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Akbar Bugti Killed | Bughtis announce end of Sardari system

Spring Onion

Feb 1, 2006
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Hello Guys

Had you heard the pleasent news that Bugti Tribes in Balochistan had announced today to End the Sardari System in the Province and Asked Marri Tribes to hand over Nawab Akbar Bugti and some other criminals who had torture and killed inncoent Blochis, for legal action.

It was decided in a grand gathering of the Balochi Tribes today.

it was laso decided that all the bad customs regarding marrying off women for money will also be null and voide as well as other bad activities which result in women abuse or any violation of women rights would be punishable.

They also decide that now instead of Sardari System the law of the country will be used in the province.

Isnt it Great :flag:

I HOPE some of you will post the news tomorrow with link cuz it will be published 2mrw.

Or i will do it .
Moral of the story:

Couple of gunships always make drunk guy sober.
Hello Guys

Had you heard the pleasent news that Bugti Tribes in Balochistan had announced today to End the Sardari System in the Province and Asked Marri Tribes to hand over Nawab Akbar Bugti and some other criminals who had torture and killed inncoent Blochis, for legal action.

It was decided in a grand gathering of the Balochi Tribes today.
Thats very unexpected! So whats in there for the Bugti's? :what1:

it was laso decided that all the bad customs regarding marrying off women for money will also be null and voide as well as other bad activities which result in women abuse or any violation of women rights would be punishable.
Too good to be true, I'd like to see some official links here!

They also decide that now instead of Sardari System the law of the country will be used in the province.

Isnt it Great
If true, it would change the fate of balochistan, it about time! :flag:
This should have been done way before. We are kind of slow i guess? :whatever:
Yes we are slow we might had done that berfore but there are many parties to the problem.

Firstly the succesive governments had always kept the province backward by siding with Nawab Akbar Bugti for political reasons.
Now its high time that they had decided to end Feudal system in Balochistan.

And this time it was possible through participation of Baloch tribes and they themselves had decided that.
Now if it was followed strictly Inshallah the province will progress rapidly.

Webby todays Newspapersd have carried the news let me find time to post the link or if any of you can.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006 E-Mail this article to a friend Printer Friendly Version

Dera Bugti: Jirga announces end to sardari system tomorrow

QUETTA: A jirga of the Bugti tribe will be held tomorrow (Thursday) to formally announce an end to the sardari system, Dera Bugti District Coordination Officer (DCO) Abdul Samad Lasi said on Tuesday. He said that tribal elders of all sub-clans of the Bugti tribe would attend the jirga, which would be organised by the Sui Youth Council and Dera Bugti Town Youth Council at Jinnah Stadium in Dera Bugti town. He said that all arrangements had been finalised for the jirga, which would also be attended by thousands of locals. Lasi said the jirga would also settle various disputes among sub-clans of the Bugti tribe and help bring peace to the district. He dispelled the impression that the jirga would select or elect a new nawab or sardar. Attaullah Khan Kalpar Bugti, a spokesman for the jirga, said that the sardari system was the main reason for the backwardness of the district. He said that the elimination of the sardari system would ensure the common man’s participation in decision-making. He said the jirga would bring peace, prosperity and integrity to the district. It will bring the Bugti tribe into the political mainstream, he added. The district has been in the grip of political violence for the last couple of years. app

This is a positive development.

Even in Afghanistan, because the jirga was constituted, it has been a great help to the Karzai government in administering the country.

Though it has to be admitted that the Karzai govt still has problems because the tribals and clans have their own traditions and 'laws', which at times clashes with the concept of western democracy, which most of the ex colonial countries follow and which has been installed in Afghanistan.

Feudalism is a very difficult thing to stamp out as is it to remove what could be termed very loosely as the 'pind metality' (an affliction of the subcontinent), which is so obscurantist and totally out of sync with the modern world.
Yes we are slow we might had done that berfore but there are many parties to the problem.

Firstly the succesive governments had always kept the province backward by siding with Nawab Akbar Bugti for political reasons.
Now its high time that they had decided to end Feudal system in Balochistan.

Kudos to the Pakistan Army :flag:
Saturday, August 26, 2006javascript:; http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/print.asp?page=2006\08\26\story_26-8-2006_pg3_1
EDITORIAL: Abolishing sardari system or Baloch nationalism?

A ‘Qaumi’ Bugti Jirga got together at the Jinnah Stadium in Dera Bugti Thursday and declared that the ‘sardari system’ of the Bugti tribe had been abolished forthwith. It also thanked President Pervez Musharraf for “emancipating the people of the area from the atrocities and excesses of the former tribal chief” and asked the federal government to continue with gas exploration in the Bugti territory for the welfare of the tribes living there. The stadium was reportedly filled with thousands of people from the Kalpar, Masoori, Firozani, Shambhani, Mandrani, Raheja and Marhata sub-tribes, known in the past for nursing feuds with the fleet-footed Nawab Akbar Bugti.

The ‘Qaumi Jirga’ also adopted 15 resolutions that significantly endorse the efforts made by the Musharraf government to eliminate the perceived resistance shown by the Baloch in general and the Bugti sardar in particular. For instance, the 15th resolution pertains to declaring the Bugti territory as “Area A” with a full-fledged administration and police system, while the primary portion of the province remains “Area B”. One resolution appealed to the Marri and other tribes to “hand over the accused Nawab Akbar Bugti and others to the Bugtis, so that justice is done to them in accordance with tribal traditions (sic!)”. It also decided to confiscate all of Nawab Bugti’s assets and distribute them “among those who [had] suffered at his hands”.

It is ironic that after abolishing the “sardari system”, the Jirga reverted to the “tribal system” and declared the local elections in the area null and void because the nazims had been backed by Nawab Akbar Bugti. The new system will obviously be run by the gutsy DCO of Dera Bugti, Abdul Samad Lasi, who stated that more than 95 percent of the farari camps run by the rebel Sardar had been smashed and the writ of the government fully restored in the district. He admitted that the new “system” was put in place with the help of more than 20,000 people of Masoori, Kalpar and other sub-tribes whom the government had transported back to the area from different parts of Sindh and Punjab after a period of 10 years, each man getting Rs 5,000 as “cash relief” for the journey home.

It is obvious that the latest “effort” made in Balochistan to counter the sardars will not resolve the fundamental problem: that of Baloch nationalism spearheaded by the very sardars that the government wants removed from the scene. The fact is that the “sardari system” was first “abolished” by Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto in 1973 when the biggest Sardar of them all, Nawab Akbar Bugti, was solidly entrenched as Mr Bhutto’s hand-picked governor of Balochistan. But no one took notice of it, certainly not Mr Bugti, and not a single subsequent government believed in the farce. The trio of sardars that bothers Islamabad (Marri, Bugti, Mengal) are far from being just tribal chiefs. Nawab Akbar Bugti’s Jamhoori Watan Party is part of the ARD that is trying to depose President Musharraf.

Past governments have had a pattern of behaviour vis-à-vis Nawab Bugti that will further undermine the latest effort. The sub-tribes had to flee the area because federal governments in the 1990s sided with Bugti in his tribal vendettas. They gave him big money and when one government tried to reverse the policy its successor went right back to the old pattern. What has been lacking is political consensus in Islamabad. The situation is no different now. The opposition, which includes both mainstream political parties, is not on board; not even President Musharraf’s second-best ally, the MQM, agrees with what the federal government is doing in Balochistan. The problem in Balochistan is not the sardari system but an aggrieved nationalism that now rightly demands that the Baloch be treated in accordance with the principles of provincial autonomy, even if that means amending the constitution. Just abolishing the Bugti sardari will not solve the problem. *

GEO TV is reporting that Akbar bugti has been killed in a commando operation in Kohlu.It also reported that several security personnels and 30 militants were also killed.
I read about this Kohlu operation this morning...lemme find the link.
Here it is:

Highly organised operation carried out in Kohlu, Murree

KOHLU: Security forces carried out a historical operation, based on exact intelligence reports, in Kohlu and Murree area on Saturday night. During the operation it is believed that high-profile persons involved in many terrorist activities in the country were targetted.

Geo news correspondent Mazher Tufail said Nawab Akber Bugti is suspected to be operating from the area where the operation was carried out, whereas Information Ministry is yet to confirm or deny the reports.

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