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Al-Qaeda ready for nuclear attack on America

Al qaeda gettin nukes? bhahahha

They have a chance if donkeys start talkin n flyin.

Hamid mir the talib supporter. Fag!!
lets suppose that al qaeda hit America with nuclear attack ..... this have zero probability

but after that attack ??????

What could be after 'zero probability' ? It implies that youn want this to happen so that there could be another Iraq or Afghnistan. Mossad is more likely to do something like that, remember the USS Liberty incident !
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HEHEHE.. Stupid American Nightmares. Not even rational to be imaginative about such things.
I stopped worrying about nukes when NK fucked up its first nuke test.

Eventually NK got it working of course. But it proves that even with the intelligence and resources of an entire nation (albeit a poor and destitute nation) even a gun-type nuke that most people thought even a 1st year physics student could build has serious technical challenges.
Suitcase N-Bomb??

IMO scare..... If it happens some countries will disappear from world map.
As usual it is another offensive of the the Jew dominated US media which is supreme in the business of scare-mongering. Scare the world and you'll be justified in committing all kinds of atrocities and heinous crimes, this is the noble philosophy of the champions of democracy and human rights. If people don't belive it there're Mossad or CIA funded 'Talibans', wearing turbans saying "Allahu Akbar", ready to enact scenes like the USS Liberty incident, and of course there are 1 billion Muslims in the world to blame.
Regardless of how old is this video, the idea of a successful nuclear attack on US soil is greatly desired by many, from individuals to states. The sentiment and threat are taken seriously, not just by US but by many countries, allies with US or not. Even the simpler functional nuclear explosive device, a 'dirty bomb' aka radiological weapon, is beyond the technical scope of non-state organizations like al-Qaeda so that leave some measure of state sponsorship from one or more.

NTI: Global Security Newswire - D.P.R.K. Test Spurs U.S. to Discuss Nuclear Attribution

Nuclear attribution is part of nuclear forensics and even though the program is not available for public analysis and opinions, the US is the world's leader in nuclear forensics and nuclear attribution teams ready to move. We will find to a great degree of precision on who was the supporting state.

For the highlighted part Gambit have you seen the movie edge of darkness of Mel Gibson? If not i suggest you do and then please comment from a neutral point of view what the chances of that happening for the purpose of blaming it on others?
The only nuke Al Qaeda has is a specially designed shell coated with Laden's ****. Now, that's really catastrophic, isn't it ?
. Even the simpler functional nuclear explosive device, a 'dirty bomb' aka radiological weapon, is beyond the technical scope of non-state organizations like al-Qaeda so that leave some measure of state sponsorship from one or more.

What makes you say that a dirty bomb is outside of A-Q's technical capacity? They can make explosively formed penetrators can't they? What is to stop them from breaking into a medical manufacturing plant, stealing some cobalt used for radiative sterilization, and sticking it in with a couple of hundred pounds of explosives? Or what about the smaller amounts of trace elements with short half-lives found in nuclear medicine research labs? They might not have doctorate degrees in physics, but assuming your enemy is stupid is not a very good plan...

Admittedly, the radiation effect of that amount of cobalt will probably only amount to casualties in the 10-20% range of the initial blast (Assuming the bomb is let off in say...Trafalgar square..Not a soft target these days, but you get the idea), but the point is panic, not actual damage. The idea is to elicit an over-reaction and instill fear....The whole idea behind terrorism.
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They don't even need a bomb. Get cobalt, ground it into powder, go to a high building open window and let the wind blow.

Its very important for countries to keep track and keep watch on their radioactive materials.
what a preposterous assumption.......

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