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Ajmal Kasab's Indian trial

A PAKISTANI LAWYER CLAIMED IT!!!...WTF!!!....YOU THINK OF THIS AS CREDIBLE!!!...lolz....i guess u intentionally didn't post this interesting part in your post...,.ok,its now worth my time debating with you!!!....bye bye...troll boy

lol why are you guys running away....
proof can be anything and of any sort....!
take it or leave it...!:coffee:
Hahah....that was a proof??... lolz....as i told you,not worth my time.....live in your dream world,while the world moves on!
Hahah....that was a proof??... lolz....as i told you,not worth my time.....live in your dream world,while the world moves on!

well i dun care if its worth your time or not.. but i see you are still answering me....
lol hahahhaaa rofl... like i said take it or leave it .. its cz f your kind that peace talks always fails...!
ciao am not replying to an old hag now... bye
Pakistan’s FIA makes another 26/11 arrest

Pakistan’s FIA makes another 26/11 arrest
August 6th, 2009

RAWALPINDI - Pakistan’s Federal Investigation Agency’s (FIA) Special Investigation Unit (SIU) has arrested another important suspect who is said to be behind the Mumbai terror attacks and is allegedly linked with the Lashkar-e-Tayyaba (LeT).

FIA sources said on Wednesday that the SIU was already questioning five suspects, including Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi, and Mazhar Iqbal alias Abu Al-Qama, of Islamabad, Abdul Wajid alias Zarar Shah of Sheikupura, Shahid Jamil Riaz of Bahawalpur and Hammad Amin Sadiq of Rahim Yar Khan to probe their links with the Mumbai attacks.

“The suspects revealed the name of another suspect, Jamil Ahmed, of Battgram during interrogation. Ahmed also allegedly facilitated the acts of terrorism in Mumbai on November 26,” they said.

Sources said the SIU arrested Ahmed near his house, and added that he was being interrogated.

They termed the arrest a major breakthrough in the investigation. (ANI)
Pakistan starts Interpol search for Mumbai suspects | Reuters

Pakistan starts Interpol search for Mumbai suspects

Thu Aug 6, 2009 4:43am EDT

PARIS, Aug 6 (Reuters) - Pakistan has launched a global search for 13 suspects in last November's attack on Mumbai, the international police network Interpol said on Thursday.

France-based Interpol said a global alert issued from Islamabad asked member countries to assist in locating the fugitives and immediately report any leads to Pakistan, which would seek their extradition if any are arrested.

The Interpol statement did not name the suspects.

"The authorities in Pakistan are to be commended for making full use of Interpol's global network and tools," said Ronald Noble, secretary-general of Interpol, in the statement.

"This demonstrates their commitment to allowing all of Interpol's 187 member countries to benefit from and help with the investigation into the Mumbai terrorist attacks."

Pakistan has put on trial five militants accused of involvement in the attack in which 166 people were killed and released photographs of 13 other suspects who have not yet been detained.

But India, which broke off peace talks with Pakistan following the attacks blamed on the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba militant group, has complained that Islamabad is not moving fast enough in pursuing those responsible. (Reporting by Estelle Shirbon; editing by Myra MacDonald)
our Govt is leading us into more and more traps these 26/11 was a drama from Indian side to show the world how helpless they are and make Pakistan look like a devil state i wonder some people actually fallen for that.Kasab and its BS stories for Pakistani lawyer than his Indian Band India is full of Drama look how strong India media is....they can make thier people almost believe anything movies such as LOC and Border disguisted me i stop promoting Indian movies don't watch them tell others not to watching it the country so backstabbing who could imagine 1971 RAW's covert operations compare to RAW ISI is poorly funded by the Govt Zardari is under pressure to remove ISI becasue ISI plays its cards in Pakistan's interest not India and US interest which has been from Independence to destablize the nation of 175 Million Muslims corruption is where they started Muslims have turned to each other some are which i refer to Good Muslims vs Modern Islam ( Making thier own version of Islam by which Islam's allow alchol and many more like it etc...at the end of the day i cant judge anyone is the Allah who have to Judge by i am speaking by my experience.I've seen this very often people call Mulvi that hes stupid what he knows about outside world i bet my mosque Mulvi shab knows better knowledge than most of you kids here who claims to be so "modern Islam".I started disliking Mushraff he did Lal Masjid operation because they had weapons in the Masjid its actually a Sunnah to carry a weapon in the mosque unlike Mushraff promoting modern day Islam lets all sit 1 day and have a debate about Islam.When i use to go to Mosque in Pakistan always carry a pistol most of the prayer with 40 Bullets ready to go.
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Nokia confirms phones used in Mumbai attacks sold in Pakistan

The enforcement manager of Nokia in the US, whose name has been withheld for security reasons, deposed in the ongoing Mumbai attacks trial through video-conferencing from the FBI office in the US. She said the five phones used by the Mumbai attackers to communicate were ferried from China to Pakistan five months before the strikes.

“I believe these phones were shipped from China to Pakistan,” the witness said on being examined by special public prosecutor Ujjwal Nikam. Five Nokia mobile phones were recovered by the Mumbai police from the nine slain terrorists and FBI’s help was sought to ascertain from where the phones had been procured. Asked how she could identify the phones, the Nokia representative said the international mobile equipment identification (IMEI), a unique number allotted to each mobile phone manufactured by Nokia, had helped her trace the origin of the mobile sets.

The Nokia representative is the third foreigner to have suggested that the terror perpetrators had Pakistani links.
While an FBI forensic expert had earlier told the court that the perpetrators used GPS to navigate from Karachi to Mumbai by sea, a representative of Yamaha, during examination by Mr Nikam on Thursday, confirmed that the terrorists had used an outboard engine manufactured by them and delivered in Pakistan to power the dinghy on which they landed on Mumbai coast.

FBI had earlier informed Mumbai police that the mobile phones were shipped to Nokia dealers in Pakistan, United Mobile and Twelve Pakistan.

When the Nokia employee was shown a letter written by her to FBI in this regard on February 12 this year, she confirmed that it was issued under her signature.

Nokia confirms phones used in Mumbai attacks sold in Pakistan- Politics/Nation-News-The Economic Times
Exerpts of Interview with Rakesh Maria (Crime Branch)
It was a challenge to keep Kasab alive: Maria

Nevertheless, the Crime Branch was not willing to take chances. Kasab was lodged in a first-floor room of the Crime Branch inside the Mumbai Police headquarters and only a handful of trusted officers had access to the floor and even fewer to the terrorist. But even they had extreme revulsion for the Pakistani national and Kasab could gauge it, said Maria, adding that this helped break him and extract information. “He could gauge the animosity which was there, this also worked as an advantage for us. He realised what it was and we told him it is better that you talk... the entire people (sic) are just waiting to tear you apart and don’t think you are going to die very early.”

While Kasab’s capture and the wealth of information extracted from him has been a key difference between 26/11 and previous terror attacks blamed on Pakistan, breaking the Lashkar man was not easy, although Maria insists beating and torture was not resorted to. “It does not work on these people, these terrorists who are indoctrinated, they are doing it because of ideology, death is what he wants, so you can’t put the fear of death in him,” he said.

Officers who questioned him used a mix of cajoling and softening him by talking to him about his family, particularly his mother, his younger brother Munir and younger sister Suraiyya, who he was found to be close to. Kasab was also shocked that he was captured alive as that was not part of the plan, Maria said. “They were prepared for everything but this eventuality,” he said, and added that “small things” worked in favour of the police.

“For example, when I asked him why he was doing this, he says what is this life, this is just a transitory phase, my real life is the next one, this life is for jihad. I asked him why he was doing jihad, he said because we have been told that if you do jihad, this life is nothing, when you die because of jihad, there is a glow on your face, there is a scent that emanates from your body,” Maria recalled.

“So I said, theek hai, this is what they told you, fine, you wait. I called the boys, take him to the place where the other nine are. He came back crying, he was in tears. I told him you have been taken for a ride. If this is such a great thing why are your instructors not going to die, why are Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi and Hafiz Saeed not going to die,” Maria said. “If I know this is a faltu life of mine I would take the first opportunity and go to the other world, all of you have been taken for a ride by these people. He saw two bodies were absolutely charred, there was a stink, one fellow had a bullet going through his eye, there was a hole in his eye socket, after seeing that he realised that he was all alone now, he counted nine of them are dead, that he was the only one alive.”
Ajmal Kasab awarded death sentence
Updated at: 1337 PST, Thursday, May 06, 2010
MUMBAI: Pronouncing the verdict, Special Court judge M L Tahaliyani said the case fell in the rarest of rarest category as defined by the Supreme Court and hence Kasab will have to face the gangman's noose.

Kasab was pronounced guilty May 3 in the Nov 26, 2008 Mumbai terror attack and the Special Judge's sentencing came in on Thursday afternoon.

But it will be years and a big `yawning' process before Kasab takes the final steps to the gallows because:

He can go in appeal to the High Court. A year or two can go by.

If the High Court rejects his appeal, he will then go to the Supreme Court in appeal. This too may take a few years.

If the Supreme Court turns down his appeal, he can seek a pardon from the President of India.

The mercy plea will then be sent by the President to the Home Ministry for a thorough examination. Again, a few years may go by.

The Home Ministry will then send Kasab's file to the Maharashtra Government for comments and giving details.

The file then moves to the President's Secretariat for a final decision. By then, India may have a new President and will be facing a general election. Kasab's file will then be pushed to the table of the next president who may once again seek the opinion of the new government's Home Ministry.

One must remember that Afzal Guru's file is yet to reach the President's table though he was sentenced to death in 2006. The file is still in the hands of the Congress-led UPA government.

Afzal Guru was sentenced to death for the audacious attack on Parliament on December 2001.

Moreover, 25 mercy pleas are still on the President's table for a final decision.
Ajmal Kasab awarded death sentence
Updated at: 1337 PST, Thursday, May 06, 2010
MUMBAI: Pronouncing the verdict, Special Court judge M L Tahaliyani said the case fell in the rarest of rarest category as defined by the Supreme Court and hence Kasab will have to face the gangman's noose.

Kasab was pronounced guilty May 3 in the Nov 26, 2008 Mumbai terror attack and the Special Judge's sentencing came in on Thursday afternoon.

But it will be years and a big `yawning' process before Kasab takes the final steps to the gallows because:

He can go in appeal to the High Court. A year or two can go by.

If the High Court rejects his appeal, he will then go to the Supreme Court in appeal. This too may take a few years.

If the Supreme Court turns down his appeal, he can seek a pardon from the President of India.

The mercy plea will then be sent by the President to the Home Ministry for a thorough examination. Again, a few years may go by.

The Home Ministry will then send Kasab's file to the Maharashtra Government for comments and giving details.

The file then moves to the President's Secretariat for a final decision. By then, India may have a new President and will be facing a general election. Kasab's file will then be pushed to the table of the next president who may once again seek the opinion of the new government's Home Ministry.

One must remember that Afzal Guru's file is yet to reach the President's table though he was sentenced to death in 2006. The file is still in the hands of the Congress-led UPA government.

Afzal Guru was sentenced to death for the audacious attack on Parliament on December 2001.

Moreover, 25 mercy pleas are still on the President's table for a final decision.

One correction - I think ALL capital punishment cases automatically go to High Court.
Exerpts of Interview with Rakesh Maria (Crime Branch)
It was a challenge to keep Kasab alive: Maria

“For example, when I asked him why he was doing this, he says what is this life, this is just a transitory phase, my real life is the next one, this life is for jihad. I asked him why he was doing jihad, he said because we have been told that if you do jihad, this life is nothing, when you die because of jihad, there is a glow on your face, there is a scent that emanates from your body,” Maria recalled.

“So I said, theek hai, this is what they told you, fine, you wait. I called the boys, take him to the place where the other nine are. He came back crying, he was in tears. I told him you have been taken for a ride. If this is such a great thing why are your instructors not going to die, why are Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi and Hafiz Saeed not going to die,” Maria said. “If I know this is a faltu life of mine I would take the first opportunity and go to the other world, all of you have been taken for a ride by these people. He saw two bodies were absolutely charred, there was a stink, one fellow had a bullet going through his eye, there was a hole in his eye socket, after seeing that he realised that he was all alone now, he counted nine of them are dead, that he was the only one alive.”

if they think that the after life is all milk and honey... and can reach there by this means.. i am sure many improvised ppl will opt that way out... hope if he is given another chance he would shout to the world .. what he learned was bull crappp..
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