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Alleged blasphemy: Mob burns 100 Christian homes in Lahore

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such incidents are done by not local people but by the power full land mafia groups to capture the land around such incidents happend in karachi in Bolton Market , At raiwind by the power ful people they use sentiments of people for their own use .

A mob of 3000 people - no Mafia has so many henchmen - it definitely are the senseless locals.

LAHORE: Around 100 houses belonging to the Christian community were vandalised and burnt by a mob in Badami Bagh area of Lahore on Saturday over alleged blasphemy committed by a Christian man, reported Express News.
SSP Operations Suhail Sukhera and the SHO of Badami Bagh were also reportedly injured when the mob pelted a police party with stones.
On Friday, a mob of almost 3,000 people forced the Christian community to flee for their lives, leaving behind their houses and possessions unprotected.
The charged group had gathered around Joseph Colony on Noor Road, led by Shafiq Ahmed, who was in search of the accused Savan, alias Bubby. The mob then attacked Savan’s house, setting it on fire and pelting it with stones. Other houses in the locality – home to about 150 Christian families – were also attacked. Many residents, including women and children, hastily fled to save themselves.
Savan has been arrested and shifted to an undisclosed location.

WTF is happening in Lahore ??

P.S. I know Indian opening Thread on Pakistan's issues is not allowed but this is something insane !!

Another step in The purification of Islam Plus cleansing of the lands for only Good Angles to live in plus .PML-N Terrorist supporter are in charge in Punjab nothing will happen to culprits.
There are a 100 Christian households in Pakistan??? I thought most were killed or put in jail or have fled the country :undecided:

Kinda a insensitive, but all you Pakistani's have lost your moral high ground to talk about India's minorities. :)


Muslim Bollywood Star Under Attack From Hindu Extremists

Muslim Bollywood Star Under Attack From Hindu Extremists

If Indians want to participate in this thread they should refrain from such comments.
I also sometimes wonder what are Dalits doing in a Zoo where they are often targeted just for sport.
Is there any way or place they can escape out of the ZOO. !!
Democratic Students' Union: 268 Dalit houses torched in Dharmapuri! Down with the casteist Jayalalitha Government!!
Man, this is not because of Blasphemy, its because of the eloped girls father committed suicide. And this was done by PMK which is the cast party for Vanniars and there is no relation between this incident and Jayalalitha.
India is still a country that has the concept of caste and you can not expect the caste parties to go in peace when a man kills himself because of the shame that his girl has brought by eloping with a boy of the other caste.
I am not justifying but it will take another 50 years to eradicate this behavior.

Mans life caused the riot in INDIA where as tearing a book caused riot in Pakistan.
Do you get the difference

Yeah right - nothing on the topic as yet from you

Those links will be mighty comforting to the tens of thousands of Pakistani minorities that are being killed or are being chased out, they'll all go "Hey look there are a few random minority incidents going on in India - so us getting killed or raped or being put in jail for crazy trumped up charges becomes all right".
well now this is realli sick and some times when i hear ..How can a muslim do this to a muslim = i think in pakistan it means it is fine if he does such barbasism to non muslims
well in a country where its minister is killed by such crazy people and the lawyers of the same country shower such hooligans with flowers no wonder such things keep repeating themselfs in Pakistan ...so much for Land Of The Pure lolzzz

My logic will sound stupid but it is what we have seen in History...

For Muslims...
1. Khalifa lost Ottoman empire, Lets kill Kaffir

The 1921 rebellion began as a reaction against a heavy handed crackdown on the Khilafat Movement [4] by the British authorities in the Eranad and Valluvanad taluks of Malabar. In the initial stages, a number of minor clashes took place between Khilafat volunteers and the police, but the violence soon spread across the region.[5] The Mappilas attacked and took control of police stations, British government offices, courts and government treasuries. The largely kudiyaan (tenant) Mappilas also attacked and killed jenmi (landlords) of the Hindu Nair and Brahmin Nambudiri castes. In the later stages of the uprising, Mappilas committed several atrocities against the Hindu community, who they accused of helping the police to suppress their rebellion.[2][6] Annie Besant reported that Muslim Mappilas forcibly converted many Hindus and killed or drove away all Hindus who would not apostatise, totalling to one lakh (100,000)

2. Bhutto hanged , Lets kill Kaffir

The plight of Kashmiri Pundits

3. Election rigged by Abdullas, Let kill Kaffir

The plight of Kashmiri Pundits

4. Govt curning jamati/shibir, lets Kill Kaffir

The plight of Bangladeshi Hindus

5. Pakistan raping Bengalis , Lets kill Kaffir..

The plight of Bangladeshi Hindus

The point is, any thing happen, any thing goes wrong, Brand Kaffirs as traitor/Agent or Blasphemer and kill them...

Truly a peaceful act..

I have noticed Windjammer you never condemn terrorist even now you are trying to turn this into measuring contest.Fine India has her problems but what do you say to poor Pakistani families who lost their homes cause they are Christians.

How would you like it if Christians in England started burning down Muslim homes and no one came to help? disgusting at every level.
it is reported that many of the Nazi's instigated mobs against the Jews and other German minorities as a precursor to looting their valuable. Goring even built an impressive painting and furniture collection worth $200 Million from this loot of minorities. I see the same culture now seeping into Pakistan..Viva lee Zia ul Haq's Pakistan!
it is reported that many of the Nazi's instigated mobs against the Jews and other German minorities as a precursor to looting their valuable. Goring even built an impressive painting and furniture collection worth $200 Million from this loot of minorities. I see the same culture now seeping into Pakistan..Viva lee Zia ul Haq's Pakistan!

well bhai this same very thing happened to hindus and sikhs in Lahore and easters and southren Punjab in 1947 and now same is happening to christians looks like some people never change
Yeah right - nothing on the topic as yet from you

Those links will be mighty comforting to the tens of thousands of Pakistani minorities that are being killed or are being chased out, they'll all go "Hey look there are a few random minority incidents going on in India - so us getting killed or raped or being put in jail for crazy trumped up charges becomes all right".

No it's not comforting for anyone but it's you people who consider your self fairer than snow white.....generalising every petty issue about Pakistan. We know and admit there is a serious problem with a section of our society but at the same time, Indians should remember they haven't exactly migrated to Mars yet.

Salem news.com...sound legit..

So it's given nothing like this ever takes place in India. !!
it is reported that many of the Nazi's instigated mobs against the Jews and other German minorities as a precursor to looting their valuable. Goring even built an impressive painting and furniture collection worth $200 Million from this loot of minorities. I see the same culture now seeping into Pakistan..Viva lee Zia ul Haq's Pakistan!

The Pakistani Christians must be dirt poor - at least in Germany the Jews were rich - what loot does one get from a poor Christian household?
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