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Algeria asks Turkey to lay off genocide talk with France

Lol We have a foreign policy expert here. We all know that you are saying this because you dont like akp government. Your comments are nothing to do with our current foregin policy.

Thanks to our new-invented "genious" zero problem foreign policy we miraculously achieved;
- To be enemys of both Syria and Israel at the same time,
- To have worst relations with Armenia and succeed to chill relations with Azerbaijan at the same time,
- To stop relations with EU,
- To have worst relations with both Germany and France at the same time,
- To watch in silence, spoiled baby Barzani the Kurd intervening every issue in Turkey and his collaboration with PKK.
- To watch Cypriot Greeks drill Mediterranean with our "Strategic Partner" USA's Energy companies.
- To be threatened to be attacked by Iran after 373 years,
- To let Russia target Turkish soil with Iskander missiles, etc etc

I thank God it is "Zero Problem Policy" what if it was a "One or Two problems" policy...

Thanks to our new-invented "genious" zero problem foreign policy we miraculously achieved;
- To be enemys of both Syria and Israel at the same time,
- To have worst relations with Armenia and succeed to chill relations with Azerbaijan at the same time,
- To stop relations with EU,
- To have worst relations with both Germany and France at the same time,
- To watch in silence, spoiled baby Barzani the Kurd intervening every issue in Turkey and his collaboration with PKK.
- To watch Cypriot Greeks drill Mediterranean with our "Strategic Partner" USA's Energy companies.
- To be threatened to be attacked by Iran after 373 years,
- To let Russia target Turkish soil with Iskander missiles, etc etc

I thank God it is "Zero Problem Policy" what if it was a "One or Two problems" policy...


lol! Don't you know this is the mastership term of Recep Bey, thank God it is the "mastership term" (ustalik donemi) what if it was the "pupil term" we would be ruined!
A lot of it isn't the problem of Turkish foreign policy, it is problems within the region.
Pathetic algerian!! The man surrely cracked the first time when he was called by sarkozy, insted of letting france face there past they let them piss all over it!. i am sure the Algerian civilians disagree. When we though that the Arabs wouldnt betray us ever again, We made a Great mistake. Reminds me of a Turkish saying: Turkun Turkten baska arkadas yoktur(Turks are the only Friends of Turks)
Because of its connection to the subject:

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Thanks to our new-invented "genious" zero problem foreign policy we miraculously achieved;
- To be enemys of both Syria and Israel at the same time,
- To have worst relations with Armenia and succeed to chill relations with Azerbaijan at the same time,
- To stop relations with EU,
- To have worst relations with both Germany and France at the same time,
- To watch in silence, spoiled baby Barzani the Kurd intervening every issue in Turkey and his collaboration with PKK.
- To watch Cypriot Greeks drill Mediterranean with our "Strategic Partner" USA's Energy companies.
- To be threatened to be attacked by Iran after 373 years,
- To let Russia target Turkish soil with Iskander missiles, etc etc

I thank God it is "Zero Problem Policy" what if it was a "One or Two problems" policy...



You obviosuly have no idea about neither foreign nor domestic policy.

Thanks to this governments you can be on the internet and curse at the same Party that made you three times richer and made Turkey a model country in the world. But people with zero comprehension does not have the capacity to understand what justice and development means. You rather want to live under a military dictatorship with poors dying and begging for money on the streets. Because people like you do not want equality, you want supression. I am sorry to tell you, but people like you have no word in the new Turkey. Talk nonsense as much as you like, those who can see already see, and AKP will rule for at least another decade.
Well world is correct to Demand France apologize to world about their Past Leech Behavior

I was looking at a youtube video , and it went over world map and which nations controlled what in last 2000 years and yep

French and British were busy enslaving people

France has a DARK DARK history of enslavement and infact if you search for their gross act its really gross prading past
True, Turks can only trust another Turk. Many nations and ethnic groups throughout history have despised the Turks.
Thanks to our new-invented "genious" zero problem foreign policy we miraculously achieved;
- To be enemys of both Syria and Israel at the same time,
- To have worst relations with Armenia and succeed to chill relations with Azerbaijan at the same time,
- To stop relations with EU,
- To have worst relations with both Germany and France at the same time,
- To watch in silence, spoiled baby Barzani the Kurd intervening every issue in Turkey and his collaboration with PKK.
- To watch Cypriot Greeks drill Mediterranean with our "Strategic Partner" USA's Energy companies.
- To be threatened to be attacked by Iran after 373 years,
- To let Russia target Turkish soil with Iskander missiles, etc etc

I thank God it is "Zero Problem Policy" what if it was a "One or Two problems" policy...


My dear kemalist friend

Essad killing its own people on daily basis. He is not elected. Once we had good relations with syria but its over when he start to murder civilians. You cant blame Turkish foregin policy for that.

I am happy with current bad relation with genocidal israeli government. Turkey once try to mediate between israel and syria but israel responded turkeys good intentions by invading gaza. Turkeys attitude changed since then. Again i dont think its turkeys fault.

Angela merkel and nicolas sarkosy stated countless times they DO NOT want Turkey in eu. Both france and germany are two powerfull eu nation which we can not just ignore and continue eu process. The important part in here is appliying EU regulation in turkey. Being member is not that important imho.

Again bad relation with france and germany is not our fault. It is not about akp or any other party. You know that very well but yet you try to distort this clear fact.

Norhern Iraq and Turkish relation are all time best right now. Shia Irans influence in souht iraq increasing so sunni kurds in north are supported by Turkish government.

Soth cyprus's energy deal with some american company does not represent usa's foreign policy. We are also started sismic research there.

Statemens of some general in iran does not represent foreign policy of iran. There is no official statement made by iran that threatens Turkey. Yesterday Ahmet Davutoğlu was there.
PressTV - 'Iran, Turkey trade to surpass $15bn'
So we are ok with iran.

Russian iskander missle news is totaly hoax. Yet we are member of nato.

So none of your allegations are true GENIOUS. They are typical kemalist rubbish.
Pathetic algerian!! The man surrely cracked the first time when he was called by sarkozy, insted of letting france face there past they let them piss all over it!. i am sure the Algerian civilians disagree. When we though that the Arabs wouldnt betray us ever again, We made a Great mistake. Reminds me of a Turkish saying: Turkun Turkten baska arkadas yoktur(Turks are the only Friends of Turks)

Buna gunaydin derim ben,

It's all about interests, they might support Turkiye in times when we go against certain countries enemy to them does not mean they ALWAYS will, if meddle in their domestic affair they will resist and become hostile. They have their own ideologies, own systems. We should not lie to ourselves, it's idiocy to think that they will support us just because we're muslim or Sons of Ottomans.
Well, even if Turkeys political stability is different than in the past, the military were a law unto themselves, which kept people like Barzani from directly interfering in internal business. however I think i follow Cirit on some of his points.

The question is what has changed, that makes all these issues stand forth. Was it because the Turkish military used to be an unknown factor that other arms forces in the region just didn't want to mess with. You have to admit, when the military was a law unto itself none of Turkeys neighbors wanted to mess around with it. Now that the military is getting under civilian rule, I guess everyone is judging the turkish military's capability from how the politicians behave.

which reminds me of, "A dog that barks at you won't bite" saying and when I look at some of the issues that Erdogan and Davutoglu started to bark about it really isn't surprising.

Example, if you try to tell the french politicians what to do when they deal with the armenian issue, of course they're going to tell you "f*** off, we do what we want", even if you threaten etc. they'll do the opposit of what you want them to. (doh reverse psychology, thought it only worked on kids).

I think it's more important to keep an eye on our neighbors like iraq, Syria, armenia, and let the diplomats deal with the issues in Europe, that's why they're hired!

We don't need a hotblooded Erdogan starting to run his mouth off everytime. There was a time it was useful, but now everyone knows how he is going to react, you think that's going to make people tiptoeing ?

Look at the US, when they want to bully countries to do as they want, they bloody pass a law that enforces their president to freeze company assets, and they can do it.

If Erdogan wants to make people tiptoeing around again he better come up with something more efficient, perhaps a missile that would make Mars implode and crack like a nutt, that'd turn some heads, and probably be an express ticket to a perm. seat in the UNSC.

You obviosuly have no idea about neither foreign nor domestic policy.

Thanks to this governments you can be on the internet and curse at the same Party that made you three times richer and made Turkey a model country in the world. But people with zero comprehension does not have the capacity to understand what justice and development means. You rather want to live under a military dictatorship with poors dying and begging for money on the streets. Because people like you do not want equality, you want supression. I am sorry to tell you, but people like you have no word in the new Turkey. Talk nonsense as much as you like, those who can see already see, and AKP will rule for at least another decade.

Which one of them is false and why? Is it just false because you say so and you know eveything, or just false because the ideology you support can not make any mistakes?
Are you a blind fanatic like the Hitler-Jugend ?

How do you know what I know or what idea I have about foreign and domestic policies, do you have some supernatural abilities? You only read from newspapers or learn from your "NGO" elders, and live in Denmark but know everthing about Turkey and its politics, I myselft am living in the capital Ankara, and in everything "literally" but have no idea.

From when criticizing and freedom of speech is cursing? Is this what they taught you in Danish schools, or did you learn it in some other "NGO" 's tuesday meetings. NGO's for today but I do not know what will they be called tomorrow? I have seen many times that things can quickly change.

From which part of your body (I believe not from your brain if so you have a brain malfunction) you pop-out that I ;

-have zero comprehension,
-want to live under a military dictatorship with poors dying and begging for money on the streets,
-don't want equality and want supression

Where does your hate come from, naturalborn or taught by "NGO"'s elders or because of recreational drug use or any abuse during your childhood?

And as a part of the estableshment don't worry I have more words than you have about Turkey my beloved country.

Now dismiss!

You obviosuly have no idea about neither foreign nor domestic policy.

Thanks to this governments you can be on the internet and curse at the same Party that made you three times richer and made Turkey a model country in the world. But people with zero comprehension does not have the capacity to understand what justice and development means. You rather want to live under a military dictatorship with poors dying and begging for money on the streets. Because people like you do not want equality, you want supression. I am sorry to tell you, but people like you have no word in the new Turkey. Talk nonsense as much as you like, those who can see already see, and AKP will rule for at least another decade.

LOL, so now i could afford myself an ipad 2 and be on internet thanks to AKP?
Thank God i'm from a wealty family we own and run a construction company building appartments for more then 20 years by now, a factory plant where we devellop doors, windows etc + supermarkets all of them being in Kayseri, we provide job to more then 200 people over here for more then 30 years thanks to my family. But what about the thousands of young unimployed men and women who cant afford themselves to live like a decent human bieng?? And the thousend of families who try to sustain with barely 1000 tl a moth?

Listen, and this comes from from an Kayserili!

And this When we know that people of Kayseri are considered in general more wealthy compared to other cities around us, even we have lots of unimployed, poor people. I dont believe all the propaganda on the news how good Turkey is doing.. It only serves the AKP "partisan medya" (yandas medya).
that was pre-posterous on turkey's part talking about another sovereign country....they can quarrel all they want with france...but bringing in another sovereign country into the matter is another thing....looks like turkey wants to take over as the leader of the islamic world..but other islamic countries are not willing to accpet that...

erdogan , i thought was a good leader...but now it is becoming clear he is just emotional and not pragmatic...
Well, even if Turkeys political stability is different than in the past, the military were a law unto themselves, which kept people like Barzani from directly interfering in internal business. however I think i follow Cirit on some of his points.

The question is what has changed, that makes all these issues stand forth. Was it because the Turkish military used to be an unknown factor that other arms forces in the region just didn't want to mess with. You have to admit, when the military was a law unto itself none of Turkeys neighbors wanted to mess around with it. Now that the military is getting under civilian rule, I guess everyone is judging the turkish military's capability from how the politicians behave.

which reminds me of, "A dog that barks at you won't bite" saying and when I look at some of the issues that Erdogan and Davutoglu started to bark about it really isn't surprising.

Example, if you try to tell the french politicians what to do when they deal with the armenian issue, of course they're going to tell you "f*** off, we do what we want", even if you threaten etc. they'll do the opposit of what you want them to. (doh reverse psychology, thought it only worked on kids).

I think it's more important to keep an eye on our neighbors like iraq, Syria, armenia, and let the diplomats deal with the issues in Europe, that's why they're hired!

We don't need a hotblooded Erdogan starting to run his mouth off everytime. There was a time it was useful, but now everyone knows how he is going to react, you think that's going to make people tiptoeing ?

Look at the US, when they want to bully countries to do as they want, they bloody pass a law that enforces their president to freeze company assets, and they can do it.

If Erdogan wants to make people tiptoeing around again he better come up with something more efficient, perhaps a missile that would make Mars implode and crack like a nutt, that'd turn some heads, and probably be an express ticket to a perm. seat in the UNSC.

What a bunch of rubbish you have written.

Where do you see any countries armed forces trying to deal with the Turkish armed forces? A simple question.
You want to make the military "a law unto itself"? Why don't we implement the North Korean model then? It seems their "i got nukes, shut up or i will bomb you" works. And we can isolate ourselves into our country and keep everything that is foreign outside. Oh the good ol' times eh?

Think rationally for one single second, people who knows 2+2 is 4 should also be able to understand that once you give the military total control of their sphere + the polical sphere, ultimate disaster is the final result.

Futhermore, i am totally amazed at how much your posts changes from one day to another. One day you all start insulting Sarcozy because of the Armenian issue, the next day you come here and write that we should keep our mouths shut. Be consistent with your arguments, if not you will lose credibility. The clown who said Turkey should keep quiet about the Algerian genocide is another matter. But you coming here and telling us that we are doing the wrong move by defending our national honor and telling france to clean their own porch before accusing us of genoccide, just don't make any sense.

Lastly, Turkey is not a super power like the US. We can't just freeze company assets and affect that country's economy. Why are we fragile? Thanks to our former "politicians" (maybe it is more accurate to call them pipes) who did nothing but constantly halted our countries developments for decades. I guess you people miss to see pictures like this:

To the unmannered person (he knows himself): i still ignore you, so stop writing to me ever again i can't take a guy seriously when he curses and threatens my whole family.

To cirit: read post #24, i don't want to repeat the obvious. I don't even want to comment on your post which is full of nonsense and silly arguments.

Edit: lastly i think it is low of some people in here who still thanks the unmannered persons (he knows himself) posts. I know most of you saw his extreme insults, curses and threats towards me and my family. If that is what kemalism teaches you, well i got no further words...
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