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Sep 3, 2009
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Breaking news: Imran Farooq was killed by MQM! Altaf Hussain now to face Scotland Yard. The true face of the man revealed! You can run but you cant hide..

Three arrested over Imran Farooq’s murder

ISLAMABAD – The murder case of MQM convener Dr Imran Farooq is nearing its conclusion as the secret agencies nabbed three suspects in Pakistan some days back, while the British police conducted raids in London on Thursday.
Khalid Shamim, who also belongs to Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) is said to be the mastermind of Dr Imran’s murder, and two other youth were reportedly arrested form Karachi a few days back. And presumably, taking action on the leads from the arrested suspects in Pakistan, the Scotland Yard Thursday conducted raids in London. Some 35 police officials participated in the operation wherein they seized documents and other items from a house and an office. However, no arrests were made in the raids as both the places had already been abandoned.
Sources revealed that Khalid Shamim was given the task of killing Dr Imran Farooq in London. He sought the help of a man named Hammad Siddiqi, who provided him two boys both of whom belonged to All Pakistan Muttahida Students Organisation. Khalid Shamim arranged student visas for both these boys. The two youth met an unidentified man in London who briefed them about the routine of Dr Imran, and they killed him near his house on September 16, 2010.
After the murder, both the killers left for Colombo instead of coming to Pakistan. After reaching there, they contacted the mastermind Khalid Shamim, who advised them to reach Pakistan. A secret agency recorded all the conversation between Shamim and the killers and kept the former under strict watch. Shamim had also planned to murder both these boys as soon as they would reach Karachi.
The agencies arrested both the young killers when they reached Karachi from Colombo and shifted them to Rawalpindi whereas contacts were also made with the MQM for handing over Khalid Shamim.
Meanwhile, President Zardari and Altaf Hussain also talked about this issue wherein the latter expressed his displeasure over the issue. A high profile official of the agencies contacted Sindh Governor Dr Ishratul Ebad for the arrest of Shamim after which the latter was arrested.
The killers were made to hear all the recording of their conversation wherein they had planned to murder Dr Imran Farooq. After hearing their own conversation, the accused themselves told the whole story to the agencies. Though Shamim presented all facts in different contexts, statements of all the three accused proved similar at the end.
According to sources, UK investigative agencies and Scotland Yard had also contacted Pakistan intelligence agencies and asked for details but Pakistani agencies withheld the details.
To a question that whether the MQM activists are involved in Dr Imran Farooq’s murder, MQM leader Wasey Jalil refuted this notion and said they were waiting for details of the case. He said the Scotland Yard was investigating the case that could provide complete details in this regard.
Three arrested over Imran Farooq’s murder
Published: August 26, 2011
ISLAMABAD – The murder case of MQM convener Dr Imran Farooq is nearing its conclusion as the secret agencies nabbed three suspects in Pakistan some days back, while the British police conducted raids in London on Thursday.
Khalid Shamim, who also belongs to Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) is said to be the mastermind of Dr Imran’s murder, and two other youth were reportedly arrested form Karachi a few days back. And presumably, taking action on the leads from the arrested suspects in Pakistan, the Scotland Yard Thursday conducted raids in London. Some 35 police officials participated in the operation wherein they seized documents and other items from a house and an office. However, no arrests were made in the raids as both the places had already been abandoned.
Sources revealed that Khalid Shamim was given the task of killing Dr Imran Farooq in London. He sought the help of a man named Hammad Siddiqi, who provided him two boys both of whom belonged to All Pakistan Muttahida Students Organisation. Khalid Shamim arranged student visas for both these boys. The two youth met an unidentified man in London who briefed them about the routine of Dr Imran, and they killed him near his house on September 16, 2010.
After the murder, both the killers left for Colombo instead of coming to Pakistan. After reaching there, they contacted the mastermind Khalid Shamim, who advised them to reach Pakistan. A secret agency recorded all the conversation between Shamim and the killers and kept the former under strict watch. Shamim had also planned to murder both these boys as soon as they would reach Karachi.
The agencies arrested both the young killers when they reached Karachi from Colombo and shifted them to Rawalpindi whereas contacts were also made with the MQM for handing over Khalid Shamim.
Meanwhile, President Zardari and Altaf Hussain also talked about this issue wherein the latter expressed his displeasure over the issue. A high profile official of the agencies contacted Sindh Governor Dr Ishratul Ebad for the arrest of Shamim after which the latter was arrested.
The killers were made to hear all the recording of their conversation wherein they had planned to murder Dr Imran Farooq. After hearing their own conversation, the accused themselves told the whole story to the agencies. Though Shamim presented all facts in different contexts, statements of all the three accused proved similar at the end.
According to sources, UK investigative agencies and Scotland Yard had also contacted Pakistan intelligence agencies and asked for details but Pakistani agencies withheld the details.
To a question that whether the MQM activists are involved in Dr Imran Farooq’s murder, MQM leader Wasey Jalil refuted this notion and said they were waiting for details of the case. He said the Scotland Yard was investigating the case that could provide complete details in this regard.
Every politician hands in Pakistan are red with blood..
How can we always be so naive.

While the West talks alot about terrorism, about how wrong it is and how fervently they are against it. But that's all talk, their actions show them to be the biggest terrorists around. With lofty talk and great self-praise(and a media that greatly helps them in projecting that image) they bomb cities full of civilian non-combatants across the world from Libya/Afghanistan/Iraq and dozens of other countries, and they have been found funding, aiding, and abetting terrorists and death squads wherever it suits their objectives. And Al-CIAda magically appears in any country the US wants to instigate crises in. And, along with all this, the west frequently provides a safe sanctuary for terrorists and mass-murders, like Altaf Hussain.

Altaf Hussain fled Pakistan when the murder cases against him began piling up. And the UK gave him sanctuary, do you seriously think the British don't know who he is? Ofcourse they do. He is in their pocket, and the leverage they have over him - offering him protection for obedience, is a great deal for both of them. They don't care about the millions suffering in Karachi. This video below is of British Member of Parliament George Galloway, who raised the issue of Altaf Hussain being a terrorist who is making the lives of millions of people miserable, from under UK protection. Sadly, their government and media quietly brushed this under the carpet and nothing came of it.

Which makes it likely that, unless it suits their objectives to dispose of Altaf Hussain, this investigation of Scotland Yard will be a sham as well, theatre to please the public. It was probably George Galloway's questions like these that made his political career unfeasible for these folks. He is no longer a Member of Parliament there.

Altaf Hussain Grilled By George Galloway - YouTube
It is UK's policy to give sanctuary to murderers, looter & currupt politicians from South Asia.

But Why.....
The question i have is simply why the hell is Altaf Hussain allowed to conduct terrorist activity from the UK and the UK, who are supposedly hell bent on stamping out terrorism not stopping this idiot. He is not a Pakistani and certainly should be trialled for his crimes
@xTra Not just the UK. This is a trend common across all western superpowers. In modern times, the US has supported alot more mass murderers than the UK(because the UK is just a fading power now). From the Shah of Iran, to Pol Pot, to our very own Musharraf, all these people stash their billions in the west. And when they're through plundering, they run back to the west to their palaces there.

@superkaif The logical conclusion appears to be that they are not sincere when it comes to terrorists who suit their objectives. That does not mean the wider public is insincere, they are just kept unaware, the media does not cover or highlight topics like these at all. And people, even from the west, like George Galloway, who are well-informed and do raise issues like these that are uncomfortable for the powers that be, are quietly brushed aside.
I think this is the best news for Pakistan.

Finish this bastard Altaf Hussein and finish the bloody MQM.

One question: What was the motive / reason of killing. Was Imran Farooq about to challenge Altaf for leadership (like Tariq Azeem) ?

Second Question: Is this the reason behind the mayhem in Karachi these days ?
for godsake, arrest thid guy, im a karachite but honestly, he is badnaming both MQM and karachi, he is not coming back because he fears MQM guys will butcher him to death, yeah thats right, his own people in party will kill him

we are very literate people and realize that we cant blindly support leaders like altaf even if his stance is for karachi people and urdu speakers and apparently support us against other ethnic hating pakistanis
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