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Air force pilot Yunus is proud to be Indian

Do you carry your eyeballs and put them in place when the time comes to pick up the lines.."Arabian Grim Reaper with an AK-47"- Where did you come up with that btw?


Nah man, read almost all major newspapers of the sub-continent and abroad..kamine NYtimes ne lekin paise wassol kiya pehele..used to like Slate a lot..even tried to bare with the drudge report :sick::hang2:

You read Drudge Report?Seriously?:rofl:
Yes just the Muslims are asked to give a interview to the journalist to prove India and Indian Army are secular :lol: :rofl:

I think you misunderstand the concept of Secularism...
It doesnt mean equal representation based on percentage of population...

It means that whether you are Hindu, muslim, sikh or athiest, we will come down on you with equal brutality if you disturb the concept of our Nationhood!

Now get the basics right before commenting...

You read Drudge Report?Seriously?:rofl:

I tried to..I cannot bare that type. I can't sit through even a minute of Limbaugh..I tried since I started feeling biased..primarily coz I love Maher.

Man I thought we had gooks over here, the States have their own whole brand of em', tea-party..nuff said. :blink:
To be a Muslim & still living is already a huge thing in India...

Just think what it would be like to be one of the first Muslim PILOTS after 65 years of independence of india...:coffee:
Ya ya ya..BS can now replace facts. They are growing in numbers in India.

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