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Aitzaz: Forgetting Hazrat Umar for Hazmat Zardari


Oct 17, 2008
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Actually Aitezaz's earlier comments were wrong. The President enjoys immunity, we can't change the law on whims. Parliamentary decision can only bring Zardari to justice
Actually Aitezaz's earlier comments were wrong. The President enjoys immunity, we can't change the law on whims. Parliamentary decision can only bring Zardari to justice

I agree with you that the president holds immunity, and can only be done something to by the majority vote in the parliament. But this is where the flaw in the system is. Why can’t a president be taken to court, let’s take the case of Hazrat Ummar; he held more support from his people then all of our presidents combined at any time. He was more powerful then all of them again. So if a person like him can walk in front of a qazi without hesitation then what’s wrong with zardari. But then also as I said that Hazrat Umar was morally not as corrupt as our 10%.

Now looking at from today’s point of view, in order to rectify the mess that we are the whole immunity issue shall be take out and anyone and everyone should be held equally in the court of law. The parliament votes for the president, so the majority votes bring in the man from the same party. The judges are appointed by the parliament/president. So where is the justice, who will ask these guys the questions. Who will hold them responsible for their actions. All these thugs know that they are immune. So do whatever you can till you can, and once they are forced to step down they run away, so at the end of the day we as common Pakistanis are the losers. We have waited for so long for these guys to be held accountable for their actions and now when the opportunity is there, I think we will have to wait for longer to realize our dreams.
This comment was made for an illegitimate and un-constitutional dictator.

This comment is made for a legal and constitutional however corrupt President of Pakistan.

Sir ji I agree with your point on Mush. But dont you think that not only Zardari but any one and every one all of the citizens of Pakistan should be the same under the law. And just because you hold an office position shouldnt qualify you for immuniyt.
Sir ji I agree with your point on Mush. But dont you think that not only Zardari but any one and every one all of the citizens of Pakistan should be the same under the law. And just because you hold an office position shouldnt qualify you for immuniyt.
I am not defending the immunity; I am only pointing to what is written in the constitution of Pakistan. This is a responsibility of the citizens of Pakistan to make collective efforts to rid the constitution from all such discriminating clauses.
I am not defending the immunity; I am only pointing to what is written in the constitution of Pakistan. This is a responsibility of the citizens of Pakistan to make collective efforts to rid the constitution from all such discriminating clauses.

Sir ji this is just a question, as you mentioned that the citizens of Pakistan will have to take a collective action in getting rid of this impartiality in the constitution. One and the easiest way is through the parliament, but we both know that how that will work out. And most and in fact almost all the politicians will not be willing to do it as this effects almost all of them.
The second and the hard way is through the judiciary, now I want to know is this option even viable?
because I heard Mr. PM saying that the President/parliament can veto the supreme court’s decision.
The constitution has been raped by by successive rulers for their benefit. The president should immunity for civil litigation or administrative decision but not for criminal matters. Does that mean the President can kill anybody and not get prosecute for that?
This comment was made for an illegitimate and un-constitutional dictator.

No he was not a dictator because the SCoP and the referendum both declared him the President of Pakistan. You know about the decission in April 04 and also the decission in 2000 which made him the CEO.

BTW, Pasdar-e-paksitan has been launched and Gen. Musharraf has endorsed it too. I think you should support him since he is out of the uniform and also trying to come back through a political platform.
No he was not a dictator because the SCoP and the referendum both declared him the President of Pakistan. You know about the decission in April 04 and also the decission in 2000 which made him the CEO.

BTW, Pasdar-e-paksitan has been launched and Gen. Musharraf has endorsed it too. I think you should support him since he is out of the uniform and also trying to come back through a political platform.

How can we support such an evil man that is largely responsible for handing over Pakistanis to the CIA? How can anyone support such an evil man that got paid millions for selling the sovereignty of Pakistan? Also, an evil man which is now residing in peaceful London in his millions worth of mansion.

A criminal no matter how highly placed can never be above the law. Immunity from lawful prosecution doesn't exist even for a president of a country. Ghaddari, Musharraf etc. should all be tried according to the spirit and letter of the law and made an example for every individual.
How can we support such an evil man that is largely responsible for handing over Pakistanis to the CIA? .

No such evidence has been provided to SCoP and I am sure you can't provide an evidence either.

How can anyone support such an evil man that got paid millions for selling the sovereignty of Pakistan? Also, an evil man which is now residing in peaceful London in his millions worth of mansion.

Are you talking about Nawaz Sharif for hending over Amil Kasi?

Gen. Musharraf doesn't live in mansion, he lives in a flat which is over a million pound I think. Gen. Musharraf has provided the back ground for his funds many a times.

Do you have anything concrete?
I prefer for democracy to continue and complete its full 4 years -term with out interference
No such evidence has been provided to SCoP and I am sure you can't provide an evidence either.

Are you talking about Nawaz Sharif for hending over Amil Kasi?

Gen. Musharraf doesn't live in mansion, he lives in a flat which is over a million pound I think. Gen. Musharraf has provided the back ground for his funds many a times.

Do you have anything concrete?

Why should I provide with evidence when it's evident that during Musharraf tenure many people were handed over to the CIA. How else did those people end up in torture cells around the world? How else did so many Pakistanis end up in Gitmo? There isn't a shred of doubt about that. What about the drone attacks which were approved during Musharraf era? The list of brutalities is simply endless.

If you think that I'm a NS supporter you're mistaken. I'm not a supporter of any individual. Neither do I resort to personality worship. I judge any leader based on his/her performance. What NS did by handing over a Pakistani national is wrong and I fully oppose it. He should have been tried in Pakistan.

Whether Musharraf is living in a million pound flat or mansion isn't the point. He has fled Pakistan and is now residing peacefully in another nation whilst most Pakistanis are suffering due to his sins. We all know what his sources were. To be specific, it's called blood money.
Illum, he has admitted all this abduction and handing over suspected Al-Qaeda and Jihadi operatives (never proven in any court of law) including Pakistanis to American crap in his own book (In the line of fire) and several interviews. Hence his own documented words are a charge sheet against him. Please checkout my response here: http://www.defence.pk/forums/nation...af-ki-yaad-aayi-us-kay-janay-kay-baad-23.html

At any rate, he has played played his innings. His chapter in Pakistani politics is closed for good hence no need to discuss him.
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