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All stories on Ukraine airliner tragedy

The responsible for this incident is Yankee state.

I hope we sink their ships in Persian gulf and Makran sea.

More good news will come.
Pakistani didn't opened its air space for days after Feb 27 where as Iran never issued one. Looks like there are no SOPs for war time scenerio into your own air space in Iran which is quite surprising for a country like Iran who is in constant fighting mode for the last 3 decades or so.
In 2001 a Russian airliner flight 1812 was accidentally shot down by Ukranian S200 missile accidentally.

It was also during military excercises. This case is country was under direct intervention threat and any unshot plane could take out strategic sites of Iran.

The judicial measures fees-compensations should be similar if not less than the S200 case. Also usa is the main escalator here bringing the issue to the brink of war after the highly suspicious kirkuk base bombings excuse which was not investigated who actually did it or who died etc.
How difficult it is to identify and distinguish a freaking passenger aircraft from a combat aircraft?
The responsible for this incident is Yankee state.

I hope we sink their ships in Persian gulf and Makran sea.

More good news will come.

There is an Indian carrier there which is much easier target btw just saying

India has put Kargil Shias in systematic genocide
Pakistani didn't opened its air space for days after Feb 27 where as Iran never issued one. Looks like there are no SOPs for war time scenerio into your own air space in Iran which is quite surprising for a country like Iran who is in constant fighting mode for the last 3 decades or so.
That aircraft didn't even duckingly let the control area of tower and it was shot down
Im Iranian and I knew it from the start this is what happened. I also know how that government works, so I knew the initial denials was just the government trying to deflect blame till they found out why this happened.

If this happened in an active war zone that’s one (see Ukraine Civil war incident), but this literally happened next to the major airport outside the capital. I mean the incompetence is outstanding.
There are speculations about this catastrophe being unintentional. However, if we assume this was unintentional, it could be the direct result of show-off war-games in which air defense units target slow drones flying in a preset straight path. Literally they never face a “ turning jet” target in there exercises!
I am sure you will down thousands of your own airplanes if you go to full war with india.

Not more than Iran. You guys are at some other level. Good that US didn't strike back after your missiles with dummy warheads landed else Iran would had taken out 4-5 civilian jets for sure.
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