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Al Qaeda executes 3 men for not knowing prayers

Killing folks for a silly reason such as not knowning how to pray is barbaric, and can never be compared with the American revolt or the French.

Yes indeed. To you and I it is barbaric. Let's not forget the early stages of Christianity also had people killed for amongst others the reason being that they could either not quote scripture or pray properly. If people purely stood back and claimed that these were "barbarian or savages" then I believe that Christianity wouldn't have evolved into the generally tolerant religion which it is today. Likewise with democracy. The early founding fathers of modern day democracy were the French revolutionaries. I don't believe that they achieved democracy in France by hosting civilized discussion with King Louis and his nobility or even the French people themselves. Democracy like Christianity evolved since then after people stood up by admitting that there were wrongs in the system and addressed those wrongs, not by people labeling the Christian founders or the revolutionary democrats "barbarians or savages". Who knows, perhaps these people do have grievances with whatever system they are fighting be it the west or the middle east or Islam or some hoodoo voodoo system they are up in arms over. The question which I am posing is simply...what are people doing to address their grievances whether their qualms are legitimate, logical or not. Just labeling them savages and barbarians will not make the problem disappear. I'm certain that you will agree with me on that ?
Why do you call them "barbarian savages"? They are fighting for an ideology/religion/freedom. Many years ago the British called the American revolutionaries "barbarians and savages". Today the descendants and the inheritors of those barbarian and savages are the saviours and closest allies of the British. We shouldn't judge with hatred since these people have gone against modern day standards of civilisation. We should instead question why they conduct themselves in the manner in which they do. And we should address them on that platform.

I like the altruism, in this and your next post too. But allow me to respectfully disagree by saying they can be correctly adressed from a drone like platform. Sort of like this:

There is a strong suspicion and evidence that those 3 individuals were involved in drug trafficking and agents supporting the Child-Murderer in Syria. All this happened during a war. If correct then good riddance. The Pagans and Child-Murderers will be eventually removed from the great Arab world. This is just the start. No mercy for Child-Murderers and Pagans doing genocide in Syria right now. Time for them to be on the receiving end.

Shias being a tiny minority already in the Arab and Muslim world and increasingly targeted due to their actions and political support should not start more trouble otherwise it could end badly for them. There is no need for that. Syria is lost.

Al-Anbar is no mands land for Child-Murderers and Pagans doing genocide in Syria.

The video took place in Al-Anbar in Iraq. They were not executed for not knowing the prayers either. False information. Also the border is closed. They were clearly not civilians because they are not allowed there in the first place.

If innocent then it must be condemned harshly and the perpertrators must be then held accountable.
There is a strong suspicion and evidence that those 3 individuals were involved in drug trafficking and agents supporting the Child-Murderer in Syria. All this happened during a war. If correct then good riddance. The Pagans and Child-Murderers will be eventually removed from the great Arab world. This is just the start. No mercy for Child-Murderers and Pagans doing genocide in Syria right now. Time for them to be on the receiving end.

Shias being a tiny minority already in the Arab and Muslim world and increasingly targeted due to their actions and political support should not start more trouble otherwise it could end badly for them. There is no need for that. Syria is lost.

Al-Anbar is no mands land for Child-Murderers and Pagans doing genocide in Syria.

The video took place in Al-Anbar in Iraq. They were not executed for not knowing the prayers either. False information. Also the border is closed. They were clearly not civilians because they are not allowed there in the first place.

If innocent then it must be condemned harshly and the perpertrators must be then held accountable.

There was a 4th guy coming after these 3, he gave right answers and was allowed to go on, but the vid has been removed now.
There was a 4th guy coming after these 3, he gave right answers and was allowed to go on, but the vid has been removed now.

They were Syrians. What were they doing in Al-Anbar crossing into Iraq? The border is supposed to be closed because unwanted elements are moving across the borders freely. No civilians besides ACTUAL refugees are supposed to be there.

For example the Saudi Arabian-Iraqi border is a military area mostly and you cannot cross it. If people see suspicious behavior they are allowed to shot people. Only people who use the border regions are a few thousand Bedouins from all 4 countries and border guards.

Civilians are not supposed to be around. Especially not during a war.

I am not in a position to judge what is correct or not but I find it very suspicious.

If they were refugees with families then you could without a doubt say that they are innocents.

Smugglers are in abundance in that area. I know from first hand. Be it weapon, drug, criminals, wanted persons etc. It is a lawless area. Too difficult to patrol and 4 countries border it (KSA, Iraq, Jordan and Syria). Easy way to escape to country x or y time and time again. Hundreds of wadis (valleys), isolated etc. spots to hide in.

I am not taking any side. If criminals then good riddance. If not then the perpetrators should be held accountable and punished. Likely death penalty. All I am saying.

Anyway it is a war after all. Not many people follow the laws during such a time hence why every war is full of horrible crimes.
They were Syrians. What were they doing in Al-Anbar crossing into Iraq? The border is supposed to be closed because unwanted elements are moving across the borders freely. No civilians besides ACTUAL refugees are supposed to be there.

For example the Saudi Arabian-Iraqi border is a military area mostly and you cannot cross it. If people see suspicious behavior they are allowed to shot people. Only people who use the border regions are a few thousand Bedouins from all 3 countries and border guards.

Civilians are not supposed to be around. Especially not during a war.

I am not in a position to judge what is correct or not but I find it very suspicious.

If they were refugees with families then you could without a doubt say that they are innocents.

This should be proven.

The trucks are empty, they were killed for being alawite, expalins why the 4th was allowed to go on after giving some right answers.
At the end of the video he says something about the Jordan-Iraq, Syria-Iraq highway, this must be the Syria highway, not sure if the border is still closed.


The only SAA controlled border crossing with Iraq is the lower one which almost no one uses as both sides accros the border are unihabited unlike the FSA controlled deir al zor province.

Drug transportation from Syria to Iraq is unlikely, it does not come from Syria but from Afghanistan through Iran to Iraq, weapon transportation is not allowed and possible either.

IMO, it is very simple, they just found some Alawites and killed them for the religion, not unusual by these figures, they should not have stopped as there are checkpoints further down the road.
The trucks are empty, they were killed for being alawite, expalins why the 4th was allowed to go on after giving some right answers.
At the end of the video he says something about the Jordan-Iraq, Syria-Iraq highway, this must be the Syria highway, not sure if the border is still closed.


The only SAA controlled border crossing with Iraq is the lower one which almost no one uses as both sides accros the border are unihabited unlike the FSA controlled deir al zor province.

Drug transportation from Syria to Iraq is unlikely, it does not come from Syria but from Afghanistan through Iran to Iraq, weapon transportation is not allowed and possible either.

IMO, it is very simple, they just found some Alawites and killed them for the religion, not unusual by these figures, they should not have stopped as there are checkpoints further down the road.

If we presume all this is correct then what were they doing there during a war? In such a lawless area? I find it very suspicious. What with the video about the drugs? It makes no sense. Is the Syrian-Iraqi border not supposed to be closed? Only refugees are supposed to be allowed in. Also why where they coming from Iraq INTO Syria? Very strange.

No private business is active during such a war. They must be state actors.

We will not know.

Don't forget that 100 Syrian soldiers (Asshead soldiers and Child-Murderers) were killed in Al-Anbar a few months ago when they tried to escape into Al-Anbar.
I like the altruism, in this and your next post too. But allow me to respectfully disagree by saying they can be correctly adressed from a drone like platform. Sort of like this:


That only treats the wound but not the cause of the infection
My Friend.... Please explain .... I think its more laughable than comment-able ... ur comment is senseless.... Please explain I will try to rectify your common sense here..... :)

Any brand new conspiracy theory that you'd like to enlighten us with???? Why not say it??? India..... perhaps (but then the'd be justified for us using the "bleed-india-policy" for over two decades, wouldn't they be?) The evil zionists, perhaps (because we have been a constant nuisance in their hind at EVERY international forum)? Maybe even the infidel mullahs of Iran (Now what do you want me to say here, because we have been using Saudi money to geographically box them)? Stop derailing common logic every time by throwing in the "shakki" spanner.... no one believes the old lies anymore.....

Dude, we are paying for our sins.. and people such as yourself should pay MUCH MORE than people like me, why? Go figure.....
Yeah, kind of like " ordinary " Hindus that Rationalize and Justify Gujarat massacre and want MODI the MASS MURDERER of 3000+ innocent unarmed Muslim civilians to be the next PM of India.

I am a gujju, born and brought up in Gujarat. I have experienced the riots first hand, I was right there on ground zero. In-bred Pa*is like you will never understand why the riots happened simply because your Wahhabi mindset shrinks your IQ by about 50 points. Nope, 3000 people were killed in TOTAL. The # of Hindus and Muslims killed were almost equal, with slightly larger Muslim casualty figures. What happened was horrible, both sides had criminal elements that were just looking for an excuse to slaughter their fellow man.

Modi did nothing. Those responsible for the killings were the Bajrang Dal / VHP hooligans by the name of Babu Bajrangi and Maya Kodnani. Both are currently rotting prison serving life sentences. If someone massacres Hindus in Pakistan, they will be hailed as heroes by the general public. The only thing Modi should have done which he did not do sooner is call in the army.

It is also true that the whole affair was first put in motion by Wahhabi in-breds, just like yourself when the train was set on fire. I have lots of Muslim friends in India, I have unconditional respect for them. None of them are like you. They are ALL good people. True, there are radical elements among both Hindus and Muslims but their voices are small and we all get along just fine. What happens in Pa*i-land? Forced conversions of minorities and sheltering / financing of terrorists as official state policy. Thank god for a largely secular and liberal India. Now go fcuk off old man.

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