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All Pakistani F-16s are accounted for: US Govt buries Indian propaganda.

That continues. Now two former chiefs of Army staff (among many others) have gone on record against politicising these encounters on the borders or across the borders; ironically, one of them, V. K. Singh, is actually a junior minister in the administration.
Well What was it that Von Clausewicz said about War? Perhaps this bloody nose is what was needed to cool this kind of nonsense. This is not Israel vs Lebanon or the Gaza strip. This has the potential to go nuclear.

Updated on 27 Feb 2019 :cheesy:
If Abhi-none-done did shot something and he is pretty sure about it, is their a possibility that the "blip" was their heli which went down due to friendly fire?
When & where has he said anything since we handed him over a month back?

All we saw were pics of him in a Military Hospital meeting that Nirmala Sitha-WhatsHerFace. I would love for WikiLeaks to get a hold of a copy of his DeBrief. Its just a guess, but I don't think we'll be hearing from him for another month or so - or atleast until the General Elections aren't over.
And they are only making it worse by trying to cover it up for the benefit of Modi but in doing so, are exposing themselves as utterly unprofessional.

Heard Pakistan actually wants Modi to be reelected as PM India, only that the power in centre for Modi and BJP will be distributed and not majority this time as better benefit.

Same Like the Pakistan vs India cricket matches disparity of victory and defeats. Pak won 74 matches vs India’s 54.

The IAF vs PAF tally is far larger of 126 IAF losses vs 26 PAF losses.
They actually went ahead and showed their radar charts
They actually showed the radar grabs tracking Abhi-none-done following the F16D lurking around the LOC, according to their own claims - the D is very important here, the chart also confirms that Abhi was lured into a well laid trap, lol.
can you plz post the link of that chart ...
That continues. Now two former chiefs of Army staff (among many others) have gone on record against politicising these encounters on the borders or across the borders; ironically, one of them, V. K. Singh, is actually a junior minister in the administration.

Had the outcome of these skirmishes been in indians favor, then none of them would have spoken against what is running in Bollywoodish indian nation.

Jooth pe jooth bhol key ab indians are like headless chicken.
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According to fleet data from @AviationWeek, out of Pakistan's total 76 F-16s, 13 are from Jordan. The breakdown (H/t @TheDEWLine):
F-16A Block 1-15 MLU: 24
F-16B Block 1-15 MLU: 21
F-16A Block 1-15: 9 (Jordan)
F-16B Block 1-15: 4 (Jordan)
F-16C Block 52: 12
F-16D Block 52: 6

Getting a lot of qs on whether the US included the F-16s Pakistan bought from Jordan in its count. The answer is YES: even third-party transfers of US equipment must go through the US government.


F-16 Block 15 A/B (1983-1987)
2 + 4 + 26 + 8 = 40 ( 9 crashed)
Remaining = 31

Then PAF was slated to get 28 more F-16 Block 15 OCU A/B from original order of embargoed jets, but only 14 arrived. The remaining 14 are still with USN for aggressor training i presume.
6 + 5 + 7 + 10 = 28
Delivered = 14

New order F-16 Block 52+ C/D = 18

F-16 Block 15 ADF A/B from Jordan = 13

Adding 31 + 14 + 18 + 13 = 76 (Total F-16's in service)

It's pointless to argue with a stuck up fool. The excuses are now down to:

1) Did the US count the F-16's from Jordan too?
2) Pakistan painted a JF17 as F16 to fool the US officials.
3) US can't accept a downed F16 because it will lower the value of F16.
4) Pakistan has bought journalists all over the world to defame India (btw, on one hand they call us a begging nation on other hand they tell us, we are rich enough to buy journalists internationally which India can't)

If some how some retard doesn't accept any of the above he will still try to save face of India by saying:

5) Ohh, it doesn't matter who actually won, Pakistan won the fight in perception. But still I can't really call it a Pakistan's victory because that is only a win in perception.

One should ask that fk-tard that wars and fights are always about perception. No one here was in World war I/II, its all about perception. When the world accepts your point of view it means its over, you have won. If there is no evidence/proof then there is no perception. There has to be some thing to sway perception in your favor.

So all in all it was a Pakistan's victory, any indian fk-tard who thinks it was only a perception victory, then bring some thing to sway that perception otherwise shut your old narcissistic hole and sit the f down.
Tech teams from USA are rotated at PAF bases housing F-16's, any F-16 loss cannot be hidden.

India claims that one of its MiG-21 fighter jets shot down a Pakistani F-16 [File: Akhtar Soomro/Reuters]

Business Insider: The US is dumping cold water on India's claim it shot down a Pakistani F-16

* The US inspected Pakistan's fighter inventory after a February dogfight, in which India claimed that one of its MiG-21 Bison aircraft shot down a Pakistani F-16, and found nothing missing, Foreign Policy reported on Thursday.
* The report followed others indicating that Indian pilots had missed their targets in the air raid on Pakistan in an embarrassing failure.
* "As details come out, it looks worse and worse for the Indians," an expert told Foreign Policy.

India proudly claimed that one of its Russian-designed MiG-21 fighters shot down one of Pakistan's US-made F-16s before being downed by a Pakistani missile in a dogfight in February, but a US inventory of Pakistan's fighters found nothing missing, Foreign Policy reported on Thursday, citing two senior US defense officials.

Tensions between the two nuclear-armed rivals hit levels not seen in decades in February after militants based in Pakistan killed 40 Indian paramilitary police in a suicide bombing in Indian-controlled Kashmir.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: India is still sticking to its claim that it shot down a Pakistani F-16 .... Indian Air Forces Refute US Media Report Saying No Pak F-16 Was Down in February (Al Jazeera). More here .... Have Proof Pakistani F-16 Shot Down, Says Air Force; Refutes US Journal Report (NDTV).

More News On The U.S. Denying Indian Claims That A Pakistani F-16 Was Shot Down In February

U.S. count shows no Pakistan F-16s shot down in Indian battle: report -- Reuters
India Never Actually Shot Down Pakistani F-16 in Kashmir Clash, New Report Says -- Time/Bloomberg
US count of Pakistan's F-16 fighter jets found none of them missing: Report -- Times of India
India's claim of downing Pakistani F-16 thrown in doubt after US report -- The National
Pakistan calls for 'truth' from India on aerial dogfight -- Al Jazeera
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