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An Independent East Turkestan will be bad for Pakistan

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    Votes: 64 53.8%
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Truth about Uyghurs and the West:

The Uyghurs are a political and nationalistic movement, not an Islamic one. The ETIM or the East Turkestan Islamic Movement have been listed in the United Nations Security Council as a terrorist group. Until of course, their God-Father eternal, america, had the ETIM removed from the terrorist group listing, November 2020. The same america that told the world that Iraq had WMD.

People truly are gullible and hopelessly naive to believe every word that comes out Western MSM. The same way people believed Iraq had WMD, stood by and watched 500,000 Iraqi children die due to american sanctions. And then again, the same people who sat mindlessly numb as the world witnessed how britain and france bombed Libya, all because the West dictated that "Qaddafi must go."

It's convenient for the Western Mainstream Media to highlight and amplify their focus on Uyghurs, since america has a new enemy, China. It's the same Modus Operandi when america was demonizing Russia. No one ever bothers to study what the historical background is. The Zionist owned and controlled Western Empire has a historical record of arming, indoctrinating, training and supporting armed groups which periodically morph into terrorist outfits. Be it Osama Bin Laden and his Al-Qaeda terrorist group, where Osama was trained by the CIA and was it's point-man in the Soviet-Afghan War. Or be it Syria or Libya, where america/britain/france have used their henchmen (turkey, emirates, saudis) to arm, train and indoctrinate terrorist groups to bring war, bloodshed and chaos in those countries.

Uyghurs are no different, where they have been clandestinely used by turkey, in Syria.

Here, the West has again shown how they use Islam as a pretext to further their cause. They (West) hide behind the curtains and pull the strings of their puppets (turkey, emirates, qatar, saudis and etc), and their puppets use these pawns (nusra, al-qaeda, hts, isis) to spread terror, bloodshed and chaos.

European Research:

One of the main actors, a puppet state of the Zionist-West, is Turkey. Where Turkey played a pivotal role when america/britain/france were aiming at Libya. It is Turkey who did the dirty work on the ground for it's Zionist-Western masters. Since america was already embroiled in wars, tangled up in Afghanistan (10 years at the time, 2011/2012) and Iraq (7 years at the time, 2011/2012). It was Turkey who provided the terrorist fighters to ignite civil war in Libya. Their (Turks) route into Libya was through massive construction contracts it obtained when Libyan Government awarded Turkish companies.

I see many bright minds, young and ambitious, on this forum. Yet most are misguided, misinformed and some yet are utterly ignorant. No one bothers to investigate, to research or to study both sides of the story before weighing on the subject. And majority devoid of ever going to the Noble Qur'an for guidance.

I have warned my people (Pakistanis) a million times about watching out for deception and traps. They (kuffar) are after Pakistan, not because Pakistan has Oil, or Gold, or Minerals. No ... it's because Pakistan is the first and only Muslim State to have an active, deadly Arsenal of Nuclear Weapons capable of annihilating israel, if israel ever dared to demolish Masjid Al-Aqsa and Qubrat-ul-Sakhra. A few weeks ago, when israeli terrorist state sent in it's thugs to beat out the Muslims from performing Salah in Masjid Al-Aqsa and kicking out Palestinians from their homes to make way for israeli settlements in Sheikh Jarrah (East Jerusalem). The Palestinians launched protests. In one of those protests which was video recorded, they called out the Army of one Muslim nation to respond to israeli aggression. The Army was of Pakistan ... NOT turkey, NOT qatar, NOT egypt, NOT jordan, NOT sauds and most certainly NOT emirates.

China is Pakistan's primary and most important ally, partner and brother nation and neighbor. China has been there for Pakistan, in moral, political and tangible support for Pakistan in our most testing of times (Alhumdulillah ala Shukrillah). China has not declared War on Islam, it has been america, britain, france and the rest of the zionist-West over several centuries. China didn't send out Crusades, the zionist-West did. China didn't colonize two thirds of the planet and imposed it's hegemony on the world, the zionist-West did. The millions of Bengal indians who died of starvation, wasn't because of China, it was britain the colonial/imperial master that ordered the entire grain stock to be shipped back to britain for their war. China doesn't have upto 1000 military bases around the world, the zionist-Western states of america does.

The Uyghur issue is being sensationalized because the West now wants China as an enemy. The Uyghurs are being used to corner Pakistanis, because China is it's most important ally. The Uyghur problem is being amplified by the zionist-Western MSM to try and proliferate their narrative of a China vs Islam scenario. They (zionist-West) want Muslims (2 billion on the planet) and China (1.4 billion on the planet) to fight each other, so they can keep ruling the world for another 100 years.

You guys seriously need to get your head screwed on right. They are making fools out of you and you are falling for it every step of the way like a bunch of mindless buffoons. From Syria War, to Iraq War, to Libya War, to Turkey, to Saudis, to Emiratis .... you are being taken for a ride and you are willing participants without any serious investigation, or research or going to the Noble Qur'an for guidance. Instead you believe everything they (zionist-Western MSM) is feeding you through misinformation news outlets.

Remember Dajjal is the master of deception.
I suspect that no one really believes these propaganda.

Except for the typical paid promoters, I haven't found anyone who really believes. Many people are just skeptics. They think that something has happened, something bad has happened. But they can clearly feel that someone is promoting political propaganda.

People will rationalize these stories based on their own perceptions. Americans will believe that China is doing the same thing as Guantanamo. Conspiracy theorists believe that China has become the deep evil of the US government.But the problem is that China and the United States have completely different political systems and cultural habits. So the Chinese will only treat these stories as jokes, because they are not Chinese style.It's like a Muslim eating bacon, or a Chinese chef holding cheese. There is nothing wrong with cheese and bacon, but they appear in inappropriate places, and westerners don't understand.

So the genocide is a Western story, even a Jewish story. I am not saying that there have been no mass killings in China's history, but that China has no genocide-style mass killings. That is the patent of the Germans and Catholics. The Chinese do not lock up people and kill them, but kill them directly. Our habit is to let them dig a 3-meter deep pit in the ground, and then directly drive them in and bury them.

Westerners obviously lack understanding of China. I don’t think they really work hard.The superiority of the past 30 years has caused holistic corruption in Western society. So they pulled out the script of Iraq 30 years ago and replaced Iraq with China. After the genocide, it should be WMD, destroying Europe in one hour. There is a small problem here. China really has WMD, and China can destroy Europe and the United States in one hour.

So it's like the video is stuck, the old horn of the West keeps repeating, genocide, genocide, genocide...

No one knows what to do next.
There are many similar things. Just like last year, in order to persuade Europe to fight against China, the US government claimed that CCP was a communist party. Most people don't quite understand what happened. But if you put the time back after the end of World War II. Churchill delivered a speech calling on Europe to fight the communist Soviet Union. Pompeo even imitated Churchill and made a similar speech.

But the problem was that Soviet troops could reach the Atlantic in a week. China and Europe are separated by the entire Asian continent. Europeans feel very unclear about threats.At the same time, the economic ties between China and Europe are closer than those between the United States and Europe, while the Soviet Union and Europe are completely economically divided.

This shows that the political power of the United States is 50 years behind the world, so they called out a new cold war. The world still doesn't understand what happened.

Recently, something more ridiculous happened. The United States began to copy the Marshall Plan and called on the G7 countries to launch their own Belt and Road Initiative.In 1945, the United States was the world's number one industrial country. Today, the United States is a non-industrial country that relies on financial fraud and arms. Can the United States build power plants, railways, and dams for other countries? The only thing the United States can provide is weapons and medical insurance.
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And we know the west never lies right? Its not like they invade countries on fake claims of WMDs right?
. .
Get the F' outta here with this garbage.. We all know it is a propaganda to isolate and put blockade on China but dragging in Turkey and other sovereign states and other entities who have zero fuks to do with this matter doesn't sit well with me...

This piece is intellectually bankrupt and makes no sense whatsoever...... Mixing milk and water and sky and heaven..... Inserting things and places that don't even exist in the narrative....

All of these countries you mentioned have good relations with China.. Such as the Gulf, Turkey, Egypt and all the others. The propaganda is not sophisticated and very primitive everyone can see why it is being done and what is the purpose behind it which is simple ISOLATE CHINA.. Nobody has fallen for it.... The whole purpose of this thread smells suspicious..

I have reported this garbage vomitting piece
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Get the F' outta here with this garbage.. We all know it is a propaganda to isolate and put blockade on China but dragging in Turkey and other sovereign states and other entities who have zero fuks to do with this matter doesn't sit well with me...

This piece is intellectually bankrupt and makes no sense whatsoever...... Mixing milk and water and sky and heaven..... Inserting things and places that don't even exist in the narrative....

All of these countries you mentioned have good relations with China.. Such as the Gulf, Turkey, Egypt and all the others. The propaganda is not sophisticated and very primitive everyone can see why it is being done and what is the purpose behind it which is simple ISOLATE CHINA.. Nobody has fallen for it.... The whole purpose of this thread smells suspicious..

I have reported this garbage vomitting piece
Totally disagree.

It has less to do with nation, but the manipulation of mindset of their people. Mass mindset manipulation, and deception.

The strategic thinker of other nations are much harder to be fooled by US-Zionist propaganda. But ordinary people are easily fooled.

As long as the majority of Pakistanis believe China is evil, no Pakistan politicians and parties dare to join hand with China. So the US-Zionist win.

Talking about China has good relationship with Turkey is far from reality. At best normal relationship. The ordinary Turks had been fed with US-Zionist propaganda for decades, most Turks dislike China, while vice versa.

Denmark is US puppet, everyone knew it. Denmark even help US spy on Germany and other European countries. Why is that? Because US has Denmark's ball which is Greenland.
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Totally disagree.

It has less to do with nation, but the manipulation of mindset of their people. Mass mindset manipulation, and deception.

The strategic thinker of other nations are much harder to be fooled by US-Zionist propaganda. But ordinary people are easily fooled.

As long as the majority of Pakistanis believe China is evil, no Pakistan politicians and parties dare to join hand with China. So the US-Zionist win.

Talking about China has good relationship with Turkey is far from reality. At best normal relationship. The ordinary Turks had been fed with US-Zionist propaganda for decades, most Turks dislike China, while vice versa.

I know it has something to do with turning the masses against china and eventually they wanna use them against China... That is how I see which is predictable.. sowing the seed to isolate China further and further but it is not working on state level or majority of the population because it is a primitive form of propaganda.

You are wrong on the Turkey one tho. Beijing-Istanbul have good relations and working on building railways linking the countries. I can assure you if the turkish state didn't want any relations with China they would have let you know long time ago they don't beat around the bushes. They also understand what is going on there since the Kazakh president has been there...

Chinese foreign minister was in Turkey less then a month ago.. There is no bad relations with Turkey and if the turks want to dislike someone they would do so by their own accord not via some enforced propaganda. Assuming most turks dislike china is also to far fatched China is not on Turkey's agenda so there is really not much of an opinion in Turkey because they focus on nearby countries such as Syria, Iraq, Greece and Armenia they are not looking beyond that as of now and anything beyond that doens't hold much of interest to the general public there or local media consumption
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I know it has something to do with turning the masses against china and eventually they wanna use them against China... That is how I see which is predictable.. sowing the seed to isolate China further and further but it is not working on state level or majority of the population because it is a primitive form of propaganda.

You are wrong on the Turkey one tho. Beijing-Istanbul have good relations and working on building railways linking the countries. I can assure you if the turkish state didn't want any relations with China they would have let you know long time ago they don't beat around the bushes. They also understand what is going on there since the Kazakh president has been there...

Chinese foreign minister was in Turkey less then a month ago.. There is no bad relations with Turkey and if the turks want to dislike someone they would do so by their own accord not via some enforced propaganda. Assuming most turks dislike china is also to far fatched China is not on Turkey's agenda so there is really not much of an opinion in Turkey because they focus on nearby countries such as Syria, Iraq, Greece and Armenia they are not looking beyond that as of now and anything beyond that doens't hold much of interest to the general public there or local media consumption
As long as Turkey still hold general election, there is no chance Beijing-Istanbul can have close relationship. Because most Turks believe Uighur is genocide by China.

That's the power of deception and Mass manipulation.

Take US puppet state Denmark as an example. Denmark is far from China, has no strategic conflict with China at all, but Denmark politicians dare not to be pro China.

US-Zionist propaganda has fed Europeans for decades, Europeans are mentally controlled by US-Zionist.

Turkey has done a lot of things against China in past decades. China knew it, Turkey knew it. It's just US/West is beating Turkey badly, so Turkey has to fix relationship with China, and play the China card.

That's about it.
As long as Turkey still hold general election, there is no chance Beijing-Istanbul can have close relationship. Because most Turks believe Uighur is genocide by China.

That's the power of deception and Mass manipulation.

Take US puppet state Denmark as an example. Denmark is far from China, has no strategic conflict with China at all, but Denmark politicians dare not to be pro China.

US-Zionist propaganda has fed Europeans for decades, Europeans are mentally controlled by US-Zionist.

Turkey has done a lot of things against China in past decades. China knew it, Turkey knew it. It's just US/West is beating Turkey badly, so Turkey has to fix relationship with China, and play the China card.

That's about it.

You don't have to make the texts bold I am not blind..:lol:

General election? So you think after Erdogan leaves office an anti-Beijing government comes to town? Is that not assumption?

Where did the West/US beat Turkey badly? They are all NATO allies and haven't been in war with UK since 100 years ago in ww1? There is no card playing here it is just economic interests but you have paranoia reading to much fake news online like the one up thinking this is real life...You live in a world Where everyone is plotting against China? but that is not real world..

I lost interest in this convo
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I know it has something to do with turning the masses against china and eventually they wanna use them against China... That is how I see which is predictable.. sowing the seed to isolate China further and further but it is not working on state level or majority of the population because it is a primitive form of propaganda.

You are wrong on the Turkey one tho. Beijing-Istanbul have good relations and working on building railways linking the countries. I can assure you if the turkish state didn't want any relations with China they would have let you know long time ago they don't beat around the bushes. They also understand what is going on there since the Kazakh president has been there...

Chinese foreign minister was in Turkey less then a month ago.. There is no bad relations with Turkey and if the turks want to dislike someone they would do so by their own accord not via some enforced propaganda. Assuming most turks dislike china is also to far fatched China is not on Turkey's agenda so there is really not much of an opinion in Turkey because they focus on nearby countries such as Syria, Iraq, Greece and Armenia they are not looking beyond that as of now and anything beyond that doens't hold much of interest to the general public there or local media consumption
As long as Turkey still hold general election, there is no chance Beijing-Istanbul can have close relationship. Because most Turks believe Uighur is genocide by China.

That's the power of deception and Mass manipulation.

Take US puppet state Denmark as an example. Denmark is far from China, has no strategic conflict with China at all, but Denmark politicians dare not to be pro China.

US-Zionist propaganda has fed Europeans for decades, Europeans are mentally controlled by US-Zionist.

Turkey has done a lot of things against China in past decades. China knew it, Turkey knew it. It's just US/West is beating Turkey badly, so Turkey has to fix relationship with China, and play the China card.

That's about it.
You don't have to make the texts bold I am not blind..:lol:

General election? So you think after Erdogan leaves office an anti-Beijing government comes to town? Is that not assumption?

Where did the West/US beat Turkey badly? They are all NATO allies and haven't been in war with UK since 100 years ago in ww1? There is no card playing here it is just economic interests but you have paranoia reading to much fake news online like the one up thinking this is real life...You live in a world Where everyone is plotting against China? but that is not real world
You must be less informed for 10 years or so. I don't blame you, though.

Turkey has Kurds separation issues, while US and NATO is sponsoring Kurds in Syria and Iraq. US and NATO want to use Kurds card to destroy and control Syria, Iraq, Iran, as well as Turkey.

This is Turkey core interest. So Turkey beat $hit out of Kurds. While US and EU sanctioned Turkey, now Turkey economy landslide.

Turkey has to fix relationship with China, play the China card to threaten US, otherwise Erdogan won't survive next general election.
. .
As long as Turkey still hold general election, there is no chance Beijing-Istanbul can have close relationship. Because most Turks believe Uighur is genocide by China.

That's the power of deception and Mass manipulation.

Take US puppet state Denmark as an example. Denmark is far from China, has no strategic conflict with China at all, but Denmark politicians dare not to be pro China.

US-Zionist propaganda has fed Europeans for decades, Europeans are mentally controlled by US-Zionist.

Turkey has done a lot of things against China in past decades. China knew it, Turkey knew it. It's just US/West is beating Turkey badly, so Turkey has to fix relationship with China, and play the China card.

That's about it.

You must be less informed for 10 years or so. I don't blame you, though.

Turkey has Kurds separation issues, while US and NATO is sponsoring Kurds in Syria and Iraq. US and NATO want to use Kurds card to destroy and control Syria, Iraq, Iran, as well as Turkey.

This is Turkey core interest. So Turkey beat $hit out of Kurds. While US and EU sanctioned Turkey, now Turkey economy landslide.

Turkey has to fix relationship with China, play the China card to threaten US, otherwise Erdogan won't survive next general election.

This is some horseshit assumption... You remind me of that austinpowers this is ridiculously bad. Lets just end it here no need to quote me on this
This is some horseshit assumption... You remind me of that austinpowers this is ridiculously bad. Lets just end it here no need to quote me on this
As I said, you are less informed for at least 10 years. Denmark is a puppet of US, I don't think you have any independent thinking at all. Period.

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