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Ahmadis: The lightning rod that attracts the most hatred

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Well, i just wanted to know as well, what is the differnce between Qadyani and other muslims if they accept the prophet as last prophet.
Yes! there is another one thing for Muslims we do not segregate and say we are Ahmedis. But we say we are just Mulims then why they always try to say we are Ahmedis or Qadianis. means that they have some different beliefs than we are. If they don't have different believes then we can't say them non-Muslims cuz they are true Muslims.
A Muslim will never try to hurt any Muslims feelings and not even non-Muslims. There could be difference in opinions. They shold not comeup with anything which is against Holy Quran and then claim we are Muslims. I mean this is ridiculous and disgusting.:smokin:

---------- Post added at 10:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:01 PM ----------

I always request Qadianis plz don't claim ureself Muslims as infact they are non-Muslims...and its my very humble request to them and we will reall respect them for this truth.... :smokin:

---------- Post added at 10:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:04 PM ----------

I will only allow this thread to go on as long as it does not directly target the religion or insult it.

---------- Post added at 11:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:51 AM ----------

Please refrain from directly targeting a persons belief. Debate on the causes of contention, not ridicule the cause itself.
I'm sorry I didn't mean to target anybody's belief I just tried to explain my experiences.
Well, i just wanted to know as well, what is the differnce between Qadyani and other muslims if they accept the prophet as last prophet.

dear we muslims believe that HAZRAT MUHAMMAD MUSTAFA (SAL LA HO TALA ALEHE WA ALEHE WASALAM) IS LAST PROPHET(RASOOL) and last MESSENGER( NABI)....... BUT QADIYANI were established to mislead muslims , here you should understand that they were acknowledged by britians first, And they were meant and they believe that HAZRAT MUHAMMAD MUSTAFA (SAL LA HO TALA ALEHE WA ALEHE WASALAM) is only Prophet And after him more NABI can come as FOLLOWING THE SAME SARIYA............... FOR this purpose they qoute half and edited translation of Quran, here another thing is that they also have created edited Quran....... first launched in america recently........ so for this reasons people who were illiterate or had less knowledge of islam mislead....... so this is the main difference........ and if anyone want full information about this sect i am available....... AND I HAVE STUDIED ALL SECTS FOR MORE THAN 10 YEARS AND WAS PRESENT IN NUMBER OF MANAZARAZS SO FEEL FREE TO ASK>>>>>>> MY email IS mymeaningislion@gmail.com.................
Now, coming to what will still remain as an instigator of violence. The declaration of Qadiyani's as Murtids.. those who have left Islam and are essentially to be treated as traitors i.e Killed in cold blood.


If the Qadianis claim to be Muslims they shall be slaughtered for blasphemy.

If they agree to call themselves non-Muslims they shall be slaughtered for apostasy (being Murtids).

Essentially Qadianis have the privilege of choosing how they want to be slaughtered in the Islamic Republic.

If the Qadianis claim to be Muslims they shall be slaughtered for blasphemy.

If they agree to call themselves non-Muslims they shall be slaughtered for apostasy (being Murtids).

Essentially Qadianis have the privilege of choosing how they want to be slaughtered in the Islamic Republic.
Look man U shold care about Ure religion not the Muslims.
and don't try to ridicule or make joke of any body's mistakes..
If they declare themselves as non- Muslims then they will be welcomed within our society for exposing the truth. Plz don't try to play with it....:angry:
I asked the Qadyani member and he said that they accept hazrat Muhammad pbuh as the last prophet and every word of Kalima Tayeba, unless there is something else, then why shouldnt they be accepted as muslims.

I followed the link given earlier in the thread, and there is a PDF that addressed this question. Apparently, they break the prophets into three categories:

- law givers: Moses, Mohammad
- reaffirmers: David, Jesus
- secondary: Mirza Qadiani

It's basically some creative interpretation of the concept of prophets to claim that Qadiani was a secondary prophet to Mohammad. These 'secondary' prophets have no meaning other than as secondary representatives of their main prophet. It sounds very much like a mahdi or an imam, but they call him a prophet.
Developereo, i disagree with u i lived most of my life outside of pakistan and whoever knows about the ideology of qadianies don't accept them as muslims and many when told about them they aslo don't accept them as muslims, so it is all the muslim don't accept them as muslims and not some


Fair enough. Personally, it has never been an issue for me. I am rarely curious about someone's religion or what they call themselves.

If the Qadianis claim to be Muslims they shall be slaughtered for blasphemy.

If they agree to call themselves non-Muslims they shall be slaughtered for apostasy (being Murtids).

Essentially Qadianis have the privilege of choosing how they want to be slaughtered in the Islamic Republic.

Don't hurt your small tiny head with what you can't understand. Today's Qadiyanis are not Murtids as they are Qadiyanis by birth. If they call themself Muslims then that's wrong, as they are not.

They do blasphmey, when they are doing it (not by claiming themself muslim but calling themself muslim and saying that's the right path what they follow).

Lastly, No qadiyani is being killed for calling himself a qadiyan or muslim. When he call himself Qadiyani, no body care what ever they do. When they call themself muslims, we correct them by saying (if you want to be called muslim, just follow muslims path). They get slaughter for their own stupidity, while saying some bad words about Islam or Prophet Muhammad. That has nothing to do with "Murtid"

Still didn't get it? No problem, i was expecting this from you!!
Sad the fact that they are hated . But they called for it when they subscribed to a british divide and rule proxy as a prophet. I have no hope for the fate of Ahmadis to change in Pakistan for next century.

Okay so basically taking your assumption that they were involved in some divide and rule something, were they tried in a criminal court and was the crime proven (god, I am calling faith a crime!). Further, were the kids in schools who were not even born then ( so when was the crime committed there?), also responsible for that crime (!).

This hate is a sad state of affairs. Clearly the Mullahs have done more damage to Pakistan today then the Ahmadis (even if assuming they did some wrong). And careful of the prediction of the fate of Ahmadis in Pakistan. You never know how the fate of Ahmadis could change Pakistan. God specially loves the ones who have been cheated and mistreated.

On the side, so what does a Researcher do exactly?
It was Zia Ul Haq who added Ahmadi specific terms in our constitution.Defining a muslim was enough why we needed Ahmadi specific clauses and shaamefully these clauses are still part of our constitution.
Muslims used to have hatred with Ahmadi even before Pakistan's independence.After independence the situation was not much different but with the constitutional amendment our state has supported violence against Ahmadis.
It was Zia Ul Haq who added Ahmadi specific terms in our constitution.Defining a muslim was enough why we needed Ahmadi specific clauses and shaamefully these clauses are still part of our constitution.
Muslims used to have hatred with Ahmadi even before Pakistan's independence.After independence the situation was not much different but with the constitutional amendment our state has supported violence against Ahmadis.

It is quite simple. It was a purely political decision. Zia need to obtain some sort of legitimacy to rule the country. Afterall what legitimacy did he have to murder Bhutto specially when the Army had lost half of Pakistan owing to its benevolent policies. When there was nothing positive to offer then just sing to the extremist choir! Do you not see those singing to the Taliban choir today? Then may be in a few years, there will be questions as to why was this necessary. Well it is necessary as you can see today for motivated powers to continue to keep the stranglehold on the politics and the rule in Pakistan. I guess the only plausible answer is that it happened and continues to happen all for the want of an army!
It was Zia Ul Haq who added Ahmadi specific terms in our constitution.Defining a muslim was enough why we needed Ahmadi specific clauses and shaamefully these clauses are still part of our constitution.
Muslims used to have hatred with Ahmadi even before Pakistan's independence.After independence the situation was not much different but with the constitutional amendment our state has supported violence against Ahmadis.
Sir ! I guess Gen. Zia whatever Zia did I highly support and agree to him cuz he did right for the country and for the safety and Identity of Islam. Yes! there are certain things he did worng cuz he was not a scholar by the religious clause addition withion our constitution was right. and we all Pakistanis supported him. If anybody who wanna disagree yes they are free to do that....:smokin:
Sir ! I guess Gen. Zia whatever Zia did I highly support and agree to him cuz he did right for the country and for the safety and Identity of Islam. Yes! there are certain things he did worng cuz he was not a scholar by the religious clause addition withion our constitution was right. and we all Pakistanis supported him. If anybody who wanna disagree yes they are free to do that....:smokin:

I will be happy to agree with you about everything that Zia did as being benign for Islam. The problem is that it was for which Islam. Was it for the Jinnah variety Islam or the Zia variety Islam.... that is what brings in the dichotomous relativity in this whole discussion of Pakistan being for Muslims as claimed by Jinnah and then his Islamic governance principles or then the Pakistan + Taliban being for Muslims as nurtured by Zia and his varying definition vide the same Islam. The disconnect is what is puzzling.
Looking towards the other side does not make the problem go away! Exactly what part of this is sensitive? Kids expelled from school because of their religion? What authority does your govt have to let these schools function without any reprimand despite such human rights violation?

We, in the third world, are still learning from the first world countries.....you need to go and teach the European countries to stop banning and expelling hijaab wearing muslim girls before you lecture us on anything else. You need to tell your country to stop stereotyping Muslims as terrorists. At the same time please provide the Jehovah's witnesses and many others the same respect and we shall learn from your example!
It was Zia Ul Haq who added Ahmadi specific terms in our constitution.Defining a muslim was enough why we needed Ahmadi specific clauses and shaamefully these clauses are still part of our constitution.
Muslims used to have hatred with Ahmadi even before Pakistan's independence.After independence the situation was not much different but with the constitutional amendment our state has supported violence against Ahmadis.
The problem with Qadianis is that they sagregate from the Muslim community as a different group and preach to the general public whatever is not within the Holy Quran. They shold not say themselves as Qadianis and brings beliefs(beliefs of Ghulam Qadiani) different than the common Muslims have. They shold not believe whatever Ghulam Qadiani said/declared/claimed. They shold believe whatever Holy Quran said. So here I humbly request all the Qadianis to leave the teachings of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani and just follow simply Holy Quran and Sunnah like all common Muslims do so they will be welcomed by all Muslims around the world....Nobody is going to ridicule or say something bad about them nomore. So many Qadianis did Taubah/repented and returned back to Islam and are welcomed back with respect. The rest of the Qadianis have chance too to come back to the Muslims faith freely. Islam loves peace and all Muslims loves peace. All Muslims in Pakistan and around the world will be happi with them.....:smokin:
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