u mean use chloroform as cement to glue my scale model????????????????????
Have you used any of the so-called 'liquid glues' ? Oh well, they all work
on the same principle: they dissolve the plastic surrounding the joint and
then evaporate, leaving the plastic around the joint welded together.
The liquid glues are either aromatic or aliphatic solvents, ketones or chlor-
inated hydrocarbons. Aside the commercial brands (f. eg. Humbrol, Testors or
Super Weld) the following chemical substances can be used:
- Xylene (slow evaporating, thus leaving long working time)
- Toluene (similar to the previous)
- Acetone (evaporates very, very quickly, not recommended)
- n-Butanone (methyl ethyl ketone, MEK) (good and very popular, but has
very strong intoxicating fumes, which are very odourous)
- Ethyl isopropyl ketone (expensive, not recommended)
- Benzaldehyde
- Benzyl alcohol
- Dichloromethane (my own favourite)
Chloroform (excellent, but have a good ventilation)
- Trichloroethane (very good, recommended)
and so on.
rec.models.scale FAQ part 5