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Aircraft carrier Liaoning begins drills in sensitive South China Sea with battle group

China Navy and PLAN's carrier strick group will deploy in South China Sea and East China Sea, to protect China's national interests.

Hey bros, get use to it coz CV-16 only just the beginning latter China will build other carrier strick groups.

We are used to CGIs. Its pretty old technology now dude!
That's funny. We will treat you either as a friend or an enemy depending on how you behave. At the moment, we are barely tolerating you. The nine dash line is a legitimate claim, as we were the first to sail, survey, and fish in the region. Last time I checked, your claim covers at least 70% of the entire South China Sea. That's pretty outrageous considering the peanut size of your country. Remember, we are right next door while the Americans are an ocean away.
you illiterate! Listen, right now and the recent past You are provoking Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam and Philippines with your actions and endless military exerices. Can you tell me which country from the above is not allied with America? Don´t push us into the corner! Russia is next to your door.

You can stick your so-called legitimate claim into your a@@. Don´t come up with such stupidity "we were the first to sail, survey, and fish in the region". Isn´t it that proves you re the owner? We and other nations living next to the Sea are nothing?

Don´t act like a clown.
you illiterate! Listen, right now and the recent past You are provoking Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam and Philippines with your actions and endless military exerices. Can you tell me which country from the above is not allied with America? Don´t push us into the corner! Russia is next to your door.

You can stick your so-called legitimate claim into your a@@. Don´t come up with such stupidity "we were the first to sail, survey, and fish in the region". Isn´t it that proves you re the owner? We and other nations living next to the Sea are nothing?

Don´t act like a clown.
Retard, does the lion concern itself whether the cats are angry at him? Did Russia help you last time we came for you? Your entire country has less economic strength than my home city, and you think we're intimidated by "don't push us"? Don't forget to take whatever medication you're on.

The islands don't belong to you. You stole them, and we're going to take it back sooner or later. Sooner if you keep up with the confrontational attitude. I, for one, fully support any Chinese military action against Vietnam. In fact, I think Vietnam is the perfect testing ground for the China's military before engaging Japan and Taiwan.
Retard, does the lion concern itself whether the cats are angry at him? Did Russia help you last time we came for you? Your entire country has less economic strength than my home city, and you think we're intimidated by "don't push us"? Don't forget to take whatever medication you're on.

The islands don't belong to you. You stole them, and we're going to take it back sooner or later. Sooner if you keep up with the confrontational attitude. I, for one, fully support any Chinese military action against Vietnam. In fact, I think Vietnam is the perfect testing ground for the China's military before engaging Japan and Taiwan.
Don´t bark, just do it! People laugh at you if you just bark like a dog.

And again you can stick your whatever economic and military shiht powers into your a@@@@@@. We don´t care. Throughout history, Vietnam never lacks of will, we lack of means.

The USSR had 650,000 men (50 divisions) ready to invade China in 1979 conflict. The Russians deployed more than 450 short and medium range nuclear missiles targeting your cities, do you know that? You played with fire! The Russians did not intervene because your army got spanked by our border guards.
We have a stronger military and economy today than any other time in history. We can make short work of you if we desired. Consider it our mercy that your ships can enter the disputed area at all.
Yeah, PRC's mercy is attack on our fishing and exploration ship, and turn around to run when CMS face off with our coast guard and navy ships.

That's funny. We will treat you either as a friend or an enemy depending on how you behave. At the moment, we are barely tolerating you. The nine dash line is a legitimate claim, as we were the first to sail, survey, and fish in the region. Last time I checked, your claim covers at least 70% of the entire South China Sea. That's pretty outrageous considering the peanut size of your country. Remember, we are right next door while the Americans are an ocean away.

@S10: Where're you get this "claim over 70% SCS" !? I never heard about this, can you give some clues !???
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East China Sea is sensitive these days and SCS is the only other place for drills.I think this time the news has been intentionally blown up.

We are used to CGIs. Its pretty old technology now dude!
Damn someone did put a lot of effort in that one and a douche just screwed it because he could render the colours properly :mad:
Don´t bark, just do it! People laugh at you if you just bark like a dog.

And again you can stick your whatever economic and military shiht powers into your a@@@@@@. We don´t care. Throughout history, Vietnam never lacks of will, we lack of means.

The USSR had 650,000 men (50 divisions) ready to invade China in 1979 conflict. The Russians deployed more than 450 short and medium range nuclear missiles targeting your cities, do you know that? You played with fire! The Russians did not intervene because your army got spanked by our border guards.
We already did it. Remember 1974 and 1988? Of course you do, since that's all you rant about. How many ships is your "will power" equivalent to? Did your will power enable you to win naval engagement against us? I wonder if you can survive on will power without food.

All of that talk, and the Soviet Union did not help you at the end of the day. So sad, holding on to a myth in order to sustain your false hope and "will power". By the way, we still hold areas taken in 1979. If we got such a spanking, why don't you take it back? Little southern barbarians never lack will power right?

I'm hungry now, maybe I will go eat some of these magical Vietnamese will power.
CV-16's normal training plan, it doesn't matter with East China Sea ADIZ event. According to current information,i just point out China will own 3x carrier strick groups maybe more, and PLAN's strick groups will sail in SCS and ECS.

Don't be too surprised CV-16 in SCS, only the beginning for PLAN's Aircraft Carrier building.

well that impressive.It is the right time to test Chinese ability against USN
11.29 today China news CV-16 exercise operation finished, the carrier fleet return military port in HaiNan island,San Ya city.

CV-16's 17th sea trial in SCS over, San Ya city A.C base:






Lio nanga with empty deck, what PLAN going to do in drill???? am thrilled??? CCp trying best to feed chinese ego... lol

You sure its the right time?




This one awhile ago.


There is no comparison between USN CBG and floating casino with pink lights...
that is fine. But pls come back as tourist. LOL

Don´t make the mistake to think you can intimidate Vietnam with 1, 2 or even 3 carriers. You should know the US arms forces deployed 22 carriers during the war with Vietnam.

US aircraft carriers in the Vietnam War | wittwer.nl


1. USS America (CV-66)
2. USS Bennington (CV-20)
3. USS Bon Homme Richard (CV-31)
4. USS Constellation (CV-64)
5. USS Coral Sea (CV-43)
6. USS Enterprise (CVN-65)
7. USS Forrestal (CV-59)
8. USS Hancock (CV-19)
9. USS Hornet (CV-12)
10.USS Independence (CV-62)
11.USS Intrepid (CV-11)
12.USS Kearsarge (CV-33)
13.USS Kitty Hawk (CV-63)
14.USS Lexington (CV-16)
15.USS Midway (CV-41)
16.USS Oriskany (CV-34)
17.USS Ranger (CV-61)
18.USS Saratoga (CV-60)
19.USS Shangri-La (CV-38)
20.USS Ticonderoga (CV-14)
21.USS Valley Forge (CV-45)
22.USS Yorktown (CV-10)

All these carriers were weaker than a modernized Liaoning, including the CVN-65, even it was nuclear with steam catapults, but you can't expect an aircraft carrier with the aircrafts and electronics of 1960-1970s to beat a modernized late-1980s Soviet carrier.
And you think you in here, 2013, but we're still in 1960 - 1970 ... lol
Why are the Vietcongs here summing up what Aircraft Carriers the US Navy has? I thought their VN Navy "defeated" the US Navy, and are considered the strongest Navy in the world.
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