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ALL Xinjiang related issues e.g. uyghur people, development, videos etc, In here please.

An Independent East Turkestan will be bad for Pakistan

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    Votes: 64 53.8%
  • No

    Votes: 55 46.2%

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Oh really...weeks later huh
Your video is dated Oct 18, 2014

Yet look at this

January 15, 2017
Former Newspaper Editor Who Exposed CIA Found Dead

You are too ***** to spend the whole 10 seconds it takes to fact check your story and I'm going to point it out to everybody.

Next time use Google search instead of Baidu

This link will show you how
http://letmegooglethat.com/?q=when+did+Udo+Ulfkotte+ die

Thanks for sharing

Why should the world believe western propaganda machines which claimed Iraq possessed WMD thus launched a war resulting millions of civilians deaths?

This lies came out. Yours will do same.

What we need is an independent observer group.
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Has China totalitarian regime, yes or no?

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. Only fools believe their lies any more.

No, EVERYBODY believe their own lies.
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Has China totalitarian regime, yes or no?

No, EVERYBODY believe their own lies.

That is a matter of interpretation and depending on your understanding of China system of Government and Parliament, for example deputies to NPC are elected not based on CPC membership.
They are selected as grassroots level and can be from any of the 8 parties in agreement and collaboration. It is more of a system of meritocracy.

However today I would considered Trump USA totalitarian.
Trump administration can shut down an entire US Government for months to blackmail Congress into approving his funding for his Mexican Wall.
Reports of Police brutalities has recently won praise and approval from Trump with the attending Generals all in red faces.
Former FBI director James Comey spoke of that in his book - A higher loyalty.
How about the insiders' accounts by others about the White House - Unhinge by Trump former campaign manager, etc
Trump sanction ICC officials and families.
Today we have Republican lawmakers alleging that they are Trump prisoners with no FREE will, isn't that evidences enough.

So on one hand we have all the features of a totalitarian or police state in USA but you keep ignoring them and is barking at the wrong tree.
That is both nice and hilariously amusing.

Well. Keep on believing what you want to believe but I am too experience for such arbitral and illogical argument.
To me facts matter more. The records speak for themselves. :coffee:
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They did, otherwise I would have opened hundreds of threads already.

Which you were. But then you and your Chinese brethren kept complaining to mods whenever someone posted a thread about Uighurs plight. Which eventually led to this thread.

By the way, see how censorship feels?
Which you were. But then you and your Chinese brethren kept complaining to mods whenever someone posted a thread about Uighurs plight. Which eventually led to this thread.
Actually I'll be prefectly Ok with lifting one thread only rule, you should know the mods really did you guys a big favor for that rule.
Actually I'll be prefectly Ok with lifting one thread only rule, you should know the mods really did you guys a big favor for that rule.

LOL. No, they didn't. Nobody bothers reading mega threads. I haven't been to any megathread except this one the whole time i have been here.

They did the Chinese a favor, as always
LOL. No, they didn't. Nobody bothers reading mega threads. I haven't been to any megathread except this one the whole time i have been here.

They did the Chinese a favor, as always
So we can both appeal to the mods to revoke that rule and see who can post more in the future is the rule is gone.
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The Uyghur problem. Real or fake. Not important. Is there any country on this planet that dares to attack China for Uighurs? No nation dares to do that. If they dare, DF-41 and DF-17 will crush them. China is not afraid of these cowards and hypocrites.

People like Fisher1 are a lot in Pakistan. You cannot persuade him to give up the anti-Chinese sentiment. And you shouldn't do that. Because if you succeed, the future in Pakistan will have many other Fisher.
Does it matter if all Pakistanis think like Fisher1? China does not care. So why try to argue when you know it doesn't work?
Flying high: China's ethnic group Tajiks see life ascending on Pamir Plateau

Work as border guards they get monthly salary 5200¥,($ 800) per person.., the place borders Pakistan and there's no conflicts there, they got nothing to do and it's just free money that the government finds a reason to give them!!
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