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Alternate solution for Pakistan Navy to counter Large Navies ?

alimobin memon

Oct 15, 2009
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Does Large Number of Cruise and Ballistic Missile might be the answer to counter Large Threats Like india in Naval Role?
Missile Defense’s Real Enemy: Math | Flashpoints
Read This article although this has no pakistan mentioned but it does make a point if force like Paksitan navy cant buy ships or jets what if Large number of BM's or CM's be the answers...

Which are cheaper than Ships and can be accomodated in large numbers.
I think to counter a large blue water navy Economically Pakistan need to have huge number of long range Anti ship missile so that they can launch many missile to get confirmed kill of the target and to fool air defence on same time.

and just be sure you are not on radar on enemy before you start shooting :D
Does Large Number of Cruise and Ballistic Missile might be the answer to counter Large Threats Like india in Naval Role?
Missile Defense’s Real Enemy: Math | Flashpoints
Read This article although this has no pakistan mentioned but it does make a point if force like Paksitan navy cant buy ships or jets what if Large number of BM's or CM's be the answers...

Which are cheaper than Ships and can be accomodated in large numbers.

What if the enemy chooses to draw your nay out into higher seas through blockade?
Its not possible for us to block pakistan but its very easy for them to block our oil from gulf and if they just declare the region in conflict our oil will be very expansive from insurance only.
and it will take us at least a decade to become blue navy and who have seen future if every thing workout good for pakistan they may be having good navy too.
I think if PAF just dedicate 2 squadron of JF-17 with CM400 And C-803 thats enough for them .

What if the enemy chooses to draw your nay out into higher seas through blockade?
Its not possible for us to block pakistan but its very easy for them to block our oil from gulf and if they just declare the region in conflict our oil will be very expansive from insurance only.
and it will take us at least a decade to become blue navy and who have seen future if every thing workout good for pakistan they may be having good navy too.
I think if PAF just dedicate 2 squadron of JF-17 with CM400 And C-803 thats enough for them .

Well Well I still have doubts if they can do that....and we have the whole arabian sea and many pots to bring in oil inside the county...Mumbai isn.t the only port on the west coast.

It can also be brought through Cochin or Goa or Dharwad....
Its not possible for us to block pakistan but its very easy for them to block our oil from gulf and if they just declare the region in conflict our oil will be very expansive from insurance only.
and it will take us at least a decade to become blue navy and who have seen future if every thing workout good for pakistan they may be having good navy too.
I think if PAF just dedicate 2 squadron of JF-17 with CM400 And C-803 thats enough for them .

Been smoking too much weed, eh? The state of your PN today is that of a Coast Guard of a small country and you are hallucinating about it setting up blockades! :lol:

Remember when our IN set up the blockade in 1971, then again in 1999 during Op Talwar; some of your PN personnel found it expedient to go on medical leave rather than facing doom. Now the disparity is even bigger, you do not stand a chance.
So quit hallucinating........ :D

Well Well I still have doubts if they can do that....and we have the whole arabian sea and many pots to bring in oil inside the county...Mumbai isn.t the only port on the west coast.

It can also be brought through Cochin or Goa or Dharwad....

LOLL, you got taken in by the false-flagger. Satish please read up about the relative strengths of the two navies. Seems you are not very clear about that. :)

BTW, my dear Satish; Dharwad is not even a port!
Well Well I still have doubts if they can do that....and we have the whole arabian sea and many pots to bring in oil inside the county...Mumbai isn.t the only port on the west coast.

It can also be brought through Cochin or Goa or Dharwad....

Dude its Karwar, not Dharwad.
Our only option of blocking oil to India is via the Strait of Hormuz. But even this requires are much larger navy than we currently have.
Plus that area's the international highway for oil, not just India. Blocking that would mean war with the US and UK as well.

At this point, I feel it's best for Pakistan to develop anti-ship and anti-sub capabilities to make it harder for IN to mount a blockade.
Dude its Karwar, not Dharwad.

Sorry am drunk...

Its India who should fear s blockade of oil,once Gwadar is up and running.

What if GwDe ia bombed and annihilated? We have already done it with Karachi.....so how will you face it? Will Chine risk a war with India when the whole port is dysfunctional? And a blockade through TQPI is a more valid point than the GwDr port.
Its India who should fear s blockade of oil,once Gwadar is up and running.

Pakistan don't have concrete plans for a naval base in Gwadar and alone can't incur the cost of construction.

Its not possible for us to block pakistan but its very easy for them to block our oil from gulf and if they just declare the region in conflict our oil will be very expansive from insurance only.
and it will take us at least a decade to become blue navy and who have seen future if every thing workout good for pakistan they may be having good navy too.
I think if PAF just dedicate 2 squadron of JF-17 with CM400 And C-803 thats enough for them .

Pakistan don't have enough resources to execute such a massive task.
Its India who should fear s blockade of oil,once Gwadar is up and running.

The last country that decided to disrupt the international oil routes to put a blockade on another nation's oil, had its Navy destroyed by USN - which guarantees Freedom Of Seas in the International Lanes.
I will leave you to google this on your own.

But lets assume even if Pakistan Navy does decide to do it, out in Seas beyond immediate proximity to Pakistani Coast, Pakistani Navy would not last 24 hours against India, only submarines would remain - which cannot block oil shipment unless it destroys every ship movement - and even then, it would not have enough Arms to stop a days shipment.

The ONLY way for Pakistan to put a blockade on India would be by shutting down all Indian ports on our Western Coast.
That would be a fantasy for Pakistani Navy, heck would be a almost impossible for USN.
The last country that decided to disrupt the international oil routes to put a blockade on another nation's oil, had its Navy destroyed by USN - which guarantees Freedom Of Seas in the International Lanes.
I will leave you to google this on your own.

But lets assume even if Pakistan Navy does decide to do it, out in Seas beyond immediate proximity to Pakistani Coast, Pakistani Navy would not last 24 hours against India, only submarines would remain - which cannot block oil shipment unless it destroys every ship movement - and even then, it would not have enough Arms to stop a days shipment.

The ONLY way for Pakistan to put a blockade on India would be by shutting down all Indian ports on our Western Coast.
That would be a fantasy for Pakistani Navy, heck would be a almost impossible for USN.

What country was that?
Dont ruin the topic... Im asking in detail Does the large number of Ballistic missiles ( ofcourse they are long range enough to Provide full sea protection for pakistan) having 1 frigate is almost equal to buy 30 BM's easily which By far for me to defend is more suitable since the HATF IX and new BM's to change trajectory can provide us further power to use them even if the enemy ship have sam's.
And yes one more thing to according to my opinion having 24 jf17 with Hyper sonic missile that we have can be an excellent option for a air support for our fleet.
I have read many stories of Soviet in ww2 when they did not have good tanks like IS 3 or T34 there artillery had an edge which gave them long range support even over Dangerous Tanks of Nazi forces so, Looking at modern world ofcourse Artillery is not that longed range so Ballistic missiles with Sub Hypersonic speed can be Very Dangerous ...

For Example an enemy ship even if is firing the Sam over BM's it would be useless as they Naval ships dont have any ballistic kill capabilities but just for Cruise missiles.

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