaib @Slav Defence
@mafiya @Peaceful Civilian @ice_man @Side-Winder @jaibi @ajpirzada
@W.11 @Spring Onion @F.O.X @forcetrip @Zarvan @LoveIcon @Jungibaaz
@cb4 @Aeronaut @BATMAN
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Someone going into court against ZH is none of my concern as he is not important but they without any doubt Mir Jafar is trying very hard to divert focus from him.
I have emmad khalid PDF accusing zaid hamid of many things which he released after splitting up with him
This is what happens when a guy who think there is a power vacuum in the country to grab when in fact it is not.
It looks so simple when the Govt. becomes dysfunctional to grab the power through revolution, But one should always estimate the dark and hidden forces behind the power vacuum, they always exist and are more powerful than the faces we see on tv.
Every thing goes according to game plan even though it looks like a chaotic situation. Just grabbing popularity through speeches, teaching jazba by instigating religious feelings and hatred are not enough, The crucial step is battling these dark forces and winning, which is very hard.

Looks like Zaid hamid will be cornered as of now.
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Response of "senior" journalist Hamid Mir and "Molana" Tahir Ashraf on Amad Khalid's Press conference

Someone going into court against ZH is none of my concern as he is not important but they without any doubt Mir Jafar is trying very hard to divert focus from him.

sorry, i do not agree on both occasions:

-99% of this country people are not important, does not mean they all shall be victimized or shall be let victimized.
-He is indeed quite important for Indian govt., he has analysed every Indian blame on Pakistan and raised questions on their sanity in public media.
How can Indians forget him, when they were so close to get their hands on Pakistan ISI chief over Bombay attacks.
Indians have deformed his videos on you tube a lot... and lot more, don't expect Indian public doing it.
If Zaid Hamid is killed, all fingers goes to India and may take the situation anywhere...., therefore careful India is using his assets in Pakistan, i.e. judiciary, politicians, media, etc.

Now, the real face of re-instated judiciary, should be clear to every one, forced resignation of P.Musharraf was next big mile stone, where Imran Khan was the strike horse, later came Zardari regime, whose job was to destroy economy, adjust terrorists, ship weapons piles to every city, buildup an army of traitors in civil services setup. he did his job.
Now is Nawaz Sharif, who will be used to divide army...

Next.... we can all guess, by only looking in & around Pakistan....

I love this, keep fighting and keep exposing yourself, you dirty ugly media :sick:

It also expose us.. which side of the court do we stand.

Anyhow, this war is against an individual... not media vs media. Remember what happened to Mubashir Luqman... same is happening to Zaid Hamid and there always be some one next in line.
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This is what happens when a guy who think there is a power vacuum in the country to grab when in fact it is not.
It looks so simple when the Govt. becomes dysfunctional to grab the power through revolution, But one should always estimate the dark and hidden forces behind the power vacuum, they always exist and are more powerful than the faces we see on tv.
Every thing goes according to game plan even though it looks like a chaotic situation. Just grabbing popularity through speeches, teaching jazba by instigating religious feelings and hatred are not enough, The crucial step is battling these dark forces and winning, which is very hard.

Looks like Zaid hamid will be cornered as of now.

Zaid hamid is nobody and he is always been in a corner in Pakistan, more Indian know him than Pakistani
Its possible that mushsharf,mqm,zardari and jang/geo mafia will get away with the harm and damage they have done to this country ...if you look at calibre of ruling gang.
Geo is scared of one man because he exposed these Indian paid traitors who have sold Pakistan and Islam and work for enemies of Pakistan but soon this war will reach their houses and burn them to ashes WAR IS ON ALLAH O AKBAR
Hi, This is just cold war between geo news and Ary.... False allegations... Fallacious statements.. Nothing true...
Ammar khalid is also liar....

there is one old video of khalid with marvi sermad on youtube ..where he is also spreading lies............
Ulma o Mushaikh demand SC to take action against Zaid Hamidسپریم کورٹ زید حامد کے خلاف فوری کارروائی کرے، علماء و مشائخ اہل سنت
حکومت سندھ ہائی کورٹ کے حکم کے مطابق زید حامد کو گرفتار کرکے اصل ہاتھوں کو بے نقاب کرے
لاہور۔۔۔ ناظم اعلیٰ جامعہ نعیمیہ، نیشنل مشائخ کونسل پاکستان، خیر الامم فائونڈیشن پاکستان، انجمن اساتذہ پاکتان، محافظان ختم نبوت پاکستان، فکر رائٹرز فورم، تحفظ ناموس رسالت محاذ، ناظم اعلیٰ جامعہ رسولیہ، جامعت علمائے اہل سنت پاکستان، پاکستان سنی تحریک، نعیمین ایسو سی ایشن، اور دیگر علماء و مشائخ اہل سنت نے اپنے مشترکہ بیان میں کہا ہے کہ زید حامد کے قریب ساتھی عماد خالد کی پریس کانفرنس کے بعد اس بات میں کوئی شک نہیں رہنا چاہیے کہ زید حامد ملک دشمن پالیسی پر چلتے ہوئے ملک کو ناقابل تلافی نقصان پہنچانا چاہتا تھا کیونکہ ایک ایسے قریبی اور ہم راز شخص کی جانب سے ایسے انکشافات کرنا جس نے زید حامد، وزیر اعظم محمد میاں نواز شریف، چیف جسٹس آف پاکستان افتخار محمد چوہدری، آڑمی چیف جنرل پرویز کیانی اور صحافیوں کو ہٹ لسٹ میں رکھا ہوا تھا خطرناک اور خوف ناک فعل ہے۔ اس عمل کی جتنی بھی مذمت کی جائے کم ہے کیونکہ اسلامی جمہوریہ پاکستان جس نازک صورت حال سے گذر رہا ہے اس سے ہر شخص باخبر ہے دوسری جانب حکومتی ایجنسیوں کی جانب سے ایسے فرد کو لاکھوں روپے رقم دینا درست عمل نہیں ہے جبکہ زید حامد کا لوگوں کو پیغمبر بنانے کا دعویٰ اور بات بات پر بغیر تصدیق کے یہودی، قادیانی اور اسرائیلی ایجنٹ کہنا گناہ کبیرہ ہے۔ دین متین ہمیں سختی سے حکم دیتا ہے کہ ہم بغیر تصدیق کسی خبر کو عام نہ کریں اور خبر کی پہلے اچھی طرح تصدیق کریں لہٰذا زید حامد کے حوال سے اسلامی نظریاتی کونسل کا فرض بنتا ہے کہ وہ اس معاملہ کو شرعی لحاظ سے دیکھے اور سپریم کورٹ کو چاہیے کہ وہ زید حامد کے خلاف فوری کارروائی کرے راہنمائوں نے تشویش کا اظہار کرتے ہوئے کہا کہ ایک ایسا شخص جس کے سندھ ہائی کورٹ سے وارنٹ گرفتاری جاری ہونے کے باوجود گرفتار نہ کرنا قانون کی خلاف ورزی ہے۔ حکومت کو چاہیے کہ زید حامد کے پیچھے چھپے ہوئے ہاتھوں کو بے نقاب کرے۔


Amad Khalid press conference against Mubashir Lucman and Zaid Hamid

Only Geo news and Geo teez channel covered this press conference for 48 minutes


Zaid Hamid wanted to assassinate Gen Kyani

Wanted to instigate mutiny in Pakistan army

Zaid Hamid was Gen Musharafs friend

Zaid Hamid wanted that some other General like Musharaf should take over so that country should be destroyed

Amad Khalid accused Mubashir Lucman that Mubashir said to zaid hamid that we are like whores who ever gives us money we will go to that channel

Zaid Hamid has a hit list of people to eliminate

Zaid Hamid has links with a Corp Commander

Zaid Hamid wanted to instigate sectarian clashes between Shia Sunni and deobandi

Zaid Hamid killed Molana Jalalpuri and said to Amad Khalid that yaar its not difficult to kill a person in Karachi .Give MQM 70,000 Rs to eliminate a person

Mubashir Lucman reveals Call conversations between Geo higher ups and Amad Khalid for press conference against Mubashir Lucman and Zaid Hamid

Duration of taped Call Conversations is 55 minutes but a small portion of it was played by Mubashir Lucman

@Leader @Jazzbot @chauvunist @RangerPK @Jzaib @Slav Defence
@mafiya @Peaceful Civilian @ice_man @Side-Winder @jaibi @ajpirzada
@W.11 @Spring Onion @F.O.X @forcetrip @Zarvan @LoveIcon @Jungibaaz
@cb4 @Aeronaut @BATMAN
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