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Alarming' secret document details Iran's nuclear goals

If US can take down sadam on suspisions than what is holding it back to take on iran whith all the available facts?

It wont for the same reasons of deception..it is the doctrine of Iranian clergy!

What makes you think it still won't?

It wont because Iran has always been the friends of west regardless of what gibberish Ayatollahs churn out..it is for mass public consumption only..Persian are full of hypocrisy and deception and they are always friends of the infidels..its part of their theology!
Until there is a proof of Iran's nuclear weapons program, I take all US/Israel/etc accusations as a fake pretext to attack Iran, same as it was with Iraq.

1. US claim Iran had nuclear weapons program till 2003 is based on a "laptop", which was never proven, and IAEA experts (before Amano) dismissed them as either fake (one IAEA investigator blatantly said it was planted), or without a shred of evidence (El Baradey words). US even refused to allow to authenticate laptop and its content, and asked to believe its word instead :disagree:

2. US with alies pushed marginal candidate Amano to replace El Baradey, and Amano promised to fully support US:

“Amano reminded [the] ambassador on several occasions that he would need to make concessions to the G-77 [the developing countries group], which correctly required him to be fair-minded and independent, but that he was solidly in the US court on every key strategic decision, from high-level personnel appointments to the handling of Iran’s alleged nuclear weapons program.”

In other words, Amano was selected by US and its alies to do their bidding, and Amano himself admitted it.

3. Amano as soon as he was selected as IAEA Director General, exactly the same "laptop documents" which were never proven, selected as a basis for his report against Iran. There is ZERO evidence as usual, and the main "new" argument was a trigger device, which Amano insisted is used for a nuclear bomb, while Iran is actually using it for nano-diamonds industry.

4. Now another "Alarming' secret document" :azn: Unless its actual evidence, which I'm positive it isnt, otherwise it would have been used a long time ago. Just watch how it unfolds - lots of insinuations and Iran blaming, zero evidence produced in the end.
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