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Alert! UFO War: Chinese and US Navy off San Francisco!

@Krait for that i need to know your birthdate.... i have done alot research on planets.... What i found was that planet Sun the biggest evil and also the most powerful planet.... Planet Sun in astrology known as the best planet and planet saturn known as the worse planet.... Now let me tell u my findings. Its totaly different.... Planet sun makes human do bad karma (sin).... Planet saturn punishes humans for bad sin and make him go through pain so the human can learn from it.... Saturn makes us suffer and clears our sin by making us pay for our bad karma.... All politicians has Planet SUN strong position in horoscope chart.... Any human who is 'Leo' zodiac or born on dates like 1, 10, 19 and 28 of any year belongs to planet sun.... if its in strong position than that person will be positive thinker, bad karmic like he wont care about people and he will have many sexual partners, he will do crime, he will lead and he will be the most corrupt person. Politicians always had planet Sun as their Lord.... However same person will go through pain in their last stage of life.... i want to tell u alot about it but only if you want to know it....
@orionhunter you are right and wrong.... i hope u know Lord Krishna told Ganga devi about 10,000 years of window for golden age within kal yug.... So evil age will be there for many 1000s of years but same time golden age will start within inside kalyug.... Lord Krishna will return to Earth with many other gods in golden age (please note i havent said they will land within two months. they will land in golden age which can be any date within 10,000 years. My research shown that they might land between 2015 to 2030)....
Golden Age in 2012 - Mayan Calendar corroborates Hindu Prophecy
Recently many people saw UFO in canada hovering late night.... They have said that it was something shape of helicopter but bit round like circle.... They said it didnt had rotatating blades and it wasnt making any sound.... It was full of flashing lights.... Now i will tell u what was it later today.... The info i have will shock u all.... i know what was it.... But before i explain it i want u all to view this real video of that object that landed on field and got caught on cam.... America had said it was a american helicopter that enterd deep inside canada.... Trust me it wasnt a helicopter.... Later i tell u what was it and who was flying it....
YouTube - Real UFO Landing Canada
ISRO you seem to have plenty of knowledge on this, I have heard there is an area near the India-China border that neither side goes to but off blocks off to civilians and the locals that live near it see lights near it. Your thoughts ?
@hu songshan india and china both are in touch with Tall greys by the help of America.... India and china given tall greys the area in himalaya and also tibet.... The tibet monks says aliens here trying to protect planet earth.... While the himalaya and specialy region Tarai village of india in touch with Pleiadians.... Both tall greys and Pleiadians had a peace treaty after war over jupiter when humanoids decided to attack aggressive greys and tall greys.... However tall greys are alot inteligent and they have emotional feelings unlike the robo aggressive greys who dont even have immune system.... The tall greys made a base right inside himalayan plates.... Also they are in tibet region and gobi desert.... However gobi desert ruled by reptilians who also rule entire african desert.... In africa people says that alpha draconians born on earth before humans.... Well this is not true.... The alpha draconians are from star system alpha draco while on earth its the raptoids who born who looks similar to alpha draconians.... The pleiadians and tall greys preparing to war aggressive greys who been backed by alpha draconians.... Tall greys making bases on entire earth in small pockets for launching war again enemy.... While humanoids docked all over our orbit and solar system.... Specially starship Athena which is docked near Mercury (it always docked near jupiter but for unknown reason came near mercury).... i have decided to visit tarai village in december.... i will be researching on the matter.... also i will set a small base camp on mountain to check the activity that happens at night which claimed by entire himalayan region people.... Must read....
Psychedelic Adventure: Extraterrestrials Have Contacted The Indian Government
here about the kids of indian tarai village....
Psychedelic Adventure: Indian children communicating with ET
Before i explain the helicopter landing in canada i want to explain u that there are 5 types of reptilians.... And yes all 5 of them are totaly different civilization yet looked alot similar.... They are alpha draconian, hydra, raptoids, dragons and the 5th is created by tall greys which known as lizard humanoids.... i will tell you about lizard humanoids. They been created by tall greys for population in other planet by humans help.... This lizard humanoids dont eat humans. They rape humans for new breed which will be taken to other unknown planet for building population. This lizard man are famous lovers and also rapist.... Its not their fault. They been created to rape. A male lizard humanoid will rape female human and female lizard humanoid will rape male human.... but ashtar galactic command humanoids targeting lizard humanoids. Recently a women was about to raped by lizard humanoids when ashtar galactic comman humanoid attacked this lizard humanoid.... The women claimed it was jesus christ came from spaceship to protect her. It was not jesus christ.... It was ashtar galactic command humanoid.... When tall greys knew about it they started spreading msg that dont trust ashtar because he a evil (thats a lie. Ashtar is savior of planet earth and dont claim to be god. He always introduce himself as brother of humans).... As i mentioned that there are 5 types of reptilians but only 4 are human flesh eater while 1 is friendly to humans yet known as rapist.... The alpha draconians and dragons are far deadly than raptoids, hyrdras and lizard humanoids.... 2 of them has capablity to shapeshift. They are alpha draconian and lizard humanoid.... Lizard humanoids works for tall greys. Tall greys still busy creating new hybrid.... Every alien race are busy to create a perfect hybrid. Greys and reptilians want hybrid for slave and humanoids want it to create more powerful positive army....
YouTube - Woman Saved by Jesus from Reptilian Rape Part 1
Please remember always that they are evil aliens who always trying to prove that ashtar and his galactic command federation of light is evil.... Ashtar never does anything against humans wish.... When the lady in mexico was getting raped than she asked for help so ashtar galactic command humanoid member helped her.... The reason pleiadians and andromedans decided to leave ashtar galactic command was that ashtar was not ready to attack evil aliens unless humans asks for help.... So pleiadians and andromedans decided to form andro-pleiadian council to attack evil aliens.... Recently the biggest undersea base near china was destroyed by andro-pleiadian council and many reptilians and aggressive greys died in that.... Few of them been captured and taken to andromeda galaxy for trials.... American goverment hates pleiadians because pleiadians speaks truth above american goverment how they destroying peoples health and killing innocent people and worshiping satan.... America already started spreading lies about pleiadians and saying that pleiadians are evil who fooling people.... Please not to believe what america says.... Andro-pleiadians and ashtar galactic command helping humans and trying to save planet earth from invasion.... They need our positive energy to win over evil.... Must watch very important video to understand how they at war with evil aliens....
YouTube - Draco Reptilian Cube Destroyed - Tanaath Silver Legion interview
YouTube - Tolec on - Disclosure
and this was the undersea base that andro-pleiadians destroyed....
YouTube - Andromeda Council: East China Sea 6.9 quake - undersea reptilian base destroyed
Hey isro can you please tell me about how we human come to exhistance .
Your opinion
@czar sorry for late reply.... Navratra festival started so am busy doing my prayers, mantra recitings and visiting temples.... Am alot tired right now so i explain it later tonight.... Btw i would like to share meditation secrets.... Like how to meditate and benefits of meditation.... remember always that every human on planet has a angel around us which we cant see it.... We need to help the angel who in return will help us by protecting us from all sorts of evil entity (when we meditate we are totaly vulnerable) and than we can get the cosmos energy without worrying about bad energy.... This is very important links because Arcturians wanted me to let u all know they need ur positive energy.... In return they will bless u all with love, happiness, health and everything u wished for.... Please visit this links to know how mediation can change our life....
before starting meditation you must do a special prayer.... Here is the link....
The Informing Observer • Meditation Techniques: What to do Before You Meditate
Here is benefits of Meditation....
The Informing Observer • 100 Benefits of Meditation
If you are using any special music for mediation than i recomment 528hz single tone solfeggio waves.... 528hz is DNA repair and love frequency.... There are 9 good frequencies and many bad frequencies.... Below pic u can see some of them (good ones)....
@CZAR sorry for late reply.... Navratra festival started so am busy doing my prayers, mantra recitings and visiting temples.... Am alot tired right now so i explain it later tonight.... Btw i would like to share meditation secrets.... Like how to meditate and benefits of meditation.... remember always that every human on planet has a angel around us which we cant see it.... We need to help the angel who in return will help us by protecting us from all sorts of evil entity (when we meditate we are totaly vulnerable) and than we can get the cosmos energy without worrying about bad energy.... This is very important links because Arcturians wanted me to let u all know they need ur positive energy.... In return they will bless u all with love, happiness, health and everything u wished for.... Please visit this links to know how mediation can change our life....
before starting meditation you must do a special prayer.... Here is the link....
The Informing Observer • Meditation Techniques: What to do Before You Meditate

Here is benefits of Meditation....
The Informing Observer • 100 Benefits of Meditation
If you are using any special music for mediation than i recomment 528hz single tone solfeggio waves.... 528hz is DNA repair and love frequency.... There are 9 good frequencies and many bad frequencies.... Below pic u can see some of them (good ones)....

Have you awakened your Kundalini?

Btw, what do you think of the following?

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@obambam sorry for late reply.... Whole week i will be busy due to festival week.... To your question the answer is 'nearly'.... i wish i knew how to explain it in words what i feel.... i feel like am special and unique (even when am just a human like others).... Before my skin was mix of white and wheat color.... After doing meditation, Kapalbhati breathing yoga and bikram yoga my skin turned totaly white pink.... (specially after meditation because when we meditate and cut our thinking by focusing on a object, frequency or visualization of floating in midnight glowing space we gets all the cosmic energy).... After 2 years of meditation i was accepted in starship Athena in my sleep.... After that my whole skin feels like glowing (its not glowing but i feel like it).... The love for us in space is always there.... We just need to think positive to attrack positive cosmic energy.... It only happens when we think positive and when we focusing on a object without thinking anything else.... i remember my first week of meditation.... i thought i might die because my whole body was paining due to cosmic energy clearing blockages inside my body in my nervs, immune system and brain.... My whole body was paining so much that i thought i should never try meditation again.... But slowly my all negative energy got cleared out by positive cosmic energy.... All humanoids, reptilians, greys are made by cosmic energy (space particles) and they than created our hybrids on planet earth.... Cosmic energy is real life and nothing can match it.... However its true that one day cosmic energy might burn everything in our galaxy.... Its been told by andromedans who are best scientists and warriors along with pleiadians.... Please download this image.... When u meditate than this is what exactly happens.... Cosmic energy enters our body.... And than first week u will feel body pain but after it clears negative energy u will get pure from inside body all internal organs and nervs will be free of toxin.... Must download.... (btw later i will tell u all how reptilians use negative frequency beam on humans and how humanoids trying to stop them by war in space and on earth)....
Many aliens bases are inside 3 countries in huge number compared to other countries.... This 3 countries are Mexico, Brazil and America.... Specialy mexico and Brazil.... The aggressive greys rules mexico and brazil while africa belongs to reptilians.... This country is victim of voilence and crime due to aggressive greys negative frequency.... Mexico the most deadly country. Drugs, crime, murder is bfast, lunch and dinner in mexico.... In brazil u wont find a human whos family member never got shot.... Aggressive greys took over new delhi and noida of india too however tall greys and pleiadians wont let them have a control for long.... In new delhi and noida the crime will rise even more....
Brazil murder rate similar to war zone - NZ Herald
Brazil's business capital hit by crime wave
Death to undesirables: Brazil's murder capital - Americas - World - The Independent
Keep an eye on New delhi and Noida.... They are next target of aggressive Greys....
As you know both tall greys and aggressive greys live on our body liquid, brain chemicals, (tongue, anus for new hybrid immune system) our blood cells etc etc.... However tall greys and america works together in dulce mexico while aggressive greys dont work together with humans.... They see us like catles.... The dulce base is even more secret than Area 51.... There are very few leaked pics of it but the ones who leaked it got murderd (they use to work in dulce along with Tall greys).... There are many things goes inside dulce. To understand it please view the pics....
here is a info about the layers inside dulce where humans and tall greys works together (seprate sections)....
here is complete dulce 'REAL' map taken from SAT....
My research shown that the frequency beam starts from mexico towards other countries month by month.... What i have seen is negative frequency beam starts from west to east (aggresive greys, tall greys).... And positive frequency starts from east to west (humanoids).... Japan was economy power.... China took over.... Now in future it will be india.... (humanoid frequency beam is long term effect beam).... While aggressive greys and tall greys frequency beam is short term beam.... The world wide protest was result of negative frequency beam.... It started slow by slow.... England, egypt, pakistan, india, china etc etc.... Every country it stayed few months.... Anna effect was seen in india too was a result frequency beam but it was looked after humanoid frequency beam that made sure it didnt turned into riots like in uk, egypt etc etc.... This frequency beam expriment done in dulce.... America the one who with tall greys doing this expriment in dulce.... American airforce and navy too copied this technology and building their own version technology (low version).... You will see that many natural disasters too has a patern (however most of them can happen randomly according to negative energy a country emit due to peoples karma).... Everything has a patern.... We just need to understand it.... i have done research on it since last 12 years....
The Unauthorized History Of HAARP
An Evaluation of the U.S. Navy's Extremely Low Frequency Submarine Communications Ecological Monitoring Program
Extremely Low Frequency Communications Program - United States Nuclear Forces
My this post is the most important.... Now i will tell you all about the good frequency solfeggio tones.... This 9 tones are heavenly and will change your life.... The formatt is 'WAV' so u all can download it.... Just download all the tones and use headphone to listen it.... But please am requesting u all do not do full volume.... when first time i listen to it i did full volume.... Whole night i felt like i lost my hearing power because i kept getting frequency tone sound even when it was not playing.... When i heard it at full volume than i felt my brain was vibrating and i felt dizzy.... But next day i felt totaly positive attitude and charging to go.... This solfeggio tones are wonders. Its 'LIFE'.... Doctors around world use this frequency for treatment.... It is exact frequency tones. My favorite is 528hz and 741hz.... Choose yours according to your needs.... Please download it from here.... Click here.... This is my favorite site....
Chakra Healing with Solfeggio Frequencies
Please also read about Solfeggio frequency tones from below links.... Must Read the benefits....
Solfeggio Frequencies- Totally Transform Your Life Quickly and Get Faster Results
Solfeggio Ascension Frequencies: Sound Healing Tones and Frequency Freedom - freedomtek.org
The Solfeggio Frequencies | Part 2 ... Miracles & Inspiration ... Change Your Consciousness, Change Your Life
Now what i will show u all is a actual abduction videos.... Its believed that nearly 1 billion people been abducted since 1940s.... Many of them for expriment, food and many for population in other planet.... Majority of people are indians, americans, brits, russians, mexicans and brazilians.... (most of them were kids) To abduct humans there are many types of aliens been used.... Specialy to abduct kids a grey alien been used.... This grey alien alot funny and has a brain power equal to 5 year old boy.... However they been given technology to stay cloaked (invisible) and also a technology to make human faint so they wont resist.... This alien is used by Master Greys who are present in spaceship. Please take a look at below video.... This is the funny kid brain alien.... He makes me laugh because any adult human can scare this alien (but they are deadly due to technology given to them)....
YouTube - Alien behind tree in mexico
Also take a look at how advanced Grey alien kidnaped a human from his work place (caught on security cam).... He left job and never came back again. When the aliens abduct humans the technology used jams all hardware and software (electronics)....
YouTube - Actual Alien Abduction Caught By Security Cam !
And here is the video where a human been abducted by even more advanced technology.... Check how a human dissapeard. He was never found again....
YouTube - Russian man abducted by unidentified orb, caught on security camera
There have been 1 billion people got abducted.... Just imagine that u are going home and u get abducted.... What your family will go through when they dont even know where u are or what happened to u.... Just think about it for a minute....
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