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I dont really get it. When will the first tank be given to the TSK? I mean seriously.
After 16 months
leeel, cmon is there a possibiliy that they could already be given to the tsk in 2019 ? like q3 of 2019?
b. There is no privatized or sold factory. MSB temporarily leasing operating rights. When BMC facilities will ready at Karasu, Arifiye will be returned to ASFAT.[
İlk parti İzmir'de üretilecek.
You always come with weak or none sources.
You should not...
Ekonomik krizden etkilenen BMC, Bakanlar Kurulu tarafından verilen arazideki inşaatını durdurmuştu. Bu inşaatın durdurulmasının ardından üretimin BMC’nin İzmir’deki fabrikasında yapılacağı iddia edilmişti.
Milletvekili Şevkin, sözde verimsiz diye özelleştirilmeye çalışılan fabrikanın son 10 yılda 3 defa Milli Prodüktivite Merkezi'nin en verimli işyeri seçildiğini, dünyadaki ilk beş fabrika arasına girdiğini, özelleştirmenin çok büyük bir hata olacağını belirtti. Fabrikanın E-5 karayolu ile otobanın tam ortasında Adapazarı şehir girişinde, 1 milyon 804 bin metrekarelik her türlü yeni yatırıma müsait çok geniş bir arazi üzerinde kurulu olduğuna dikkat çeken Şevkin, “500 ila 700 milyon dolarlık bir yatırımla 6 ay içerisinde seri Altay tankı üretebileceği bizzat Savunma Sanayi Başkanlığı tarafından açıklandı. Yetkililer tarafından Altay tankının ana üretiminin bu fabrika tarafından MSB-ASFAT A.Ş. kanalıyla yapılacağı deklare edildi. O halde niçin özel sektöre verilmek isteniyor” diye sordu
Kaynak Yeniçağ: Müzeyyen Şevkin: "Askeri fabrikayı yandaşa mı satacaksınız?"
Nice response Adivar.
So all we have to do is wait for Ulusi Akar to reply to Muzeyyen Sevkin.
But I do want to speak my mind on a few things though:
The fact that she says, "yandasa mi satacaksiniz?" suggests that she cares less about tank palet itself, but is more motivated by politics. Her opinion about this issue seems to be formed more by political motivation (or maybe even party policy), rather than that she actually cares about tank palet or privatization as a whole. ('yandas' gibi kelimeler soylemesi, burada samimiyetine golge dusuruyor)
Muzeyyen Sevkin: "Fabrikanın Fırtına obüsleri ve tank paleti üretme konusunda hiçbir tecrübesi olmayan yandaş bir firma ve onun Katarlı ortağına verileceği yönünde kuvvetli iddialar oluştuğunu belirten Şevkin"
It's disappointing that she doesn't know that the investor doesn't have to have any experience within the industry, because this is about selling the rights for the operation rights of tank palet. Meaning the investor doesn't have to have experience within the industry, because the experience needed comes with tank palet.
But this is what Hulusi Akar had to say: "Belirlenen hedeflere ulaşma konusunda alışılmış kalıpların dışına çıkılarak kamu tecrübesi ile özel sektörün bir araya getirilmesinin önemine işaret eden Bakan Akar, bunun stratejik bir tercih olduğunu, Türkiye'nin savunma sanayi alanında geride kalmaması için özel sektörün hızından faydalanması gerektiğini belirtti."
This was said a day before, so it's not a response to her. But it shows some of the other reasons behind this move and the general strategy; combining state owned and private sector. This suggests that they might envisage that tank palet will go to one of the defense industry companies.
Akar continued saying:
"19 Aralık'ta Cumhurbaşkanlığı Kararı çıktı, karar çerçevesinde faaliyetler başladı. Bunun anlamı işletme hakkının devredilmesidir. Burada satmak yok. Fabrikayı sattığımız yok. Personel tasfiyesi, personelin çıkarılması kesinlikle yok. Amacımız fabrikanın verimliliğini artırmak, teknolojik seviyesini yükseltmek, fabrikayı güçlendirmek ve stratejik seviyede ürünleri üretecek hale getirmektir. Ayrıca, diğer bir amacımız yurt içi ve yurt dışında teknolojik potansiyelden azami ve süratle istifade edilmesini sağlamaktır. Fabrika arazisi, arazide bulunan her türlü taşınmaz ile üretim ve bakım onarımda kullanılan her türlü ekipmanın mülkiyeti devlette olacak. Burada yapılan şey işletme hakkının devridir. İşletmeyi devralacak firma bu süreç içinde fabrikanın yeteneklerini korumak mecburiyetindedir. Fabrikanın sahip olduğu yetenekleri koruyacak, ancak bu yetmez, yeni yetenekler de kazandırılacak. Bunların tamamı da Milli Savunma Bakanlığının kontrolünde ilgili firma tarafından yapılacaktır."
Muzeyyen Sevkin: "özelleştirmelerin Türkiye ekonomisine büyük darbe vurmaya devam ettiğini bildirdi"
That doesn't make any sense. Both privatization as well as state-ownership has its own ups & downs. The fact that she has bold claims like this is more politically motivated rather than actual fact based data. In my opinion, it's actually better for a country that it's industry is autonomous, so no matter who is governing the country or whether there is a government in place or not, the industry will continue to do it's own thing. Government should focus on governing, industry on manufacturing, etc. Private companies have to be competitive in order to survive, so they are forced to innovate and adapt to market conditions otherwise they won't have a future. This intices innovation and industry as a whole continues to evolve. Having government involved, more times than not, includes bureaucracy, making state owned companies slow and unable to keep up with trends, but state-owned companies have their benefits too obviously.
"Özelleştirilmesi düşünülen askeri fabrikanın 50 yılda oluşan savunma sanayi tecrübesiyle ülke savunması açısından en stratejik fabrikalarından biri olduğunu belirten Şevkin, “Cumhurbaşkanı Tayyip Erdoğan başta olmak üzere her fırsatta ‘yerli ve milli' vurgusu yapan kabine üyeleri, bu özelleştirme girişimi nedeniyle samimiyetten uzak bir görüntü sergilemektedir” dedi."
Private companies are also 'milli ve yerli' and it has nothing to do with a company being private or state owned. And yes, tank palet is a strategic company for us, but so are BMC, Otokar, FNSS, TEI, Durmazlar, etc. Even Siemens Turkiye has strategic value, even though it's considered to be a German company.
"Milletvekili Şevkin, sözde verimsiz diye özelleştirilmeye çalışılan fabrikanın son 10 yılda 3 defa Milli Prodüktivite Merkezi'nin en verimli işyeri seçildiğini, dünyadaki ilk beş fabrika arasına girdiğini, özelleştirmenin çok büyük bir hata olacağını belirtti."
She makes a really good point here though, if those efficiency awards are true, because I did try find out when tank palet won those efficiency awards, but couldn't find any data. I wonder how Hulusi Akar is going to respond to this. But I imagine he will say that it's a part of a grander strategy, including state and private industry working closer together, expansion and modernization of the factory (and this being financed by the private sector) as well as making Sakarya one of the defence industry hubs in Turkey, like he suggested in his interview.
Hulusi Akar:
"Fabrikada üretilen ürünlerin özel sektörün dinamizmi ve bağlantılarından faydalanılarak dost ve müttefik ülkelere satılacağını vurgulayan Akar, Ar-Ge konusunda da asla geri gidilmeyeceğini, daha fazla yatırımla daha ileri gidileceğini söyledi. Bakan Akar, fabrikanın modernizasyonu için ilk etapta yaklaşık 40-50 milyon dolarlık yatırımın yapılacağını vurguladı."
"Bu konudaki çalışmaların kararlılıkla devam ettiğini anlatan Akar, Sakarya bölgesinin savunma sanayi merkezlerinden biri olacağını, bununla ilgili kararların alındığını, bunun ilk somut göstergesinin ise Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan tarafından gelecek günlerde Karasu'da temeli atılacak fabrika olduğunu bildirdi."
In other words, all these moves are connected with the mission of making Sakarya one of the defense industry hubs in Turkey.
We keep hearing and reading that Tank palet is going to get sold to BMC, but I am not so sure on that. BMC already has a lot on it's plate and has to deal with the fabrication of the Karasu plant, so they might not have the finances to also buy the rights to tank palet. Sure they could get a loan, but the risk is considerable and the interest rates are high. Besides that, having that plant as well as the rights to tank palet seems overkill to me. These plants are close to each other, I fail to see the point of having two of the same types of plants within proximity of each other. But you never know I guess.
I didn't notice you had added an edit. So I'll respond to it now.You are claiming all those to be speculations, that means its the end of the discussion.
When BMC has won the tender, the comittee pointed out the factory ,which is going to be built under coverage of super promotions and project based promotions BMC has acquired, which actually by pointing out Altay project ( even engine and transmission is named as the project, BMC has pointed that they are a candidate of tender while applying for super promotion)
I dont watch youtube channels or follow people one social media for defence industry related stuff. i am old fashioned, i am in the industry, i hear stuff , i see stuff and i talk. Thats the the i am here.
I saw engineers from BMC, i saw ,met ,from Otokar, fnss and other companies as well and do not worry their speech, attitude and knowledge tells everything.
Edit 1.
If Otokar or Fnss has been selected,by now we would deploy Altay in Syria and project wouldnt be delayed a few years for sake of waiting BMC.
(Syria, and current situation in Mediterranean is a blessing for defence industry to test and prove the equipment, miss out this chance, Altay wouldnt go anywhere but stay in Turkey. Once you have experienced staff , it is not a burden to hire and train newbies ( BMC has got nothing comparable to others in terms of experience, dont count Kirpi as experience next to Fnss and Otokar)
You jumped in privatisation of MKE, well that was the trap, MKE in my honest opinion should be joined in TSKGV along side with others, its a precious and only institution with specific capabilities and shouldnt be in private, greedy hands.
Again, we , in critical cases, have seen that privatisation isnt a good choise. ( turk telekom, seker fabrikalari, tekel should name more)
Literally, my last words on this topic for todays, i am done with discussing.
Nice to talk with you.
Ooh it was a trap? Okey. I wasn't aware that our discussion was hostile like that.You jumped in privatisation of MKE, well that was the trap, MKE in my honest opinion should be joined in TSKGV along side with others, its a precious and only institution with specific capabilities and shouldnt be in private, greedy hands.
Privatization or state owned is a choice, they both have it's strengths and weaknesses. The plus side of private companies is that, in order for them to survive and secure their future, they must be competitive and must keep innovating. Competition is what makes industry and economy as a whole evolve and grow. Generally, or that's the general way of thinking anyway, is that state-owned companies aren't as competitive or innovative as private companies. But it's not black and white like that, there is a huge gray area. Privatization isn't the end all be all, but neither is state-ownership.Again, we , in critical cases, have seen that privatisation isnt a good choise. ( turk telekom, seker fabrikalari, tekel should name more)
Nice to talk to you to.Nice to talk with you.
man I am not talking about bmc and their miracle contract.. but aselsan and otocar are no safer if you wanna argue like this because even mke manager wanted to sell blueprints of our rifle -
qatar wasn't she just involved with money?!
lets see there is nothing we can do just hope that all ends well like our atak programm (I personally think the engine is the thing that makes everything so much delayed)