Battle Position preparation(It is tanks related i don't know where else to post it)
If you are in defensive position and waiting for enemy. You are not just sitting idle in the tank waiting for the enemy. You are doing battle position preparation. Before you start your fight, you start ranging different things and take note of the ranges for example building 1800 meters away. So in case during fight your laser range finder gets knocked out, you still have idea of ranges and helpful for engagement.
Challenger 2 PlayStation like gunner controls, gun is stabilized, controls are fixed you can hold onto it so you don't cause false input. Everything is done by your thumb just like PlayStation controller. Brilliant idea Kids now days growing up already know how to use it.
70 ton very heavily armored tank. If you want to take a hit you would do very well to take a hit in this tank. And it also has a record to prove it 13 RPG hits on one particular tank.