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Altay & Turkish Main Battle Tank Programs

Currently, there is no serial production capacity. No need to get triggered. This is a fact.
Currently, there is no serial production capacity. No need to get triggered. This is a fact.

Sorry. What does it mean ? You produce prototypes and get 500 MIO USD and should invest at leat 5 BIO USD for the serial production line ? Please don't underestimate developments can happen within months after 16 April.
developments can happen within months

And where did i claim the opposite?

Yes, serial production capacity can be gained within months. But, currently there is no serial production capacity. This is a fact.
currently there is no serial production capacity

India ordered 100 K9 , where is the capacity ?

Capacity is existent at this moment without any more investment 2 ALTAY per month,
THIS is not acceptable .

That could be the reason that BMC Group will get the tender and order
Currently no production capability.

Serial production line will established after signing the deal and it will take 1.5 - 2 years.

According to SSM's 2017-2021 strategic plan.

In 2020: 15 Tanks
In 2021: 20 Tanks.

According to Otokar, delivery of the first 250 tank batch will be completed by 2023.

15 piece in 2020, 20 in 2021 and a total of 250 in 2023? Means 115 piece within 2 years.

Currently, there is no serial production capacity. No need to get triggered. This is a fact.

You can be right but I have my doubts that they have no capacity.
15 piece in 2020, 20 in 2021 and a total of 250 in 2023? Means 115 piece within 2 years.

You can be right but I have my doubts that they have no capacity.

They have alreday and can easy increase it ,

they announced at least 250 Altay's for TSK, plus export models plus engineering and logistic vehicles after SIGNING within 5 years !



Görgüç, SSM'nin, sözleşme koşullarına uygun olarak, seri üretim hazırlık çalışmalarının eş zamanlı başlayabilmesi ve Altay ana muharebe tankının vakit kaybetmeden seri üretimine geçilebilmesi için "dönem 2" olarak adlandırılan "seri üretim" için çağrı teklifine 2015'te çıkıldığını vurguladı. Otokar'ın seri üretim için ilk teklifini 18 Ocak, son teklifini ise 29 Ağustos 2016'da sunduğunu belirten Görgüç, "Tek teklif veren şirket olan Otokar'ın sunduğu bu son teklif, 250 adet Altay'ın seri üretimi ve bunların entegre lojistik destek faaliyetlerini kapsıyor. Şu anda Savunma Sanayi Müsteşarlığı'nın teklifi değerlendirme süreci devam ediyor."


Görgüç, Otokar'ın sözleşmenin imzalanmasıyla birlikte üretime en kısa zamanda başlayabilmek üzere, üretim programını yaptığını vurgulayarak, tüm altyapı gereksinimleri ve hat planlamalarının çalışıldığını söyledi. Milli Savunma Bakanlığı'ndan ana muharebe tankı üretimi için gerekli olan üretim izin belgesinin alındığını kaydeden Serdar Görgüç şu açıklamalarda bulundu:
"Otokar ayrıca, KKK'nın ihtiyacı olan 250 adet Altay'ın beş yılda imalatına ek olarak; ihracat potansiyeli, mayın temizleme, kurtarıcı, istihkam tankı gibi türev ve tamamlayıcı araç ihtiyaçlarını da göz önünde bulundurarak, yıllık uygun bir kapasite planlaması yaptı. Bu şekilde SSM'nin veya diğer dost ve müttefik ülkelerin her türlü talebini karşılayabilecek, esnek bir üretim programına sahip olmayı hedefledi. Gelinen son aşamada SSM'nin teklifi değerlendirme sürecini beklemekteyiz."
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I am with @1683 on this one, you are forgetting money can open money doors. If you are saying there is no money for it then you have a point.
You can be right but I have my doubts that they have no capacity.
I did not claim that they have no production capacity, but "serial production capacity".

Of course they can keep building tanks like they built first 4 prototype, it is not serial production. To produce something in serial production line, you supposed to have serial production line, which does not exist.
I am with @1683 on this one, you are forgetting money can open money doors. If you are saying there is no money for it then you have a point.
Bro, 1683 is the Hursid maniac...and he is making BS claims as usual.

Bismarck ask how many tanks can you roll out ? Answer is 0 for the time being. But after 2 years, production lines will be set up and production will start.

I'm repeating again, he is asking for the capacity not the potential.
. . .
More like 50-60 tanks per year keeping in mind the total order quantity.

Otokar Defence dleivered already 30000 combat vehicles !

Hursid maniac
Now ? No capabilities?

250 adet Altay'ın beş yılda imalatına ek olarak; ihracat potansiyeli, mayın temizleme, kurtarıcı, istihkam tankı gibi türev ve tamamlayıcı araç ihtiyaçlarını da göz önünde bulundurarak, yıllık uygun bir kapasite planlaması yaptı.

In addition to 250 Altay, production of export models will be possible together with mine clearing vehicles, engineering vehicles and logistic vehicles for Altay family and all could be produced within 60 months after SIGNING !


I'm repeating again, he is asking for the capacity not the potential.

I think his lack of English reading skills caused this problem. He though that bismark asked "is there any serial production capacity", that is why he keeps giving 30.000 vehicle production as an example.

But the question wasnt if there is any serial production overhaul, but specially, Altay's serial production capacity, which he didnt understand.

No, we don't have any Altay serial production capacity.
I think his lack of English reading skills caused this problem. He though that bismark asked "is there any serial production capacity", that is why he keeps giving 30.000 vehicle production as an example.

But the question wasnt if there is any serial production overhaul, but specially, Altay's serial production capacity, which he didnt understand.

No, we don't have any Altay serial production capacity.

No, there is no lack or misunderstanding.
Otokar Defence Systems has the capability,
there is a very little difference to switch between heavy armored IFV and tanks.
If you wanna ask me, if already a production line is present ? I would answer NO.
But thats apple and pears.


TÜMOSAN tested own 8+1 transmission system from 120 HP to 700 HP;
independent from Hema Alllison.



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