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All minorities — please leave Pakistan!

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Aug 23, 2006
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Yes, you read it correctly. I am asking all minorities — ethnic, religious, denominational — and any other people who consider themselves a minority of any kind, to please leave Pakistan.

Yes, I know that this means that Hindus who have lived in Sindh for millennia should leave, that Christians from whom SP Singha hailed and who made the critical casting vote in the Punjab Assembly for Pakistan should leave, that the Ahmadis who gave Pakistan its first brilliant foreign minister as well as a Nobel laureate, that Shias who count the founder of the country, Mohammad Ali Jinnah, as one of their denomination, should leave — yes, all should leave.

Soon, of course, we would need to add to this list, women, since they always prove to be so deviant and might want to go out of the house, and some men, too, as they might have visited the shrines of those Sufi saints who are responsible for the conversion of millions to Islam.

This obviously is just the beginning of the list and very soon, more categories will be added as the above mentioned people are exterminated or simply chased away.

It does not matter if the chosen are a few thousand or even a few million — the vast majority of the country’s 180 million need to leave since they simply do not fit the bill and are minorities of some kind. Pakistan was founded to be the preserve of a small minority of men and so it should be.

And this is the crux of the problem. Pakistan was founded by people who were fearful of a majority they did not trust.

It did not matter if the majority was good or evil, or that a workable solution might have been devised — all that mattered was that they were a minority and hence, they needed to have their separate way.

In other words, the Muslim minority of India simply refused to live with the Hindu majority of India, no matter what the reasons or consequences. As this mindset led to the creation of Pakistan, it also led to the creation of a very suspicious view towards other minorities — the erstwhile minority of India then turned against any other minorities in its own country, and quite naturally, it thought of them as fifth columnists — just as it had been in India. Also, since at the root of the Muslim League’s strong demand for Pakistan was intolerance — it simply could not stand living with Hindus — it was but natural for a strong strain of intolerance to seep into the very veins of Pakistan.

The twin menaces of suspicion and intolerance towards minorities has remained a permanent feature of Pakistan since its inception. Beginning with September 1948, when the founder of the country only had a private Shia funeral, presumably because it was too much for the public to handle that the revered Quaid-e-Azam was not a Sunni, to the Muslim members of the Constituent Assembly ‘fearful’ of the 15 per cent of Hindus in Pakistan if joint electorates were permitted, to the rioting against Ahmadis in 1953 and later, to violent attacks against Christians, Hindus and Shias, especially since the 1980s, Pakistan has been uneasy with its minorities.

And here, I have not even begun writing about women — who are increasingly becoming a minority in demographic terms and are treated very poorly, to discrimination based on ethnic background, class differences, sexual orientation, and simply, due to bigotry.

Pakistan is beset with this intolerance against minorities and it seems that it has become its blood line. The majority of Pakistanis might not be keen on exterminating the minorities (though I am beginning to have doubts here), but this vocal and violent minority is increasingly having its way and no one seems to be doing anything about it except issuing condemnations. The government regrets the incidents after they happen, the intelligence agencies promise to work ‘next time’, the courts take suo motu notice but no one is ever brought to justice, and the civil society people (read the rich and middle class) satisfy themselves by holding vigils — everyone ticks their boxes and life goes on.

Life cannot, and should not go on, if conditions are deteriorating so rapidly in front of our eyes. Unless the ‘silent majority’ wakes up and takes charge, nothing will happen. Till then, it is best if all minorities simply pack up and leave for safer climes.

All minorities
ticket kai paisay tribune newspaper kai owner ka pio dai gaa?

Minority this and that.

The situation can be fixed.

Its not just the minority but the whole Pakistan is suffering from religious intolerance and as a result terrorism.

sir check this cherokee and cheetah guys IP....i am sure they are one and the same
WOW This Guy Just Invited all the indian to troll Here and Bring religion into every thing

GUYS STOP POSTING ARTICLES FROM THE WEBSITE THAT DOES NOT BELONG TO DEFENCE RElated stuff yes you can have social issues related with DEFENCE but this is not one of thoses its a political One and this guy who wrote it is Stupid Because if it was that bad they would have not waited for his highness to put 2 cents in and would have left a long time ago


this is a Pakistan defence forum not PAKISTAN DEBATE FORUM
So when Things get tough your plan is to run with tail between your legs , Instead of standing firm & looking for a solution .

No Wonder we are in all this mess , We just want to run away from problem , we never try to solve them .
not enough, because soon everyone will be a minority as we all differences however small it may be. we need to tolerate the difference that is present in each of us.
So when Things get tough your plan is to run with tail between your legs , Instead of standing firm & looking for a solution .

No Wonder we are in all this mess , We just want to run away from problem , we never try to solve them .

Do you have any say in this Mess as pakistan is in

are you pakistan government official
Do you have influence over pakistan Government Official
Can you Influence them by Typing for a solution about this stuff in this Forum
Can you enforce laws and enforce peoples ideas from this Forum into pakistani Government

so you can call it what ever you want But by posting articles here like that and looking for solution you are just......................
what can i say but good luck my pakistani brother may you can do all of the above
Do you have any say in this Mess as pakistan is in

are you pakistan government official
Do you have influence over pakistan Government Official
Can you Influence them by Typing for a solution about this stuff in this Forum
Can you enforce laws and enforce peoples ideas from this Forum into pakistani Government

so you can call it what ever you want But by posting articles here like that and looking for solution you are just......................
what can i say but good luck my pakistani brother may you can do all of the above

Are you high or some thing ??
So when Things get tough your plan is to run with tail between your legs , Instead of standing firm & looking for a solution .

No Wonder we are in all this mess , We just want to run away from problem , we never try to solve them .

No actually its more like :

So can I pin this on the raison detre of Pakistan or not ? No...am I sure ? Well I could always exaggerate, omit & see things the way I want to see them, to show this out to be all because of intrinsic malaise of the ideological origins of Pakistan ! And because most of the readers out there are as well read as the cobbler down the street - They are bound to nod their heads in the affirmative as they read through this !

Plus this narrative sells these days.....I might as well get my piece of the pie ! :tup:
a pessimist approach here.a last resort,perhaps you shouldnt be so pessimist about your country
Are you high or some thing ??

He is always on high.... neva mind....

on the topic.... it is pakistan internal issues.... So better I must not make any comments against the article.... At the end..even though they are Christians Hindus etc, still they are pakistani's ....
The person who posted this is a loser big time.
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