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Air Force's MiG-27 Fighter Jet Crashes In Rajasthan, Pilot Ejects Safely

It seems from the picture that someone has just placed the engine there with a crane.


The top side of the engine casing is cracked open but the lower side which hit the ground don't even has a dent. I am bit confused wtf the hell is this engine and ground under neath it is made up of. May be it is Adamantium metal from X-men.
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An Indian Air Force MiG-27 fighter jet crashed this morning in southern Rajasthan's Sirohi. The pilot ejected safely.

The MiG 27 UPG aircraft, which flew from Uttarlai Air Force base in Barmer, experienced engine issues and crashed at around 11:45 am in Godana near Sheoganj in Sirohi, about 120 km south of Jodhpur.

A Court of Inquiry will probe the cause of the accident. Preliminary reports indicate no loss of property or life on ground.

The MiG-27 is a Soviet era ground-attack aircraft that India bought in the early 1980s. It flew strike missions in the Kargil War in 1999, hitting hard targets in the mountains.

Last month, another MiG-27 fighter jet crashed in Rajasthan's Jaisalmer. The fighter jet crashed during a training mission and the pilot ejected safely above the Pokhran range.
Please look if there is a thread running use it! Do not open new threads with the same topic!
Another Indian Aircraft MiG-27 Crashes

Mahnoor Sheikh (@mahnoorsheikh03) 42 seconds ago Sun 31st March 2019 | 01:10 PM

The MiG-27 aircraft was reportedly on a routine mission from Jodhpur when it crashed.

New Delhi (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 31st March, 2019) A MiG-27 aircraft of the Indian Air Force (IAF) has crashed near Sirohi in the western state of Rajasthan.

This comes just three weeks after another Indian Air Force MiG-21 fighter aircraft crashed in Rajasthan.

The MiG-27 aircraft was reportedly on a routine mission from Jodhpur when it crashed.



· 1h
Today morning a MiG 27 UPG aircraft on a routine mission from Jodhpur, crashed. Further details awaited.



Visuals from Rajasthan's Jodhpur where a MiG 27 UPG aircraft on a routine mission from Jodhpur, crashed this morning. pic.twitter.com/dGPL9yYk7P

12:24 PM - Mar 31, 2019
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The pilot managed to eject safely.

No loss of life or property has been reported on ground.

This has been the ninth crash of an IAF jet this year, with the latest such incident taking place earlier in March.

Speculation!!! Proofs are there in the pictures.
You are trying to tell me the jets just fall off the sky without any marks on the ground!!
No gouging on the earth on the ground!!!
A free falling heavy engine must have ground gouging or holes, fuselage, burnt metal parts and fire due to fuel burning.
All of them should be at same place,as in most of the air crashes, which is absent in this case.

Something fishy here, without a doubt.
Guys, pictures from Indian recent crashes.
That how crash sites look like, not what is shown above by ANI.
I have been saying this consistently, the losses of IAF are far greater than just one Mig 21.
Mig 21 shooting down didn't warranted the cries for Rafale from Modi and others.
Things more sinister had happened for IAF/IA on 27th Feb. They are just trying to cover it up.
The Indian journalist who was trying to analyse the two strikes on 26th by IAF and 27th by PAF had said that there were three bomb blast craters in one row near Brigade HQ. Which means that the bombs were not dropped in a hurry like IAF jet did, but a purposeful aim was taken that bombs hit the ground in geometrically on the ground, i.e. purposeful bombing.


Notice how the engine has neatly separated, no fire and hardly any damage to it. It's the heaviest component in the aircraft, yet falls from the sky and doesn't even kicks up any dust and lies straight.


Its 100% crashed. I will show why. The jet likely did not go down nose first, instead glided at slow speed. The body of the whole jet can be seen in one picture fairly intact with draglines at its back.

Guys, pictures from Indian recent crashes.
That how crash sites look like, not what is shown above by ANI.
I have been saying this consistently, the losses of IAF are far greater than just one Mig 21.
Mig 21 shooting down didn't warranted the cries for Rafale from Modi and others.
Things more sinister had happened for IAF/IA on 27th Feb. They are just trying to cover it up.
The Indian journalist who was trying to analyse the two strikes on 26th by IAF and 27th by PAF had said that there were three bomb blast craters in one row near Brigade HQ. Which means that the bombs were not dropped in a hurry like IAF jet did, but a purposeful aim was taken that bombs hit the ground in geometrically on the ground, i.e. purposeful bombing.



Hand-picked pictures, sorry to say.
Russians will be pissed man.. Feel sorry for them.
Its 100% crashed. I will show why. The jet likely did not go down nose first, instead glided at slow speed. The body of the whole jet can be seen in one picture fairly intact with draglines at its back.

Hand-picked pictures, sorry to say.
I am sure those who put it there must have made sure to put it so that it looks.like a crash

It seems from the picture that someone has just placed the engine there with a crane.


The top side of the engine casing is cracked open but the lower side which hit the ground don't even has a dent. I am bit confused wtf the hell is this engine and ground under neath it is made up of. May be it is Adamantium metal from X-men.
Or may be Unobtanium from movie Avatar

Its 100% crashed. I will show why. The jet likely did not go down nose first, instead glided at slow speed. The body of the whole jet can be seen in one picture fairly intact with draglines at its back.

Hand-picked pictures, sorry to say.
glided at slow speed
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