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Algeria's celebration of November first and the uninvited guest


Benbella, Khrushchev, Nasser and Sadat in the background.

Algerians as defined by the father of November 1954

"We are not westerners, we wont behave like the West , we are not oriental either. We are a unique race and we will be just that.
Why does Algeria care if Morocco controls Western Sahara. What difference does it make to you or anybody else? I'm not taking sides here ,I genuinely would like to know.
Why does Algeria care if Morocco controls Western Sahara. What difference does it make to you or anybody else? I'm not taking sides here ,I genuinely would like to know.
Western Sahara is not Moroccan to start with and the international court of la Hague have never found a concrete Moroccan past presence in that region to justify the Moroccan claim to that territory. Moroccan moved after the court rendering and occupied Western Sahara by force. In the UN the Western Sahara is entered as decolonisation conflict.
Algeria has no claim on the territory.

Algerian train engineers as deadly as the car drivers counterpart..

The day of the Benbella's presidency countdown started..
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Western Sahara is not Moroccan to start with and the international court of la Hague have never found a concrete Moroccan past presence in that region to justify the Moroccan claim to that territory. Moroccan moved after the court rendering and occupied Western Sahara by force. In the UN the Western Sahara is entered as decolonisation conflict.
Algeria has no claim on the territory.

Algerian train engineers as deadly as the car drivers counterpart..
View attachment 146695
The day of the Benbella's presidency countdown started..
View attachment 146696
But why is Algeria so interested? Why did you make an enemy out of Morocco over something which doesn't affect you?
But why is Algeria so interested? Why did you make an enemy out of Morocco over something which doesn't affect you?
African nation borders were drawn by the colonial powers without any regard to cultural boundaries. To safeguard the borders inherited from the colonial time and to avoid lifetime war between the new independent countries, the African Union Organization, now African Union put forward a chart to its members to abide and recognises these colonial borders as legitimates. Morocco as a member is a signatory of the chart.
Algeria cannot allow Morocco to break that sacro saint rule. Even Morocco's allies ie Spain, the US and France don't recognize Morocco's sovereinty of the Sahara.
Algeria don't consider Morocco's as her ennemi or a threat to her, while Morocco does think Algeria is a threat and an ennemi to her self existence.
If Algeria was an ennemi of Morocco, she would have invaded that country for many reasons that would have been a cause for casus belli for many countries going from dumping tons of drugs to arming Algerian terrorists...
If you understand French, arabic and English,..some of the 70's actors speak of the western Sahara at the end of the taping ,in this recent video just made by Al djazira as tribute to 60 th Anniversary of the Algerian French war..
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After Burkina Faso crowd chased Blase Compaore from power,these 12 African Presidents are still glued to their seat after violating their respective country's constitution..

IN the light of the just celebration of the 60th year of Nov. 1st..some historic pictures...


The Berbers of North Africa..A documentary..
After Burkina Faso crowd chased Blase Compaore from power,these 12 African Presidents are still glued to their seat after violating their respective country's constitution..

IN the light of the just celebration of the 60th year of Nov. 1st..some historic pictures...


The Berbers of North Africa..A documentary..
Blaise Compaore, along with Gadaffi and Charles Taylor, was responsible for the civil wars in Liberia and Sierra Leone in the 1990s which killed more than a million in order to grab the diamond mines. He was originally put in power by France who disliked his ally Thomas Sankara.
Unlike us, the French have never really left Africa.
Françafrique - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Blaise Compaore, along with Gadaffi and Charles Taylor, was responsible for the civil wars in Liberia and Sierra Leone in the 1990s which killed more than a million in order to grab the diamond mines. He was originally put in power by France who disliked his ally Thomas Sankara.
Unlike us, the French have never really left Africa.
Françafrique - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The other thing the British left behind them is a full functioning of a local administration manned by educated locals, French didn't, a least in Algeria where a mere possession of a radio can lend you in jail or killed on the spot. The African countries are still French ruled and influenced. That is one ill that Africans can't get rid off.
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Souk Ahras street painting by youth volunteers...

Burkinabese chose not to take the Algerian route, and routed out their president...

Algerians might take Burkinabese example and derail Bouteflika
Algerian Islamic parties in disarray...

Morocco's King and his 4 NO on the Western Sahara question.

Morocco is not ready for the CAN 2015

(in the bubble) M6, sorry I smoked all the grass.
War of independance footage never seen before
The truth of French colonialism
The Berbers documentary.
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