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Maybe more Islam is the answer - you know, the problem seems to be ethnic, and since we can't admit that, maybe if we feed them more Islam, they will stop being the ethnics that they are?
I do not want to digress from the thread here. However, if you read the history of making of Pakistan, please ask your self if there was no two nation theory, why was there any effort to make Pakistan at all. Why was there support for Pakistan from people from all over undivided India knowing that they will never be a part of it unless they migrated. Do you even know what the feelings of people were at the time of partition.
Secondly if you agree that Pakistan was made in the name of Islam, then why is it that to this date no one has done anything to implement Islam,other than paying lip service to it. And please be very clear that by Islam I dont mean the rigid and uninformed version of the Mullah but an educated and informed population based on the words of Quran and AUTHENTIC Hadeeth. Have we so little faith in Allah SWT that we feel that a complete system given by Allah is now no good for us?
Please also take some time to read the history of the fall of East Pakistan to understand how this nation was blatantly lied to and misinformed and how brother was made to fight brother in the name of ethnicity. I have witnessed those days and seen the pain in the eyes of my father and uncle as they witnessed the fall of East Pakistan. This is something people of your generation will never understand.
Islam is not some pill that is the cure all and will rid our corrupt and corrupted nation overnight. It needs dedication, perseverance and sacrifice, something which our polity and indeed the higher echelon of the society has forgotten. It took the prophet SAW 23 yrs to resurrect the corrupted society of his time and mould it in accordance with Allah's wishes and even though the fabric of that society got dented with the shahadat of Hazrat Ali, the benefits were reaped for at least 800 yrs. So to think that ISlam will be inducted overnight is as foolhardy as it gets.
Iwill not indulge in any further debate on the matter at the risk of derailing the topic at hand, but write this in support of what Pshamim saheb has already said. As to Altaf Hussain and his merry men, they have the support of the people of urban Sindh and whereas I have reservations about their modus opperendi, I cant deny the fact that they have done a lot for the urban part of Sindh where they have been provided the opportunities. Both Imran And Farooq Sattar were my class mates, and although I have made a point of keeping well away from both in their hay days( I incidentally met Farooq last December and the meeting was just like old days!!) I was very sad to hear of Imran's untimely and tragic death. As to what he did or did not do in his life is something which he will answer to his maker,and we should all leave it at that. As to his murder, I think we should wait for the full enquiry to come out and the results will prove what is what. If Scotland Yard have proof of complicity of anyone, they will prosecute and the justice system of Britain will no doubt judge wisely and justly. So lets wait and not accuse people before the full results come out.
sir scotland yard still had in inconclusive evidence and investigation about BB!

i will have patience and be optimistic for a day when my country sees a change in all the corrupt inept leaders!

Bhai, BBs murder was different as the man blew himself up and then the whole area was washed to wash off any evidence. As to their conclusions, they were very valid and it was only the stupidity of PPP jialas who want to find something where there is no thing to suggest anything other than the official version.
In Imrans murder, all necessary protocol was observed by an elite and well trained unit. I think it will bear results.
It is high time to put an end to DON ALTAF HUSSAIN and his band of GUNDAAS running havoc and Bhatta Khori in Karachi! UK Governments complacency in providing Altaf British citizenship is equal to their being a party in the turmoil caused in Karachi by the MQM.

I am FUC*KING sick of this Mohajir cr@p amplification for a few vested interests in Karachi. Time to end this show and the chief comedian sitting in London. Hang him by the neck for the murder of his No.2 :hang2:

You presume much - Why was Pakistan made? So that Muslims of then India, may not be marginalized - but you may be persuaded it was created to become a version of wahabia - you have the "privilege" to hold such a view -- All I am saying is that since what you call Islam, is the solution to all problems and is doing such a bang up job of keeping Pakistan together, more of it, will only help, right?? With regard to TNT - recall that we now have Pakistan, it is no longer a "theory" and now the reality of Pakistan is such that Muslims are now at risk of being marginalized in Pakistan, while in India, due to a robust economy, they are not at the risk they once were.

PShamim highlighted ethic intolerance, but the problem will not be investigated as to why such intolerance persists - essentially it is a problem of economics that is expressed in politics -- Lets focus on materially better lives, the spiritual will take care of it's self. Materially better lives means that the economy is the central problem.
Shahbaz Shareef said in Karachi press conference , If you want to destroy Pakistan, destroy Karachi the business hub.
MQM is a party of criminals and murderers so it doesnt come as a surprise..what comes as a surprised is that supposed first world nation aka United Kingdom is sheltering a known terrorist and criminal convict.
MQM is a party of criminals and murderers so it doesnt come as a surprise..what comes as a surprised is that supposed first world nation aka United Kingdom is sheltering a known terrorist and criminal convict.

George Gallaway brought it up at the houses of parliament but they simply werent interested
Its you MQM supporters who are responsible for the violence in Pakistan's largest city. Why can't you live side by side with other political parties and other ethnic groups? MQM people are the most ungrateful people in Pakistan. If it wasn't for the natives of Sindh, you MQM supporters would be living in a slum in Uttar Pradesh. You should be kissing the feets of the natives of Sindh for welcoming you to their land, not killing them.

Though you are a bit too harsh against all of us Mohajirs, in general you are right: Rural Sindhis welcomed us like brothers. While it is true that Mohajirs did bring a lot of skills, money, education etc to kick start Pakistani nationhood we are still grateful to the rural Sindhis. Unfortunately, the leadership in urban Sindh was myopic, supremacist, and condescending toward the so-called illiterate rural Sindhis. We should have warmly accepted Sindhi as the second language of Sindh, should have warmly accepted the 'quota system' (which was like the American 'Affirmative Action'), and should not have backstabbed Sindhi leaders like ZAB and Benazir. But we did that. Shamefully. All the while we enjoyed the most prosperous life of any Pakistani community. To this day we have the best life.
Now, I was personally a 'victim' of the quota system but I hold no grudges. I would have loved to have mastered Sindhi language and embraced Sindh's Sufi culture.
Some day, some brave from the Mohajir community needs to rectify our acts of omissions and commissions against Sindh and its great people.
I think the remedy bestowed upon PLO in Jordan by the hand of Zia ul Haq, then millitary advisor to King Hussien will work best for MQM and ANP in Karachi. Bring in tanks and shell Kati Pahari, Qabsa colony, Lyari, Malir, 90, etc etc.
It is high time to put an end to DON ALTAF HUSSAIN and his band of GUNDAAS running havoc and Bhatta Khori in Karachi! UK Governments complacency in providing Altaf British citizenship is equal to their being a party in the turmoil caused in Karachi by the MQM.

I am FUC*KING sick of this Mohajir cr@p amplification for a few vested interests in Karachi. Time to end this show and the chief comedian sitting in London. Hang him by the neck for the murder of his No.2 :hang2:

Not only you but whole nation got tired from this crap motives, this is time liquidate MQM and free Karachi, there is need to treat Karachi from this disease.
It is high time to put an end to DON ALTAF HUSSAIN and his band of GUNDAAS running havoc and Bhatta Khori in Karachi! UK Governments complacency in providing Altaf British citizenship is equal to their being a party in the turmoil caused in Karachi by the MQM.

I am FUC*KING sick of this Mohajir cr@p amplification for a few vested interests in Karachi. Time to end this show and the chief comedian sitting in London. Hang him by the neck for the murder of his No.2 :hang2:

no offense but he doesnt have a neck. Poor guy

You presume much - Why was Pakistan made? So that Muslims of then India, may not be marginalized - but you may be persuaded it was created to become a version of wahabia - you have the "privilege" to hold such a view -- All I am saying is that since what you call Islam, is the solution to all problems and is doing such a bang up job of keeping Pakistan together, more of it, will only help, right?? With regard to TNT - recall that we now have Pakistan, it is no longer a "theory" and now the reality of Pakistan is such that Muslims are now at risk of being marginalized in Pakistan, while in India, due to a robust economy, they are not at the risk they once were.

PShamim highlighted ethic intolerance, but the problem will not be investigated as to why such intolerance persists - essentially it is a problem of economics that is expressed in politics -- Lets focus on materially better lives, the spiritual will take care of it's self. Materially better lives means that the economy is the central problem.

I only understand one version as dictated to us by My teacher Mohammad (SAW). I dont subscribe to any version of it . In fact I dont even subscribe to the various imams but believe in reading and understanding the Quran and following the Sunah of my Teacher(PBUH). The Imams whom I respect greatly provided us with interpretations of their understanding and are nothing more than mere interpretations, which you can choose or ignore. Therefore dont bring the falacy of any version into Islam. What I stated was a clear fact that if you raise a slogan of"pakistan Ka Matlab Kya---La Ilaha Il Allah!" then either accept that the country is being saught in the name of Islam, or that it was an empty slogan. In either case, if you choose to believe in the Quran, and bother to read it, you will find in Surah Al baqara a stark warning to bani Israel from Allah SWT. "Will you accept your religion in full, or accept only those things that suit you. For if you do so, for you there is intense degradation in this world and great punishment in the here after". Now if the message of the Quran is universal, and if the Muslim ummah has been elevated to be the bearer of Allah's commands and responsible for propagation of His message, then this warning applies to you and me as well. Whether you choose to do so or ignore it is upto you. But dont bring in the falacy of sects in Islam as an argument with me again.
Muslims being marginalized in India is another falacy. If you consider the total number of Muslims in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan, your percentage in India would have been around 40%. You would have been a minority, but the cumulative bank of votes would have ensured that you were never ignored in a democratic setup. So what marginalization are you talking about?
What I am talking about is a focal point to gather people, who believe more in their regional values than in pakistan. Islam is a common identity for all of us and to me appears the only focal point where you can gather people without a scent of regionalism and kinsmanship. However, to do so requires an educatuion and modulation in clear persuance of the Quran and Sunnah, not the distorted version of the Mullah, but an educated and comprehensively researched view of people who have read and understood the Quran and the Sunah. It could be you as well as me, your view point as well as mine , but the point is it should be supported by authentic referral to the Quran, hadeeth and the Sunnah. The people will need to be educated in this and it will certainly not happen overnight. This is my vision of islam as taught by Mohammad (SAW).
You seem to have this falacious belief, that material well being will bring spiritual enlightenment. Look around you and see the devastation caused by money in the Gulf region and Indeed in Saudi Arabia. Are they morally enlightened or decadent? Are they even free to form their own opinion as a rich government, or do the Sheikhs of UAE and Saudi wet their pants at the first sight of descent or even the hint of it, whether internally or from external sources? Then take a look back at what i have quoted to you from Allah's book, and see the truth.
The problem in the youths mind and the confusion that has arisen regarding islam is because of lack of knowledge and education and therefore total handover of all things Islamic to a Mullah who is clearly incapable of understanding and carrying out this role. Even when you have the Government in iran persecuting people, who amongst the masses actually stands up and says what you are saying and actually doing are 2 different things and therefore, you are unworthy of being followed.
My friend, look again at this world and see the devastation being caused in the name of enlightenment and freedom. there are fears even in Uk that the state is fast being converted into a police state. Then look at the gift that has rested in your house for centuries, unopened and least understood, and then Read!!
saray mulak ka satyanass kar k rakh diya hai kabi sindhi k naam par kabi mahajar k naam par r kabi punjabi. balochi r pakhtoon k naam par.......................kabi zaati mufaad ku chor kar mutual benefits k liye kab sochay gi yeah nation?:hitwall:
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