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Aliens to come to Earth to enslave and eat humans

Most of the time people see asteroids in the sky and start calling them alien UFOs. :lol:
How is Allah an alien...

Plz dont get offended.
But Allah is being described as a entity/diety/creature outside planet earth, somewhere in outer space, does that not mean he is an alien ?

Allah/God hasn't told anyone what he is... He might be alien or something.... He might even be atom... But what Don was saying is that Allah live on atmosphere on Earth
Any living creature outside outside planet earth would be termed alien, near mercury or not.
What u are the describing are the powers of the alien/god.
I thought about the concept of GOD a lot. I just came to the conclusion that there is no as such "GOD". But there are two powers, one is the power of good and other is the power of evil, and they both are equally powerful.

Consider Allah alien or whatever. He is alone and alien is like group of people plus as i have mentioned earlier he will never come to earth.
There are 100's of billion of galaxies, trillion's of solar system's and countless alien planet's
I MUST SAY tough job for GOD, working hours are few billion years :angel:
Read about 1 page of comments. Yawn.
But a related topic comes to my mind. Long time ago--perhaps in late 80's/early 90's,, read a book: "Was God an Astronaut?" Need to look that up.

PS. Sometimes I think we humans really do need aliens to unite us--more than the 'United' Nations. Sigh.
All Gods are Created by Alien's.... Alien too has a God and he is in 10th Dimension.... They say he is Cosmos energy. To be Honest may be Allah is God of Alien because the God of Alien can't be seen.... Nobody seen Allah but heard his voice. Aliens are many types from different Planets. All of Them had Gods and when they brought humans on Mars and then Earth they made them follow the Gods they themself following.... All Gods are one and its made by Cosmos energy.... The highest Alien dimension is Arcturians who are in 6th Dimension and they follow God Cosmos energy who is in 10th Dimension. To achieve 10th dimension a human would take upto over 500 Billion years.... Gods who we follow were Aliens who making us follow what they followed well before Earth born.... Here is a pic of Jesus christ and Blue Krishna (hindu god). Both were Aliens with special power to even make a dead human Alive.... (its all Technology and Our inner power energy ability)....
5 years ago there was a news around world that Annunakis Are Reptilians (shapeshifter) and Queen Elizabeth including her 4 Sons are Reptilians.... Then all of Sudden all the links been disabled from internet.... The debate started because if Queen Elizabeth and her 4 sons not Annunakis aka Reptilians then why internet links were disabled? Ask Queen Elizabeth what she likes about india.... She will say Dig anywhere in india and you would find Gold.... Please note that Annunakis are the one who made slaves to Dig Golds.... Queen Elizabeth is horrible women and so does her all Sons.... She is negative blood. Same goes with George bush, nikson and Obama. All of them are Annunakis Blood (major plan since few hundred years).... Reptilians made them to have a control on Humans. This presidents cant live without War.... War feed Reptilians negative energy(fear panic and anger), flesh and blood....
@fallstuff then explain UFO's people see.... Explain millions have been abducted.... Explain why people being murderd by CIA and MIB for exposing the link between American goverment and Reptilians plus Greys.... What you are telling us is same 'OLD LINE' america used in decades.... Do you think we people are idiots? Do you think russian and mexican presidents are idiots? Do you think defence minister of canada and and goverment of brazil, italy and argentina and 1000s of Goverment military exployees (of usa) are idiots?.... American goverment is evil.... Do u think i am and million more who met arcturians and humanoids are idiots? Care to explain human bones on moon? (photo by NASA itself and Russian sattelite).... Care to explain Bones, weapons etc etc found on MARS? Care to explain what millions of people watching in sky which is cigar shape, disc shape and traingle shape? Care to explain why we hearing TRUMPETS in sky in 2012 (not before 2012).... You know the truth but it seems u having trouble to accept that Aliens think super power americans are Cattles.... American goverment is not Humans voice. Am trying my best to get in touch with commander Ashtar of galactic.... First thing i will tell him that its the American goverment who is evil and they not voice of Humans on Earth.... I want to see how american military counter our creators and saviors.... You HAARP and Blue beam is a toy infront of our Lord.... America already gave american to Greys and their Masters the Droco reptilians for technology secrets. Now FEMA making coffins for Americans. Every 2 of 10 american have been abducted by Greys.... You people have no say anymore. American Goverment already in control of Reptilians.... Trust me that America's time is up (running out)....

HAARP or harp, whatever you do buddy stay away from bath salt. That s*it will f u up big time. You will see more that alien while on bath salt.
There is a HUGE cover up about the Alien-UFO issue.

Most governments in the world(or all) are being runned by Freemasonic Societies which knowledge comes from ancient egipt and Israel, they are the ones keeping the secrets, the same freemasonic societies spread into Europe thanks to the Jesuits, illuminati and many others such as the Knights Templar, Europe is under Jesuit(zionist) control

It is said European monarchies including the brit´s and the spanish´s are the descendants of the ancient Annunaki who once "landed" in Summer(Irak).
@carlos there wont be invasion but there will be natural disaster in which many will die.... It will be done by Both Reptilians and Humanoids....
@fallstuff thats not the answer am looking for.... You haven't gave any answer to my question....
@defrank the annunakis are evil.... They are shapeshifter Reptilians who in human shape to fool humans.... The Elohim's already in israel and watching Reptilians movements....
Mass UFO's are going to be seen more and more in the ME in Iraq saddam hussein found the tomb of gilgamesh which is a space port that Alien crafts use to land, Anunnaki are the real creators they are returning.

I have my doubts about aliens, but there is enough evidence to prove they do exist, one such proof is pyramid of geeza itself, ill rest my opinions until something concrete is visible not just some yoo mans youtube videos

As aeronaut said he likes you, so do i, but the problem is too much weed in your system :rofl: i dont mind a joint please :)
There is a HUGE cover up about the Alien-UFO issue.

Most governments in the world(or all) are being runned by Freemasonic Societies which knowledge comes from ancient egipt and Israel, they are the ones keeping the secrets, the same freemasonic societies spread into Europe thanks to the Jesuits, illuminati and many others such as the Knights Templar, Europe is under Jesuit(zionist) control

It is said European monarchies including the brit´s and the spanish´s are the descendants of the ancient Annunaki who once "landed" in Summer(Irak).

They are coming back the sumerian gods are aliens.

Isro2222 calm down, there are no aliens invading us...Yet

When the Invasion happens no one can unite this is the rule follow it.
There are as many as 100,000 planets that have intelligent life in this galaxy alone...

I am 200% certain there is life outside planet earth, universe is infinite sure there are millions of planets with intelligent life on it, but hey we are busy infighting ourself, boils my blood bunch of d!ck heads we really, imagine what could be ours if we d1ck heads planned to unite.

cant imagine dating a pretty alien from planet zoran :)

They are coming back the sumerian gods are aliens.

When the Invasion happens no one can unite this is the rule follow it.

we humans are weak, we have fears must say imaginery fears, insecurities about ourselfs how can we unite?
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